Part II Listening Comprehension
Section A
News Report One
Commemorations are underway to mark two years since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board.[1]In Beijing, relatives of Chinese passengers on the missing flight have filed a lawsuit against Malaysia Airlines.Despite daily visits to the airline's office to understand what may have happened to their loved ones, they feel they are being ignored.“We're here to go after Malaysia Airlines, Boeing, Rolls-Royce and anyone else who's responsible, because they didn't provide us with the support we were entitled to.They caused us harm and we will ask for compensation.”Experts are now studying a piece of debris found last week on a beach in Mozambique.[2]If it's confirmed to be a piece of the missing flight, it would be the second to be washed up on a shore—last year, a section of the plane's wing was found off Reunion Island.
1.What can we learn about the MH370 tragedy from the news report?
2.Where was the first debris of the missing MH370 found?
利用播放答题导语的时间,快速浏览每道小题的四个选项。由选项关键词Malaysia Airlines、missing、Flight MH370、in Malaysia等可预测,该则新闻与马航MH370失踪事件有关,听音时应结合选项听相关细节。
News Report Two
This is Lebanon.Nearly two million Syrian refugees have settled.As another harsh winter sets in, many people struggle to keep their tents warm enough for their young children.About 195,000 Syrian families are particularly at risk.The number of years that refugees have stayed here means that they are facing increasing vulnerabilities.All of their savings have been depleted.[3]Many have moved into the settlements because they are cheaper than living in flats or apartments in town.They are not used to these conditions.It is practically impossible to find a job and therefore they have no income and are totally reliant on resources from humanitarian agencies.[4]A snowstorm over the weekend worsened conditions for many families.Some stayed inside huddled around their stoves to keep warm.One refugee says, “It's important to keep my children alive.The cold is easier than death, barrel bombs and shelling.”
3.Why did many refugees move into the settlements?
4.What made the conditions of settlements worse for the refugees?
News Report Three
Fast-food chain McDonald's is adding French fries with chocolate sauce to its menu in Japan.The new item is called McChoco Potato.A portion of the potatoes and chocolate cost 330 yen, which is around $3.[5]The chocolate fries are McDonald's Japan's attempt to reverse poor sales.According to the Japan Times, McDonald's Japan reported an annual loss of over 34 billion yen, or nearly $300 million, last year.“Undoubtedly, 2015 was the most challenging year we have faced in our 45-year history,”[6]said McDonald's Japan's president Sarah Casanova.[7]U.S.-based McDonald's opened its first restaurant in Tokyo in 1971.In the past few years, McDonald's Japan closed hundreds of the restaurants known for its golden arches.Because of the McChoco Potato, customer sales increased in January for the first time in a number of years.“The chocolate fries have been extremely popular with customers, and actually not just customers in Japan,”said Casanova.The chocolate-covered French fries debuted January 26.They are available at Japan's McDonald's for a limited time.
5.What's the purpose of launching McChoco Potato?
6.Who is Sarah Casanova?
7.When was the first McDonald's restaurant opened up in Tokyo?
利用播放答题导语的时间,快速浏览每道小题的四个选项。由选项关键词customer needs、sales、McDonald's等可预测,该则新闻与麦当劳有关,很可能涉及其销售状况。
Section B
Conversation One
W:[8]Good evening, and welcome to this week's Business World, the program for and about business people.Tonight we have Mr.Steven Kane, who has just taken over an established bicycle shop.Tell us, Mr.Kane, what made you want to run your own store?
M:Well, I've always loved racing bikes and fixing them.[9]When I was working full-time as a salesman for a big company, I seldom had time to enjoy my hobby.I knew then that as soon as I had enough money to get my own business going, I'd do it.I had my heart set on it and I didn't let anything stand in my way.[10]When I went down to the bank and got a business loan, I knew I'd love being my own boss.Now my time is my own.I open the store when I want and leave when I want.
W:You mean you don't keep regular hours?
M:Well, the sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, but if business is slower than usual, I can just lock up and take off early.
W:Have you hired any employees to work with you yet?
M:[11]Yeah, a couple of friends of mine who love biking as much as I do.They help me out a few days a week.It's great because we play cards or just sit around and talk when there are no customers.
W:Thank you, Mr.Kane.We wish you success in your new business.
8.What is the woman doing?
9.What did Mr.Kane do before he took over the bicycle shop?
10.Why did the man take over a bicycle shop?
11.What do we learn about the people working in the shop?
2.B项中提到了her, 故听音时应重点留意女士的话。
【听前预测】四项均以he开头;四项均为一般过去时态;四项均含有与职业相关的词(repaired bicycles, consultant, salesman, coached in a racing club)。
结论:本题可能考查男士做某事或不做某事的原因,听音时应将重点放在own boss、profitable、start from scratch(白手起家)以及debt上。
2.两项含有与工作或报酬相关的词(work, paid),一项说明了they的身份,一项说明了they的喜好。
结论:该题是对they的相关信息进行考查,由B项可知,they与男士相关。听音时应首先弄清楚they的指代对象,并将听音重点放在各选项关键词(work five days, paid by the hour, friends, enjoy gambling)上,然后再根据问题做出判断。
Conversation Two
W:Well, the main activities in the region were historically steel and paper processing, I think.
