It seems to be a popular belief among those who are unfamiliar with the business of making motion pictures that all dangerous or difficult feats are merely tricks of the camera,and that the actors themselves take no risks whatever.The truth is that they take a good many more risks than the camera ever records;and that directors who worship what they call "punch"in their scenes are frequently as tender of the physical safety of their actors as was Napoleon or any other great warrior who measured results rather than wounds.
Robert Grant Burns had discovered that he had at least two persons in his company who were perfectly willing to do anything he asked them to do.He had set tasks before Jean Douglas that many a man would have refused without losing his self-respect,and Jean had performed those tasks with enthusiasm.She had let herself down over a nasty bit of the rim-rock whose broken line extended half around the coulee bluff,with only her rope between herself and broken bones,and with her blond wig properly tousled and her face turned always towards the rock wall,lest the camera should reveal the fact that she was not Muriel Gay.She had climbed that same rock-rim,with the aid of that same rope,and with her face hidden as usual from the camera.
She had been bound and gagged and flung across Gil Huntley's saddle and carried away at a sharp gallop,and she had afterwards freed herself from her bonds in the semi-darkness of a hut that half concealed her features,and had stolen the knife from Gil Huntley's belt while he slept,and crept away to where the horses were picketed.In the revealing light of a very fine moon-effect,which was a triumph of Pete's skill,she slashed a rope that held a high-strung "mustang"(so called in the scenario),and had leaped upon his bare back and gone hurtling out of that scene and into another,where she was riding furiously over dangerously rough ground,the whole outlaw band in pursuit and silhouetted against the skyline and the moon (which was another photographic triumph of Pete Lowry).
Gil Huntley had also done many things that were risky.Jean had shot at him with real bullets so many times that her nervousness on this particular day was rather unaccountable to him.Jean had lassoed him and dragged him behind Pard through brush.She had pulled him from a quicksand bed,--made of cement that showed a strong tendency to "set"about his form before she could rescue him,--and she had fought with him on the edge of a cliff and had thrown him over;and his director,anxious for the "punch"that was his fetish,had insisted on a panorama of the fall,so that there was no chance for Gil to save himself the bruises he got.Gil Huntley's part it was always to die a violent death,or to be captured spectacularly,because he was the villain whose horrible example must bear a moral to youthful brains.
Since Jean had become one of the company,he nearly always died at her hands or was captured by her.This left Muriel Gay unruffled and unhurt,so that she could weep and accept the love of Lee Milligan in the artistic ending of which Robert Grant Burns was so fond.
Jean had never before considered it necessary to warn Gil and implore him not to be nervous,and Gil took her solicitude as an encouraging sign and was visibly cheered thereby.He knew little of guns and fine marksmanship,and he did not know that it is extremely difficult to shoot a revolver accurately and instantaneously;whereas Jean knew very well that Gil Huntley might be thrown off ledges every day in the week without taking the risk he would take that day.
The scene was to close a full reel of desperate attempts upon the part of Gil Huntley to win Muriel;such desperate attempts,indeed,that Muriel Gay spent most of the time sitting at ease in the shade,talking with Lee Milligan,who was two thirds in love with her and had half his love returned,while Jean played her part for her.Sometimes Muriel would be called upon to assume the exact pose which Jean had assumed in a previous scene,for "close-up"that would reveal to audiences Muriel's well-known prettiness and help to carry along the deception.Each morning the two stood side by side and were carefully inspected by Robert Grant Burns,to make sure that hair and costumes were exactly alike in the smallest detail.This also helped to carry on the deception--to those who were not aware of Muriel's limitations.Their faces were not at all alike;and that is why Jean's face must never be seen in a picture.
This shooting scene was a fitting climax to a long and desperate chase over a difficult trail;so difficult that Pard stumbled and fell,--supposedly with a broken leg,--and Jean must run on and on afoot,and climb over rocks and spring across dangerous crevices.She was not supposed to know where her flight was taking her.Sometimes the camera caught her silhouetted against the sky (Burns was partial to skyline silhouettes),and sometimes it showed her quite close,--in which case it would be Muriel instead of Jean,--clinging desperately to the face of a ledge (ledges were also favorite scenes),and seeking with hands or feet for a hold upon the rough face of the rock.During the last two or three scenes Gil Huntley had been shown gaining upon her.
So they came to the location where the shooting scene was to be made that morning.Burns,with the camera and Pete and Muriel and her mother and Lee Milligan,drove to the place in the machine.Jean and Gil Huntley found them comfortably disposed in the shade,out of range of the camera which Pete was setting up somewhat closer than usual,under the direction of Burns.
"There won't be any rehearsal of this,"Burns stated at last,stepping back."When it's done,if you don't bungle the scene,it'll be done.You stand here,Jean,and kind of lean against the rock as if you're all in from that chase.You hear Gil coming,and you start forward and listen,and look,--how far can she turn,Pete;without showing too much of her face?"