第67章 RED-HANDED(3)
James Moore strode forward. It looked as if he was about to make an end of his miserable adversary, so strongly was he moved. His chest heaved, and the blue eyes blazed. But just as one had thought to see him take his foe in the hollow of his hand and crush him, who should come stalking round the corner of the house but the Tailless Tyke?
A droll spectacle he made, laughable even. at that moment. He limped sorely, his head and neck were swathed in bandages, and beneath their ragged fringe the little eyes gleamed out fiery and bloodshot.
Round the corner he came, unaware of strangers; then straightway recognizing his visitors, halted abruptly. His hackles ran up, each individual hair stood on end till his whole body resembled a new-shorn wheat-field; and a snarl, like a rusty brake shoved hard down~ escaped from between his teeth. Then he trotted heavily forward, his head sinking low and lower as he came.
And Owd Bob, eager to take up the gage of battle, advanced, glad and gallant, to meet him. Daintily he picked his way across the.
yard, head and tail erect, perfectly self-contained. Only the long gray hair about his neck stood up like the ruff of a lady of the court of Queen Elizabeth.
But the war-worn warriors were not to be allowed their will.
"Wullie, Wullie, wad ye!" cried the little man.
"Bob, lad, coom in!" called the other. Then~ he turned and looked down at the man beside him, contempt flaunting in every feature.
"Well?" he said shortly.
M'Adam's hands were opening and shuting; his face was quite white beneath the tan; but he spoke calmly.
"I'll tell ye the whole story, and it's the truth," he said slowly. "Iwas up there the morn "--pointing to the window above--" and I see Wullie crouchin' down alangside the Stony Bottom. (Ye ken he has the run o' ma land o' neets, the same as your dog.) In a minnit I see anither dog squatterin' alang on your side the Bottom. He creeps up to the sheep on th' hillside, chases 'em, and doons one. The sun was risen by then, and I see the dog clear as I see you noo. It was that dog there--I swear it!" His voice rose as he spoke, and he pointed an accusing finger at Owd Bob.
"Noo, Wullie! thinks I. And afore ye could clap yer hands, Wullie was over the Bottom and on to him as he gorged--the bloody-minded murderer! They fought and fought--I could hear the roarin'
a't where I stood. I watched till I could watch nae langer, and, all in a sweat, I rin doon the stairs and oot. When I got there, there was yer tyke makin' fu' split for Kenmuir, and Wullie comin' up the hill to me. It's God's truth, I'm tellin' ye. Tak' him hame, James Moore, and let his dinner be an ounce o' lead. 'Twill be the best day's work iver ye done."The little man must be lying--lying palpably. Yet he spoke with an earnestness, a seeming belief in his own story, that might have convinced one who knew him less well. But the Master only looked down on him with a great scorn.
"It's Monday to-day." he said coldly. "I gie yo' till Saturday. If yo've not done your duty by then--and well you know what 'tis--I shall come do it for ye. Ony gate, I shall come and see. I'll remind ye agin o' Thursday--yo'll be at the Manor dinner, I suppose. Noo I've warned yo', and you know best whether I'm in earnest or no. Bob, lad!"He turned away, but turned again.
"I'm sorry for ye, but I've ma duty to do-- so've you. Till Saturday Ishall breathe no word to ony soul o' this business, so that if you see good to put him oot o' the way wi'oot bother, no one need iver know as hoo Adam M'Adam's Red Wull was the Black Killer."He turned away for the second time. But the little man sprang after him, and clutched him by the arm.
"Look ye here, James Moore!" he cried in thick, shaky, horrible voice. "Ye're big, I'm sma'; ye're strang, I'm weak; ye've ivery one to your back, I've niver a one; you tell your story, and they'll believe ye--for you gae to church; I'll tell mine, and they'll think Ilie--for I dinna. But a word in your ear! If iver agin I catch ye on ma land, by--! "--he swore a great oath--" I'll no spare ye. You ken best if I'm in earnest or no." And his face was dreadful to see in its hideous determinedness.