Hold me close
and tell me what the world is like
I don't want to look outside
I want to depend on your eyes
and your lips
I don't want to feel anything
but your hand
on the old raw bumper
I don't want to feel anything else
If you love the dead rocks
and the huge rough pine trees
Okay I like them too
Tell me if the wind
makes a pretty sound
I'll close my eyes and smile
Tell me if it's a good morning
or a clear morning
Tell me what the fuck
kind of morning it is
and I'll buy it
And get the dog
to stop whining and barking
This isn't China
nobody's going to eat it
Okay go if you must
I'll create the cosmos
by myself
I'll let it all stick to me
every dismal pine cone
every boring pine needle
And I'll broadcast my affection
from this shaven dome
360 degrees
to all the dramatic vistas
to all the mists and snows
that move across
the shining mountains
to the women bathing
in the stream
and combing their hair
on the roofs
to the voiceless ones
who have petitioned me
from their surprising silence
to the poor in heart
though they be rich
to all the thought-forms
and leaking mental objects
that you get up here
at the end of your ghostly life