第7章 Invest&Finance (2)
Stephen,83,and Samuel,53,used to do a lot of sailboat racing together. “That’s how we learned to work together as a team,” says Stephen. That experience was critical to the 1989 launch of the Alpine International Real Estate Equity fund,the first global real estate offering of its kind. Not only did that wed the son’s experience in real estate and REITS with the father’s decades of asset and portfolio management,it taught Samuel a valuable professional—and personal—lesson.“In the late 1980s,we were so big in the real estate sector that we found we were moving share prices around,” Samuel says.“I expressed concern to my dad. He said look farther afield,broaden your horizons and look for other types of opportunities.”That’s how the first international real estate fund was born. Today Alpine runs nine funds,but that first lesson remains key,Samuel says.“Take a broad,holistic approach not only to investing,but also to life.”
Ronald,62,started R.W. Rogé in 1986 as a financial planning and advisory business. He first started stock picking in the early 1970s but found that he wasn’t very good at it. He was better at finding good fund managers—like his son Steven,28,who joined the company in 1997.“I’m really good at strategy and looking at the big picture,”Ronald says.“Steve is very good at finding undervalued stocks.”Steven might have been a longtime disciple of Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett,but his first job at Dad’s office was making copies and doing other menial chores. After seven years of learning the business,Steven become portfolio manager of the Rogé Partners fund,which launched in late 2004. The fund got off to a good start,posting total returns of 10% and 21% in 2005 and 2006,respectively,but cooled off in 2007 and,of course,2008. But then that just makes the lessons instilled by the father all the more important.“When you are a value investor the most important thing is patience,” Ronald says.“Warren Buffett watched Coca-Cola for 25 years before he purchased it.”
罗纳德·罗杰和他的儿子斯蒂文·罗杰共同运营着R.W. Rogé & Co.和Rogé Partners fund。罗纳德谈到自己的儿子时说,“斯蒂文大约在八岁的时候,就发现把钱放到银行就可以得到利息,那是他第一次表现出对投资的兴趣。”罗纳德笑着说,“换句话说,他发现不干活也能挣钱。”
1989年,肯特·克劳福特决定辞去在所罗门兄弟的工作,回到巴尔的摩和父亲高登·克劳福特创立一家公司;现年76岁的高登当时担任T. Rowe Price的董事兼经理职位已长达20年。高登说,“我当时做的第一件事就是让肯特做总裁,然后他就做了20年的老板。小儿子罗赛尔于1999年加入公司。高登表示,“他们两人都有你所能想到的最好的道德与性格,这会给他们从事这个行业带来很大帮助。”克劳福特基金选择的股票都是可以长期持有的、市盈率较低的优质股。凭借这一策略,该基金过去3年、5年和过去10年的回报率一直都超过了标准普尔500指数。现年46岁的肯特说,他从父亲那里学到的最重要的经验就是,着眼于长远对投资股票很重要。他说,“当你年纪不大的时候,你一般不会这么想”。现年35岁的罗赛尔说,父亲教他们要经常质疑常规智慧。他说,“这已经渗透到我们的血液里了。父亲让我们以反向投资的眼光去寻找内在的隐藏价值,这是我们从父亲那里学到的最大教益。”
格拉泽父子|Mayflower Advisors