M:Yes, but I'm not quite sure about the status of those industries now.Could you tell us something about that?
W:Yes, of course.[12]In fact, they are less significant, but steel-related manufacturing still accounts for 44% of industrial activity.So it's still very important.In fact, 80% of Spain's machine tools are from the Basque Country.As for paper processing, there's still a little.But it's no longer what it once was in the region.So, is that clear?
M:Yes, thanks.
W:Now, to get back to what I was saying, there's a lot of unemployment as well as geographical problems in the region.
M:Sorry, Victoria.What do you mean by geographical problems?
W:Well, what I mean is the area is very hilly, mountainous in parts.[13]So there used to be transport problems, now though there are new train links and better roads, but it may be that some smaller towns inland remain not very well-connected.Is that OK? Does that make sense? [14]When we talk about specific location suggestions for the factory, we'll see this in more detail, so we'll come back to this question, OK?
M:OK, right.
W:So, I was about to say something about the work force in the region and the level of training and education.[15]In general, it's very good and improving.
12.What does the woman say about steel-related manufacturing in the region?
13.What problem hinders the region's development?
14.What will the speakers discuss later?
15.What does the woman think about the work force and the level of training and education there?
【听前预测】四项均以it开头;三项含有与产业或经济相关的词(industry, industrial activity, GDP)。
结论:该题可能考查与it相关的产业或经济状况。听音时应首先弄清楚it的指代对象,并将听音重点放在各选项的关键词(service industry, major part, industrial activity, history, paper processing, 80 percent, region's GDP)上,然后再根据问题进行判断。
2.四项均含有表示问题或困难的词(problems, shortage, lack, poor)。
2.两项含有与产业相关的词(product, factory),两项含有与公司或工作相关的词(companies, job)。
Section C
Passage One
[16]I first met Joe Gumps when we were both 9 years old, which is probably the only reason he is one of my best friends.If I had first met Joe as a freshman in high school, we wouldn't even have had the chance to get to know each other.Joe is a day student, but I am a boarding student.We haven't been in the same classes, sports or extracurricular activities.Nonetheless, [17]I spend nearly every weekend at his house, and we talk on the phone every night.This is not to say that we would not have been compatible if we had first met in our freshman year.Rather, we would not have been likely to spend enough time getting to know each other, due to the lack of immediately visible mutual interests.
In fact, to be honest, I struggle even now to think of things we have in common, but maybe that's what makes us enjoy each other's company so much.When I look at my friendship with Joe, I wonder how many people I've known whom I never disliked but simply didn't take the time to get to know.[18]Thanks to Joe, I have realized how little basis there is, for the social divisions that exist in every community.Since this realization, I have begun to make an even more determined effort to find friends in unexpected people and places.
16.Why does the speaker say Joe Gumps became one of his best friends?
17.Where does the speaker spend most of his weekends?
18.What has the speaker learned from his friendship with Joe?
快速浏览各题选项,由其中的关键词shared、mutual、in common、friendships以及become friends可以发现,本文可能谈论与友情相关的内容。第一题涉及两人的共同点,第二题涉及地点,第三题涉及得出的结论,听音时应重点关注相关内容。
【解题思路】四项均以they开头,且时态均为一般过去时;三项含有表示共同点的词语(shared, mutual, in common)。
【解题思路】四项都是以at开头的地点状语。听音时应留意与地点有关的信息,尤其应注意是否有提到local club、house、sports center或boarding school的地方。
【解析】说话者提到,他和乔并不是同班,在体育活动或课外活动方面也没有什么交集,但他几乎每个周末都在他家度过,每天晚上也都和他通电话。由此可知,B为正确答案,且关键词at his house在选项B中原词复现。
【解题思路】两项含有表示朋友、友情的词(friendships, friends);两项含有表示困难的词(difficult, hard),两项含有表示差异的词(different backgrounds, social divisions)。
Passage Two
It was a bad night for Louis.His research in the neighboring town had taken longer than he expected.It was late and he was very tired when he drove home.[19]He turned into his building's parking lot, but all the spaces were full.He drove back out onto the street looking for a parking space.The first block was full.The next block was almost empty.Louis didn't see a no-parking sign, but he suspected that if parking were allowed there, most of the spaces would be filled.Then he saw a small parking lot with two free spaces.He was so glad to see them that he didn't even think to read the sign by the entrance.He drove in, parked, and hurried home to go to bed.The next morning he went back to the lot to get his car.It was gone.[20]He ran home and telephoned the city police to say that his car had been stolen.It took the police only a minute to tell him what had happened.His car had been on a private lot.It had been taken away by the police.[21]Louis had to take a taxi to the city garage far from the center of town.He had to pay a fee of $40 to get his car back.In addition, he got a parking ticket—his first one ever in Greenville.
