第83章 CXCIV
Said Baligant: "But canter now, barons, Take one the wand, and the other one the glove!"These answer him: "Dear lord, it shall be done."Canter so far, to Sarraguce they come, Pass through ten gates, across four bridges run, Through all the streets, wherein the burghers crowd.
When they draw nigh the citadel above, From the palace they hear a mighty sound;About that place are seen pagans enough, Who weep and cry, with grief are waxen wood, And curse their gods, Tervagan and Mahum And Apolin, from whom no help is come.
Says each to each: "Caitiffs! What shall be done?
For upon us confusion vile is come, Now have we lost our king Marsiliun, For yesterday his hand count Rollanz cut;We'll have no more Fair Jursaleu, his son;The whole of Spain henceforward is undone."Both messengers on the terrace dismount.