When it was the Eight Hundred and First Night; She continued,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that after handing the scroll to Hasan,Shaykh Abd al-Kaddus told him what would befal him and said,'Whoso self imperilleth doeth himself to death;but also who ventureth naught advantageth naught.
However an thou fear for thy life,cast it not into danger of destruction;but,an thou fear not,up and do thy will,for I
have expounded to thee the whole case.Yet shouldest thou be minded to return to thy friends,the elephant is still here and he will carry thee to my nieces,who will restore thee to thy country and return thee to thy home,and Allah will vouchsafe thee a better than this girl,of whom thou art enamoured.'Hasan answered the Shaykh,saying,'And how shall life be sweet to me;except I win my wish? By Allah,I will never turn back,till I regain my beloved or my death overtake me!'And he wept and recited these couplets;'For loss of lover mine and stress of love I dree,* I stood bewailing self in deep despondency.
Longing for him,the Spring-camp's dust I kissed and kissed,*But this bred more of grief and galling reverie.
God guard the gone,who in our hearts must e'er abide * With nearing woes and joys which still the farther flee.
They say me,'Patience!' But they bore it all away: * On parting-day,and left me naught save tormentry.
And naught affrighted me except the word he said,*'Forget me not when gone nor drive from memory.'
To whom shall turn I? hope in whom when you are lost? * Who were my only hopes and joys and woes of me?
But ah,the pang of home-return when parting thus! * How joyed at seeing me return mine enemy.
Then well-away! this'twas I guarded me against! * And ah,thou lowe of Love double thine ardency![111]
An fled for aye my friends I'll not survive the flight;* Yet an they deign return,Oh joy! Oh ecstacy!
Never,by Allah tears and weeping I'll contain * For loss of you;but tears on tears and tears will rain.'
When Abd al-Kaddus heard his verse he knew that he would not turn back from his desire nor would words have effect on him,and was certified that naught would serve him but he must imperil himself,though it lose him his life.So he said to him,'Know;O my son,that the Islands of Wak are seven islands,wherein is a mighty host,all virgin girls,and the Inner Isles are peopled by Satans and Marids and warlocks and various tribesmen of the Jinn;
and whoso entereth their land never returneth thence;at least none hath done so to this day.So,Allah upon thee,return presently to thy people,for know that she whom thou seekest is the King's daughter of all these islands: and how canst thou attain to her? Hearken to me,O my son,and haply Allah will vouchsafe thee in her stead a better than she.'O my lord,'
answered Hasan,though for the love of her I were cut in pieces yet should I but redouble in love and transport! There is no help but that I enter the Wak Islands and come to the sight of my wife and children;and Inshallah,I will not return save with her and with them.'Said the Shaykh,'Then nothing will serve thee but thou must make the journey?'Hasan replied'Nothing! and I
only ask of thee thy prayers for help and aidance;so haply Allah will reunite me with my wife and children right soon.'Then he wept for stress of longing and recited these couplets;'You are my wish,of creatures brightest-light * I deem you lief as hearing,fain as sight:
You hold my heart which hath become your home * And since you left me,lords,right sore's my plight:
Then think not I have yielded up your love,* Your love which set this wretch in fierce affright:
You went and went my joy whenas you went;* And waned and wax'ed wan the brightest light:
You left me lone to watch the stars in woe: * Railing tears likest rain-drops infinite.
Thou'rt longsome to the wight,who pining lies * On wake;moon-gazing through the night;O Night! Wind! an thou pass the tribe where they abide * Give them my greeting,life is fain of flight.
And tell them somewhat of the pangs I bear: * The loved one kenneth not my case aright.'
Then he wept with sore weeping till he fainted away;and when he came to himself,Shaykh Abd al-Kaddus said to him,'O my son;thou hast a mother;make her not taste the torment of thy loss.'
Hasan replied,'By Allah,O my lord,I will never return except with my wife,or my death shall overtake me.'And he wept and wailed and recited these couplets;'By Love's right! naught of farness thy slave can estrange * Nor am I one to fail in my fealty:
I suffer such pains did I tell my case * To folk,they'd cry;'Madness! clean witless is he!'
Then ecstasy,love-longing,transport and lowe! * Whose case is such case how shall ever he be?'
With this the old man knew that he would not turn from his purpose,though it cost him his life;so he handed him the scroll and prayed for him and charged him how he should do,saying'I have in this letter given a strict charge concerning thee to Abā