19.Where did Louis intend to park his car when he came back from work one night?
20.What did Louis think had happened to his car the next morning?
21.Where did Louis finally get his car back?
快速浏览此部分的各个选项可以发现,第19和21题的选项均为地点状语,且多次提到parking lot、garage等与车有关的地点,第20题为被动态的过去完成时,且其中的过去分词多带有“消失,不见”等含义,如:taken、moved、stolen。由此可以大致推测出,文章讲述了发生在过去的一个故事,很可能和车辆等的失踪有关,应特别留意表示地点的线索词。
【解题思路】四项均为地点状语;三项含有与车相关的地点(parking lot, parking meter, street)。
【解析】本题问一天晚上路易斯工作结束回家时想把车停在什么地方。intend to表示主观意愿。文章开头处提到,下了班十分疲惫的路易斯开着车拐进小区的停车场,但发现所有的车位都满了,可见他最初是想把车停进小区停车场的,应选B, 其中的his building's parking lot为文中的原词复现。A项the entrance of a park是利用park的一词多义设置的干扰项;C项中的parking meter指的是“(电子)停车收费器”;D项at a street corner文中没有提到。
1.四项都由“it had been + 过去分词”的形式构成。
2.三项的过去分词都带有“消失,不见”等含义(taken, moved, stolen)。
【解析】题干问的是路易斯“以为”它的车怎么样了。根据文章内容,路易斯停好车后就回家睡觉了,第二天早晨,他去停车场找自己的车,但发现车已经不见了,他赶紧跑回家,向警察报案说他的车被偷了。可见,路易斯以为自己的车丢了,had been stolen在选项C中原词复现,故C为正确答案。虽然后文中说到,路易斯的车其实是因为停在了他人的私家车位,所以被警察拖走了,但这并不是路易斯所猜测的汽车失踪的原因。
【解题思路】四项均为地点状语;两项含有与汽车有关的词(parking, garage)。
【解析】文章最后提到,路易斯不得不坐出租车来到远离市中心的城市车库(city garage)取回他的车,并交了40美元的费用,故选D。
Passage Three
[22]Well, to pick up where we left off last time, I believe we agreed the creativity is a mysterious idea.It's one of those things we all recognize when we see it.But we don't really understand what it is.We seem to feel that some people are naturally creative, but we don't know how they got that way.Is creativity a natural gift like good looks? Or is it something that can be acquired like knowledge? Perhaps if we analyze the creative process carefully, we might get some insight into what it is and how it might work in our lives.[23]The creative process has always been accepted as the source of all important work in the arts.But we should not think the creativity plays a role only in the arts.[24]Every major scientific discovery began with someone imagining the world to look differently from the way others saw it.And this is what creativity is all about: imagining the world in a new way.And despite what you may believe about the limits of your own creative imaginations, we all have the potential to imagine the world in an absolutely new way.
In fact, you were born with it.It is your birth right as a human being.[25]And what's more, you use it every day almost every moment of your life.Your creative imagination is what you use to make sense of your experiences.It's your creative mind that gets meaning from the chaos of your experiences and brings order to your world.
22.What did the speaker most probably discuss last time?
23.What is a widely accepted idea about the creative process?
24.What leads to major scientific discoveries according to the speaker?
25.What does the speaker imply about the creative process?
【解题思路】四项均为名词性短语;三项含有与创造力有关的词(creative, creativity);仔细观察,四项均带有一定的话题性质(famous…individuals, mysteriousness of, scientific discovery, creativity…in arts)。
【解析】本题是问说话者上次最可能讲到了什么内容,解题线索在文章第一句话:Well, to pick up where we left off last time, I believe we agreed the creativity is a mysterious idea。由这句话可知,在上一次讲述中,讲话者谈到了创造力的难以理解性,选项B是对原文的同义转述,为正确答案。
【解题思路】四项均以it开头;三项含有与人有关的词语(people, we);两项含有all。
【解析】题目问到,关于创造过程,哪一种观点是人们普遍认同的。文中的has always been accepted与题目中的is a widely accepted idea意思相同,其后即为解题线索。该句提到,人们普遍认为创造过程是一切重要艺术作品的源泉。选项D中的the source of all artistic work是原文中的the source of all important work in the arts的同义转述,故为正确答案。
【解题思路】四项均为“形容词+名词”的结构;四项均涉及人的思维活动或能力(imagination, reasoning, curiosity, thinking)。
【解析】本题问根据讲话者的观点,是什么导致了重大的科学发现(major scientific discoveries)。文中讲到,每个重大的科学发现都始于某个人用与众不同的方式去想象和看待世界,这便是创造力之所在。imagination和creativity是该观点中的两个关键词,故本题应选A。
【解题思路】四项均以it开头;两项含有与人相关的词(people, human);两项涉及普遍性(ordinary, everyday),一项涉及独特性(unique)。