009【“担心”的话就要这样说!】I'm worried / worrying about...我很担心……
I'm worried about my grade. 我很担心我的成绩。
I'm worried about you. 我很担心你。
I'm worried about my sister. 我很担心我的妹妹。
I'm worried about her condition. 我很担心她的状况。
She is worried about talking with her parents. 她为跟她的父母谈心而担心。
I am worrying about my unfinished task. 我为我未完成的任务而担心。
I am worrying about letting her down. 我担心让她失望了。
I'm worried that he could lose my book. 我担心他会弄丢我的书。
1.A: What's the matter?怎么了?
B: I'm worried about my grades.我担心我的成绩。
2.A: I'm worried about talking with her parents.我担心跟她的父母谈话。
B: Just relax, they will like you.放松一点,他们会喜欢你的。
3.A: What are you thinking about?你在想什么呢?
B: I am worrying about my unfinished task.我愁着我没完成的任务呢。
4.A: I'm worried that he could lose my book.我担心他会弄丢我的书。
B: Don't worry! You will get a new one when it happens.别担心!要是那样的话,你会有一本新书的。
温馨提示:“I'm worried about...”中用到的是“worry”的形容词形式,我们可以将它换成动词形式,就变成了另一种表达“I worry about...”,或用现在进行时“I'm worrying about...”,你学会了吗?