第190章 BOOK X(42)
So Sir Palomides took his ship,and arrived up at the Delectable Isle.And in the meanwhile Sir Hermind that was the king's brother,he arrived up at the Red City,and there he told them how there was come a knight of King Arthur's to avenge King Hermance's death:And his name is Sir Palomides,the good knight,that for the most part he followeth the beast Glatisant.Then all the city made great joy,for mickle had they heard of Sir Palomides,and of his noble prowess.So let they ordain a messenger,and sent unto the two brethren,and bade them to make them ready,for there was a knight come that would fight with them both.So the messenger went unto them where they were at a castle there beside;and there he told them how there was a knight come of King Arthur's court to fight with them both at once.He is welcome,said they;but tell us,we pray you,if it be Sir Launcelot or any of his blood?He is none of that blood,said the messenger.Then we care the less,said the two brethren,for with none of the blood of Sir Launcelot we keep not to have ado withal.Wit ye well,said the messenger,that his name is Sir Palomides,that yet is unchristened,a noble knight.Well,said they,an he be now unchristened he shall never be christened.So they appointed to be at the city within two days.
And when Sir Palomides was come to the city they made passing great joy of him,and then they beheld him,and saw that he was well made,cleanly and bigly,and unmaimed of his limbs,and neither too young nor too old.
And so all the people praised him;and though he was not christened yet he believed in the best manner,and was full faithful and true of his promise,and well conditioned;and because he made his avow that he would never be christened unto the time that he had achieved the beast Glatisant,the which was a full wonderful beast,and a great signification;for Merlin prophesied much of that beast.And also Sir Palomides avowed never to take full christendom unto the time that he had done seven battles within the lists.
So within the third day there came to the city these two brethren,the one hight Helius,the other hight Helake,the which were men of great prowess;howbeit that they were false and full of treason,and but poor men born,yet were they noble knights of their hands.And with them they brought forty knights,to that intent that they should be big enough for the Red City.Thus came the two brethren with great bobaunce and pride,for they had put the Red City in fear and damage.Then they were brought to the lists,and Sir Palomides came into the place and said thus:Be ye the two brethren,Helius and Helake,that slew your king and lord,Sir Hermance,by felony and treason,for whom that I am come hither to revenge his death?Wit thou well,said Sir Helius and Sir Helake,that we are the same knights that slew King Hermance;and wit thou well,Sir Palomides Saracen,that we shall handle thee so or thou depart that thou shalt wish that thou wert christened.It may well be,said Sir Palomides,for yet I would not die or I were christened;and yet so am I not afeard of you both,but I trust to God that I shall die a better christian man than any of you both;and doubt ye not,said Sir Palomides,either ye or Ishall be left dead in this place.
Of the battle between Sir Palomides and the two brethren,and how the two brethren were slain.
THEN they departed,and the two brethren came against Sir Palomides,and he against them,as fast as their horses might run.And by fortune Sir Palomides smote Helake through his shield and through the breast more than a fathom.All this while Sir Helius held up his spear,and for pride and orgulit he would not smite Sir Palomides with his spear;but when he saw his brother lie on the earth,and saw he might not help himself,then he said unto Sir Palomides:Help thyself.And therewith he came hurtling unto Sir Palomides with his spear,and smote him quite from his saddle.Then Sir Helius rode over Sir Palomides twice or thrice.And therewith Sir Palomides was ashamed,and gat the horse of Sir Helius by the bridle,and therewithal the horse areared,and Sir Palomides halp after,and so they fell both to the earth;but anon Sir Helius stert up lightly,and there he smote Sir Palomides a great stroke upon the helm,that he kneeled upon his own knee.Then they lashed together many sad strokes,and traced and traversed now backward,now sideling,hurtling together like two boars,and that same time they fell both grovelling to the earth.
Thus they fought still without any reposing two hours,and never breathed;and then Sir Palomides waxed faint and weary,and Sir Helius waxed passing strong,and doubled his strokes,and drove Sir Palomides overthwart and endlong all the field,that they of the city when they saw Sir Palomides in this case they wept and cried,and made great dole,and the other party made as great joy.
Alas,said the men of the city,that this noble knight should thus be slain for our king's sake.And as they were thus weeping and crying,Sir Palomides that had suffered an hundred strokes,that it was wonder that he stood on his feet,at the last Sir Palomides beheld as he might the common people,how they wept for him;and then he said to himself:Ah,fie for shame,Sir Palomides,why hangest thou thy head so low;and therewith he bare up his shield,and looked Sir Helius in the visage,and he smote him a great stroke upon the helm,and after that another and another.And then he smote Sir Helius with such a might that he fell to the earth grovelling;and then he raced off his helm from his head,and there he smote him such a buffet that he departed his head from the body.And then were the people of the city the joyfullest people that might be.So they brought him to his lodging with great solemnity,and there all the people became his men.And then Sir Palomides prayed them all to take keep unto all the lordship of King Hermance: