第14章 15th April,1834(2)
You will perceive that the amount of this estimate is less,by more than one-half,than the amount of the other.Schultz and Beneze's sheet consists of four sides,and they charge less for it than the printers of the University charge for theirs which consists only of two.I should therefore think that upon this ground they are entitled to the preference,were there nothing else to recommend them,which,in my humble opinion,there is;for being young beginners,and not having very much to do,they are more likely to push the work forward,than a firm overwhelmed with business,from whom,whatever might be promised,a sheet per week is the utmost to be expected,by which much valuable time must be lost.Dr.Schmidt is acquainted with Messrs.S.&B.,and highly approves of their being employed.
Secondly,concerning paper,with which the printer has no concern.
I can as yet say little for certain upon this matter,which has been the occasion of no little trouble and expense;for I have been obliged to take no less than three journeys to Peterhof,a town about 30VERSTS distant,where stands the paper rnanufactory,for there is no such paper as we want in the Russian capital.In this manufactory they have about 50STOPES or reams (we should require ten times that quantity for only 1000copies)of the very paper,Ibelieve,on which the Mandchou Gospel of St.Matthew was printed,and some of the workmen said that they could make as much more as should be required.Concerning the price of this paper,I could obtain no positive information,for the director and first and second clerks were invariably absent,and the place abandoned to ignorant understrappers (according to the custom of Russia).And notwithstanding I found out the director in Petersburg,he himself could not tell me the price,but informed me that he would inquire,and speedily send me word;but as I have as yet heard nothing from him,I write lest it should be supposed in England that I am sleeping on my station.I SHALL WRITE AGAIN IN A FEW DAYS ON THISPOINT;IN THE MEAN TIME YOU WOULD OBLIGE ME BY CAUSING THE ACCOUNTSOF DR.PINKERTON'S EXPENSES TO BE REFERRED TO,for the purpose of ascertaining how much he paid per ream for this kind of paper.Ibelieve it to be extravagantly dear,at least five times dearer than good common paper,which can be procured for fifteen roubles per ream;and if that be the case,common paper must be used and the book printed in the common fashion,unless the Society be prepared to disburse thousands instead of hundreds;for if the work were printed on this Chinese paper,four times more paper would be required than if it were printed on the other,as five multiplied by four make twenty,the expense of paper would be twenty times greater.
Thirdly,respecting Mr.Lipoftsoff,with whom I have of late had much conversation.He has behaved very handsomely.He has made an immense number of alterations in his translation,all of which are excellent improvements,and all these are to be at our disposal gratis.He says that he cannot receive any remuneration for looking over the work,being bound to do so as Censor.I shall therefore edit it,and have the supervision of the proof sheets,which he will peruse last of all.He having examined me in Mandchou did me the honour to say I required no assistance at all;but should the Committee and yourself be of opinion that it would be advisable to procure a little,the 'pundit'would be very happy for an extra six or seven shillings per week to collate with me when wanted.I have derived great benefit from this man,who though in many respects a most singular and uncouth being speaks Mandchou gallantly,with the real pronunciation of PEKIN,which differs considerably from that of PEKHAN (the desert),being far more soft and melodious.During the interval which will elapse between my writing to you and hearing from you,I shall borrow from Baron Schilling the Mandchou Old Testament and reperuse the notes in order to be able to give a suitable opinion as to their value.
My present opinion of them is no mean one.In answer to your query RESPECTING THE TRAN OF THE OLD TESTAMENT,I beg leave to inform you that it is in the hands of a Mr.Merrilies,an English merchant,to whom Mr.Swan entrusted it.I believe he starts for England by the first steam-boat.
I have the honour to remain,Revd.and dear Sir,sincerely yours,GEORGE BORROW.
P.S.-Since my last letter I have been laid up for some time with a nervous fever,but thank God I am quite recovered.My best respects to Mr.Brandram.Pray excuse the haste in which this letter is written,it will be barely in time for the post.