On entering, Mdlle.de Cardoville threw down upon a chair the gray beaver hat she had worn to cross the garden, and displayed her fine golden hair, falling on either side of her face in long, light ringlets, and twisted in a broad knot behind her head.She presented herself without boldness, but with perfect ease: her countenance was gay and smiling; her large black eyes appeared even more brilliant than usual.When she perceived Abbe d'Aigrigny, she started in surprise, and her rosy lips were just touched with a mocking smile.
After nodding graciously to the doctor, she passed Baron Tripeaud by without looking at him, and saluted the princess with stately obeisance, in the most fashionable style.
Though the walk and bearing of Mdlle.de Cardoville were extremely elegant, and full of propriety and truly feminine grace, there was about her an air of resolution and independence by no means common in women, and particularly in girls of her age.Her movements, without being abrupt, bore no traces of restraint, stiffness, or formality.They were frank and free as her character, full of life, youth, and freshness; and one could easily divine that so buoyant, straightforward, and decided a nature had never been able to conform itself to the rules of an affected rigor.
Strangely enough, though he was a man of the world, a man of great talent, a churchman distinguished for his eloquence, and, above all, a person of influence and authority.Marquis d'Aigrigny experienced an involuntary, incredible, almost painful uneasiness, in presence of Adrienne de Cardoville.He--generally so much the master of himself, so accustomed to exercise great power--who (in the name of his Order) had often treated with crowned heads on the footing of an equal, felt himself abashed and lowered in the presence of this girl, as remarkable for her frankness as for her biting irony.Now, as men who are accustomed to impose their will upon others generally hate those who, far from submitting to their influence, hamper it and make sport of them, it was no great degree of affection that the marquis bore towards the Princess de Saint-Dizier's niece.
For a long time past, contrary to his usual habit, he had ceased to try upon Adrienne that fascinating address to which he had often owed an irresistible charm; towards her he had become dry, curt, serious, taking refuge in that icy sphere of haughty dignity and rigid austerity which completely hid all those amiable qualities with which he was endowed and of which, in general, he made such efficient use.Adrienne was much amused at all this, and thereby showed her imprudence--for the most vulgar motives often engender the most implacable hatreds.
From these preliminary observations, the reader will understand the divers sentiments and interests which animated the different actors in the following scene.
Madame de Saint-Dizier was seated in a large arm-chair by one side of the hearth.Marquis d'Aigrigny was standing before the fire.Dr.Baleinier seated near a bureau, was again turning over the leaves of Baron Tripeaud's biography, whilst the baron appeared to be very attentively examining one of the pictures of sacred subjects suspended from the wall.
"You sent for me, aunt, to talk upon matters of importance?" said Adrienne, breaking the silence which had reigned in the reception-room since her entrance.
"Yes, madame," answered the princess, with a cold and severe mien; "upon matters of the gravest importance."
"I am at your service, aunt.Perhaps we had better walk into your library?"
"It is not necessary.We can talk here." Then, addressing the marquis, the doctor, and the baron, she said to them, "Pray, be seated, gentlemen," and they all took their places round the table.
"How can the subject of our interview interest these gentlemen, aunt?"
asked Mdlle.de Cardoville, with surprise.
"These gentlemen are old family friends; all that concerns you must interest them, and their advice ought to be heard and accepted by you with respect."
"I have no doubt, aunt, of the bosom friendship of M.d'Aigrigny for our family: I have still less of the profound and disinterested devotion of M.Tripeaud; M.Baleinier is one of my old friends; still, before accepting these gentlemen as spectators, or, if you will, as confidants of our interview, I wish to know what we are going to talk of before them."
"I thought that, among your many singular pretensions, you had at least those of frankness and courage."
"Really, aunt," said Adrienne, smiling with mock humility, "I have no more pretensions to frankness and courage than you have to sincerity and goodness.Let us admit, once for all, that we are what we are--without pretension."
"Be it so," said Madame de Saint-Dizier, in a dry tone; "I have long been accustomed to the freaks of your independent spirit.I suppose, then, that, courageous and frank as you say you are, you will not he afraid to speak before such grave and respectable persons as these gentlemen what you would speak to me alone?"
"Is it a formal examination that I am to submit to? if so, upon what subject?"
"It is not an examination: but, as I have a right to watch over you, and as you take advantage of my weak compliance with your caprices, I mean to put an end to what has lasted too long, and tell you my irrevocable resolutions for the future, in presence of friends of the family.And, first, you have hitherto had a very false and imperfect notion of my power over you."
"I assure you, aunt, that I have never had any notion, true or false, on the subject--for I have never even dreamt about it."
"That is my own fault; for, instead of yielding to your fancies, I should have made you sooner feel my authority; but the moment has come to submit yourself; the severe censures of my friends have enlightened me in time.
Your character is self-willed, independent, stubborn; it must change--
either by fair means or by force, understand me, it shall change."