Cultural Transformation and Value Reconstruction:
An Interview with Prof. Feng Tianyu
Abstract: There is endless discussion about cultural transformation with the process of global modernization, during which undoubtedly comes the following global challenges such as how to define the nature of cultural transformation, how to make a rational judgment towards different theories, and how to find a historic path for social reconstruction. Through more than 40 years of reform and open policy, the development of Chinese society and culture steps into a complicated juncture. Regarding the problems and chaotic cultural status during social transformation, it is a priority for researchers of humanity and social sciences to make a deep academic discussion so as to promote theory innovation. Professor Feng Tianyu is not only a domestic well-known but also an international influential expert on cultural history study, who is the earliest domestic scholar and one of the most successful scholars doing research on Chinese cultural history. For almost 50 years' research on Chinese cultural history, Professor Feng Tianyu has shaped a broad vision on this academic area and has published many relevant books from which valuable thoughts can be seen towards the issues of Chinese social and cultural transformation and value reconstruction. The Editorial Department of“Culture Development Review”has entrusted Professor Nie Yunwei from School of Chinese Language and Literature in Hubei University to ask for Professor Feng Tianyu's opinion towards the issues mentioned above, and published this interview for the readers.
Keywords: Globalization, Cultural Transformation, Value Reconstruc-tion
About the Author: Feng Tianyu(1942-), Senior Professor of Humanity and Social Sciences in Wuhan University, Head of Research Center of Traditional Chinese Cultural Studies in Wuhan University. Magnum opuses: The Cultural History of Ming and Qing Dynasty, The History of Wuchang Revolt in the 1911 Revolution, Critical Biography of Zhang Zhidong, Practical Ideology in Late Qing Dynasty, Deconstructing Autarchy: A Study of the“New People-first”Idea in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty, Qian Suiwan's Tour in Shanghai: Observing China in 1962 from Japanese's Eyes, The Origins of the New Expressions: the Cultural Interaction among China, Japan and Western Countries and the Terminology in Modern Times, The Spirits of Chinese Ancient Classics, A Study on Feudalism, Outline of Chinese Cultural History, etc. The published works have been awarded China's National Book Award, Outstanding Achievement Award of Humanity and Social Sciences by the Ministry of Education, Outstanding Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences by Hubei Provincial Department of Ed ucation. Besides, many his published works have been translated into English, Japanese, Spanish and Korean. E-mail: tyfeng@whu.edu.cn.
Nie Yunwei(1955-), Professor of Chinese Language and Literature,Hubei University. Research interests and specialties: aesthetics, literature theory, and ideological history. Magnum opuses: Biography of Einstein, The Power of Ideas, etc. E-mail: nieyw_55@126.com.