第31章 16th July,1835
To J.Tarn,Esq.(ENDORSED:recd.17Aug.1835)ST.PETERSBURG,JULY 16,1835.
MY DEAR SIR,-I herewith send you a bill of lading for six of the eight parts of the New Testament which I have at last obtained permission to send away,AFTER HAVING PAID SIXTEEN VISITS TO THEHOUSE OF INTERIOR AFFAIRS.The seventh part is bound and packed up;the eighth is being bound and will be completed in about ten days.It would have been ready a month since,having been nearly six weeks in the book-binder's hands,but he was disappointed in obtaining the necessary paper;I hope to have shipped all off,and to have bidden adieu to Russia,at the expiration of a fortnight.
I take this opportunity of informing you that I was obliged to purchase additional 85reams of paper,of every sheet of which Ishall give an account.1020copies of every sheet I ordered to be printed,that we might have a full 1000at the conclusion.20reams have at various times been sent to the binder for frontings and endings to the work,and there were 36sheets in the seventh and 33in the eighth part,consequently the demand for paper is not surprising.Since my last drafts upon the Treasurer I have received two thousand roubles from Asmus,Simondsen and Co.,for which I shall give them a draft on my departure when I receive my salary.My accompt since the period of my last writing to you,when I held in hand 518roubles of the Society's money,I shall deliver to you on my arrival.
I have the honour to remain,Dear Sir,Truly yours,G.BORROW.
Pray excuse this hasty letter,which I write from the Custom House.