Thoughts in Westminster Abbey

Joseph Addison
I endeavored to form some arrangement in my mind of the objects I had been contemplating, but found they were already falling into indistinctness and confusion. Names, inscriptions, trophies, had all become confounded in my recollection, though I had scarcely taken my foot from off the threshold. What, thought I, is this vast assemblage of sepulchres but a treasury of humiliation; a huge pile of reiterated homilies on the emptiness of renown and the certainty of oblivion? It is, indeed, the empire of death; his great shadowy palace where he sits in state mocking at the relics of human glory and spreading dust and forgetfulness on the monuments of princes. How idle a boast, after all, is the immortality of a name! Time is ever silently turning over his pages; we are too much engrossed by the story of the present to think of the characters and anecdotes that gave interest to the past; and each age is a volume thrown aside to be speedily forgotten. The idol of today pushes the hero of yesterday out of our recollection, and will in turn be supplanted by his successor of tomorrow. “Our fathers,” says Sir Thomas Browne, “find their graves in our short memories, and sadly tell us how we may be buried in our survivors.” History fades into fable; fact becomes clouded with doubt and controversy; the inscription moulders from the tablet; the statue falls from the pedestal. Columns, arches, pyramids, what are they but heaps of sand, and their epitaphs but characters written in the dust?
What then is to ensure this pile which now towers above me from sharing the fate of mightier mausoleums? The time must come when its gilded vaults, which now spring so loftily, shall lie in rubbish beneath the feet; when, instead of the sound of melody and praise the wind shall whistle through the broken arches, and the owl hoot from the shattered tower, —when the garish sunbeam shall break into these gloomy mansions of death, and the ivy twine round the fallen column; and the fox-glove hang its blossoms about the nameless urn, as if in mockery of the dead. Thus man passes away; his name passes from record and recollection; his history is as a tale that is told, and his very monument becomes a ruin.
indistinctness [ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋktnəs] n. 模糊
【拓】distinct [dɪˈstɪŋkt] a. 清楚的
inscription [ɪnˈskrɪpʃn] n. 铭文,碑文
【拓】inscribe [ɪnˈskraɪb] v. 题(名字等)
trophy [ˈtrəʊfi] n. 纪念品;奖品
【拓】souvenir [ˌsuːvəˈnɪə(r)] n. 纪念品
confounded [kənˈfaʊndɪd] a. 混乱的
【拓】confound [kənˈfaʊnd] v. 使混淆
assemblage [ˈsemblɪdʒ] n. 聚集,集合
【拓】assemble [əˈsembl] v. 聚集,集合
sepulchre [ˈseplkə(r)] n. 坟墓
【拓】grave [ɡreɪv] n. 坟墓
reiterate [riˈɪtəreɪt] v. 重申,反复讲
【拓】repeat [rɪˈpiːt] v. 重做,重复
homily [ˈhɒməli] n. 说教,训诫
【拓】homely [ˈhəʊmli] a. 简单舒适的
renown [rɪˈnaʊn] n. 名誉,声誉
【拓】reputation [ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn] n. 名声
oblivion [əˈblɪviən] n. 遗忘
【拓】oblivious [əˈblɪviəs] a. 忘记的
immortality [ˌɪmɔːˈtæləti] n. 不朽
【拓】immortal [ɪˈmɔːtl] a. 不朽的
engross [ɪnˈɡrəʊs] v. 使全神贯注
【拓】interest [ˈɪntrəst] v. 使感兴趣
anecdote [ˈænɪkdəʊt] n. 轶事
【拓】tale [teɪl] n. 故事;传闻
supplant [səˈplɑːnt] v. 取代,代替
【拓】replace [rɪˈpleɪs] v. 取代,代替
moulder [ˈməʊldə(r)] v. 腐烂,腐朽
【拓】decay [dɪˈkeɪ] v. 腐烂,腐朽
pedestal [ˈpedɪstl] n. 基架,基座
【拓】petal [ˈpetl] n. 花瓣
epitaph [ˈepɪtɑːf] n. 碑文
【拓】episode [ˈepɪsəʊd] n. 一集
mausoleum [ˌmɔːsəˈliːəm] n. 陵墓
【拓】tomb [tuːm] n. 坟墓
garish [ˈɡeərɪʃ] a. 过于艳丽的
【拓】dazzle [ˈdæzl] v. 使眼花缭乱
fox-glove ['fɒksglʌv] n. 毛地黄
【拓】glove [ɡlʌv] n. 手套
urn [ɜːn] n. 骨灰盒
【拓】container [kənˈteɪnə(r)] n. 容器
mock at 嘲笑
【例】When she first arrived here, everyone mocked at her accent. However, several months later, she speaks English like a native. 她初到这里的时候,所有人都嘲笑她的口音。然而,几个月之后,她就能说一口地道的英语了。