Smart City is the direction of new urbanization. In this book,firstly the process of city informatization in China was reviewed,a framework of Smart City was established,the developments of Smart City in China and some foreign countries were introduced. Then the applications of Internet of Things,Cloud Computing,Mobile Internet,Big Data and Spatial Information Technologies in Smart City were expounded,and the network infrastructure of Smart City was described.And then the three main areas of Smart City such as Smart Government,Smart Economy and Smart Society were discussed.At the sector of Smart Economy,Intelligent Manufacturing,Smart Industry,Smart Enterprise were elaborated.At the sector of Smart Society,Smart Health,Smart Education,Smart Community,Smart Family and Smart Tourism were elaborated. Finally,the policy environment,economic environment,social environment and technology environment of Smart City development were analyzed.
This book is suitable for Mayors and Chief Information Officer,ICT products and services providers,as well as graduates who specializing in discipline such as Computer Application,Information Management,Public Management,and so on.