Should he contemplate the radiant sun, That makes my life equal to dreadful death?
Venus, convey this monster fro the earth, That disobeyeth thus thy sacred hests!
Cupid, convey this monster to dark hell, That disanulls thy mother's sugared laws!
Mars, with thy target all beset with flames, With murthering blade bereave him of his life, That hindreth Locrine in his sweetest joys!
And yet, for all his diligent aspect, His wrathful eyes, piercing like Linces' eyes, Well have I overmatched his subtilty.
Nigh Deurolitum, by the pleasant Lee, Where brackish Thamis slides with silver streams, Making a breach into the grassy downs, A curious arch, of costly marble fraught, Hath Locrine framed underneath the ground;The walls whereof, garnished with diamonds, With ophirs, rubies, glistering emeralds, And interlast with sun-bright carbuncles, Lighten the room with artificial day:
And from the Lee with water-flowing pipes The moisture is derived into this arch, Where I have placed fair Estrild secretly.
Thither eftsoons, accompanied with my page, I covertly visit my heart's desire, Without suspicion of the meanest eye;For love aboundeth still with policy: