阅读主题2 Education
Part 1 聊聊教育——高频词汇串串记
● 重要性:很多调查(____)显示(____),人的性格
education/´edjʊ´keɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 教育
permanent/´pɜːm(ə)nənt/adj. 永恒的
individual/´ɪndɪ´vɪdjʊ(ə)l/ n. 个人;个体 adj. 个人的
various/´veərɪəs/ adj. 各种各样的
a variety/və´raɪətɪ/of 各种各样的
variety n. 种类;多样
early childhood education 早期儿童教育
schooling/´skuːlɪŋ/ n. 学校教育
survey/sə´veɪ/ n./vt. 调查
research/rɪ´sɜːtʃ; ´riːsɜːtʃ/ n./vt. 调查
evidence/´evɪd(ə)ns/ n. 证据
suggest/sə´dʒest/ vt. 显示;表明;建议
illustrate/´ɪləstreɪt/ vt. 显示;表明
indicate/´ɪndɪkeɪt/ vt. 表明
personality/´pɜːsə´næləti/ n. 性格
character/´kærəktə/ n. 性格
form/fɔːm/ vt. 形成
foster/´fɒstə/ vt. 培育;培养
cultivate/´kʌltɪveɪt/ vt. 培育;培养
intellectual/´ɪntə´lektʃʊəl/ adj. 智力的;聪明的
intellectual skill 智力能力
language/´læŋgwɪdʒ/ability 语言能力
● 问题:上学前班(____)过晚;抑制(____)孩子
(剑 5, T4, P2)的好奇心(____);忽视(____)孩子。
(剑 5, T3, P1) (剑 5, T3, P1)
● 解决方案:在这期间,最好有教育专家(____)来指导(____)家长如何参与到(____)孩子的成长中。
(剑 8, Test1, P3)
● 好处 :如果重视孩子的早期教育 ,孩子会在 听力理解
pre-school/skuːl/ 学前班
suppress/sə´pres/ vt. 压抑
curiosity/´kjʊəri´ɒsəti/n. 好奇心
ignore/ɪg´nɔː/ vt. 忽视
bypass/´baɪpɑːs/vt. 忽视
neglect/nɪ´glekt/vt. 忽视
educator/´edʒʊkeɪtə(r)/n. 教育专家
guide/gaɪd/ vt. 指导
guidance/´gaɪd(ə)ns/ n. 指导
involve/ɪn´vɒlv/ vi. 参与
auditory/´ɔːdɪt(ə)ri/ adj. 听觉的
comprehension/´kɒmprɪ´henʃ(ə)n/ n. 理解
auditory comprehension 听力理解
verbal/´vɜːb(ə)l/ adj. 文字的;口头的
verbal skill 文字表达能力
problem-solving skill 解决问题的能力
peer/pɪə/ n. 同龄人;同辈人
● 课程安排(____):标准的(____)课程(____)是50分钟,然后是10分钟的休息(____),
● 教科书(____):必修的课程(____)都有教科书,教科书条理清晰(____),逻辑(____)清晰;选修课(____)不用教科书,有些老师热衷于(____)引进(____)一些色彩丰富的书籍。
compulsory/kəm´pʌls(ə)ri/ adj. 义务的
compulsory education 义务教育
primary/´praɪm(ə)ri/ adj. 初级的;基本的
elementary/´elɪ´ment(ə)ri/adj. 初级的;基本的
primary/elementary school 小学
secondary/´sek(ə)nd(ə)ri/ adj. 第二的;中级的
secondary school 中学
public/´pʌblɪk/school 公立学校
private/´praɪvət/school 私立学校
in the neighborhood/´nebə,hʊd/ 附近
to attend/ə´tend/the school 入学
exist/ɪg´zɪst/ vi. 存在
competition/´kɒmpɪ´tɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 竞争
course/kɔːs/ n. 课程
curriculum/kə´rɪkjələm/ n. 课程总称
arrangement/ə´reɪn(d)ʒm(ə)nt/ n. 安排
course arrangement 课程安排
standard/´stændəd/ adj. 标准的
break/breɪk/ n. 休息
to let off steam 放松
chance/tʃɑːns/n. 机会
opportunity/´ɒpə´tjuːnɪti/ n. 机会
textbook/´teks(t)bʊk/ n. 教科书
required/rɪ´kwaɪəd/ adj. 必需的
required course 必修课
compulsory/kəm´pʌls(ə)rɪ/course 必修课
be well set/set/out 条理清晰
logic/´lɒdʒɪk/ n. 逻辑
elective/ɪ´lektɪv/ adj. 选修的
selective/sɪ´lektɪv/ adj. 选择性的
optional/´ɒpʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ adj. 选择性的
selective/elective/optional course 选修课
be keen to something 热衷于做某事
introduce/ɪntrə´djuːs/ vt. 引进
● 课程模式(____):首先,学生会展示(____)上
● 反馈(____):老师会把孩子的学业表现(____)
pattern/´pæt(ə)n/ n. 模式
demonstrate/´demənstreɪt/ vt. 展示
present/pri´zent/ vt. 展示
assignment/ə´saɪnm(ə)nt/ n. 作业
comment/´kɒment/ vi./n. 点评
correct/kə´rekt/ vt. 纠正
mark/mɑːk/ vt. 标记
avoid/ə´vɒɪd/ vt. 避免
topic/´tɒpɪk/ n. 主题
elaborate/ɪ´læb(ə)rət/adj. 详尽的;费尽苦心的
key/kiː/ adj. 重点
core/kɔː/ n. 核心;要点
content/kɔntent/ n. 内容
repeat/rɪ´piːt/ vt. 重复
repetition/´repɪ´tɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 重复
practice/´præktɪs/ n. 练习
to do practice 做练习
feedback/´fːdbæk/ n. 反馈
academic/´ækə´demɪk/ adj. 学业的
performance/pə´fɔːm(ə)ns/ n. 表现
academic performance 学业表现
inform/ɪn´fɔːm/ vt. 通知
leave/liːv/behind/bɪ´haɪnd/ 落后
adequate/´ædɪkwət/ adj. 充分的
sufficient/sə´fɪʃ(ə)nt/ adj. 充分的
assistance/ə´sɪst(ə)ns/ n. 帮助
tuition/tjuː´ɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 讲授;指导
private tuition 补习
extra/´ekstrə/ adj. 额外的
extra practice 额外练习
● 霸凌形式(____):被嘲弄(____)、被叫侮
● 后果:受害者(____)会感到沮丧(____)和绝望
● 解决方案:首先,大家要意识到(____)问题的严重性
bully/´bʊlɪ/ vt. 欺负 n. 欺负弱小者
bullying/´bʊlɪɪŋ/ n. 霸凌
form/fɔːm/ n. 形式
taunt/tɔːnt/ vt. 嘲弄
hurtful name/neɪm/ 侮辱性绰号
kick/kɪk/ vt. 踢
shove/ʃʌv/ vt. 猛推
exclude/ɪk´skluːd/ vt. 排除
social/´səʊʃ(ə)l/group 社会组织
victim/´vɪktɪm/ n. 受害者
depressed/dɪ´prest/ adj. 沮丧的
desperate/´desp(ə)rət/ adj. 绝望的
extreme/ɪk´striːm/ adj. 极端的
suicide/´s(j)uːɪsaɪd/ n./vt. 自杀
physical/´fɪzɪk(ə)l/violence/´vaɪəl(ə)ns/ 身体暴力
convict/kən´vɪkt/ vt. 判罪
anti-social offence/ə´fens/ 反社会罪
be aware/ə´weə/of 意识到
severity/sɪ´verətɪ/ n. 严重
government/´gʌv(ə)n´m(ə)nt/ n. 政府
invest/ɪn´vest/ vt. 投资;投入
resource/rɪ´sɔːs/ n. 资源
tackle/´tæk(ə)l/ v. 解决
a package/´pækɪdʒ/of 一系列的
a series/´sɪəriːz/of 一系列的
brochure/´brəʊʃə/ n. 宣传册
propagate/´prɒpəgeɪt/ vt. 传播;宣传
policy/´pɒləsɪ/ n. 政策
definition/´defɪ´nɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 定义
explicit/ɪk´splɪsɪt/ adj. 明确的
在国外上学,写论文是家常便饭,我想每个同学都会有一个与论文相关的故事。我以前教过的一个学生现在在英国留学,她给我讲了一个关于她写论文的趣事。在写论文期间,她经常需要去找老师汇报题目。而老师特别负责任,会认真地给每个同学修改建议,给每个同学讲至少半个小时。有一次,她是最后一个汇报,轮到她的时候,她已经快困晕了。老师逐字逐句地看她的论文,说:“这个地方应该去掉particularly,we should open the door…”。老师的意思是要打开思路,不要局限在这个点上。这位晕晕的同学还没等老师说完,站起来就走到门口,把门打开了,老师和同学们都惊呆了,这时候她才反应过来自己理解错了……
Part 2 学术范儿——真题中会这样考
1 真题链接 Although a proposal in 1664 to establish a(剑5,Test2,P3)committee for improving the English language came to little,the society’s members did a great deal to foster the publication of science in English and to encourage the development of a suitable writing style.
真题释义 尽管1664年提出的建立改进英语委员会的提议没有最终结果,但是协会成员做了大量工作,以促进用英语写作作品的出版和鼓励规范的写作风格。
2 真题链接 They commented that they liked the holistic approach of their alternative therapists and the friendly,concerned and detailed attention they had received.
真题释义 他们表示,他们喜欢另类治疗专家的整体疗法以及他们受到的友好、热情和无微不至的关怀。(剑4,Test2,P2)
3 真题链接 Bullying is clearly unpleasant,and can make the child experiencing it feel unworthy and depressed. In extreme cases it can even lead to suicide,though this is thankfully rare.
真题释义 霸凌当然不是一件好事,这会让遭受霸凌的小孩感觉到自己微不足道,变得十分沮丧,甚至会走向自杀的极端,谢天谢地,这种事情还是很少发生的。(剑6,Test4,P3)
4 真题链接 No explicit permission from ATC to enter is needed,although the pilot must continue to obey all regulations governing VFR flight.
真题释义 进入时无须ATC的明确许可,但飞行员必须始终遵守VFR所有的飞行管理条例。(剑8,Test1,P2)
5 真题链接 The disappointing results of many conventional road transport projects in Africa led some experts to rethink the strategy by which rural transport problems were to be tackled at the beginning of the 1980s.
真题释义 非洲许多交通规划的效果都不尽如人意,这让专家们重新思考及制定实施方案,该方案始于20世纪80年代初,旨在解决农村的交通运输问题。(剑7,Test2,P3)
6 真题链接 Nevertheless,it may be the only way to address successfully the pressing problems of providing everyone with clean water to drink,adequate water to grow food and a life free from preventable water-related illness.
真题释义 然而,人类需要清洁的饮用水,充足的水保证粮食生产,预防和水相关的疾病,要成功解决这些迫在眉睫的问题,这是唯一的方式。(剑7,Test1,P2)
7 真题链接 Furthermore,research has shown that while every child is born with a natural curiosity,it can be suppressed dramatically during the second and third years or life.
真题释义 另外,研究还发现,虽然每位儿童天生有好奇心,但是在他们2-3岁的时候,这种好奇心会受到极大的压制。(剑5,Test3,P1)
8 真题链接 Ant societies existed in something like their present form more than seventy million years ago.
真题释义 蚂蚁在七千万年前就以现在的社会形式存在了。(剑7,Test3,P3)
9 真题链接 Bullying can take a variety of forms,from the verbal—being taunted or called hurtful names—to the physical—being kicked or shoved—as well as indirect forms,such as being excluded from social groups
真题释义 霸凌有很多种形式,从言语上被嘲弄,被叫侮辱性绰号到身体上被踢打推搡,还有一些非直接的形式,比如被排除在社会团体之外。(剑6,Test4,P3)
10 真题链接 Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults,while children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent,and convicted of anti-social offences.
真题释义 受害的学生们在成年之后不能进行正常的人际交往,而那些持续不断霸凌别人的孩子长大后则很有可能走向暴力并被判处反社会罪。(剑6,Test4,P3)
11 真题链接 In a preliminary talk,the teacher introduces them to the material to be covered,but does not ‘teach’ it.
真题释义 在预先的谈话中,教师会给学生介绍一些上课用到的教材,但是不会进行具体讲解。(剑7,Test1,P3)
12 真题链接 As cracks propagate best in materials under tension,the compressive force on the surface must be overcome before the pane will break,making it more resistant to cracking.
真题释义 由于裂缝最容易在处于强压下的材质中蔓延,所以在玻璃板破碎之前,表面的压缩力必须得到抑制,这样就使得玻璃禁得住破裂。(剑5,Test4,P2)
13 真题链接 The ‘Missouri’ programme was predicated on research showing that working with the family,rather than bypassing the parents,is the most effective way of helping children get off to the best possible start in life.
真题释义 “密苏里”活动依托的研究表明,与家长们合作,而不是忽视他们,才能最有效地帮助孩子们找到最好的人生起点。(剑5,Test3,P1)
14 真题链接 Reports of telepathic experiences had by people during meditation led parapsychologists to suspect that telepathy might involve ‘signals’ passing between people that were so faint that they were usually swamped by normal brain activity.
真题释义 通过冥想心灵感应实验者的报告,超心理学家怀疑,可能因为人们之间传递的“信号”过于模糊,所以很容易被正常的脑波活动所覆盖。(剑8,Test1,P3)
15 真题链接 The ants therefore cultivate these fungi in their nests,bringing them leaves to feed on,and then use them as a source of food.
真题释义 因此,蚂蚁开始在蚁穴里培养这些真菌,采集叶子喂养它们,并将它们作为食物来源。(剑7,Test3,P1)
Part 3 看张图——你学会了吗
Part 4 主题背景词
From “Attitudes to Language”
linguistic adj. 语言的;语言学的monolingual adj. 仅用一种语言的
linguist n. 语言学家multilingual adj. 使用多种语言的
lingual adj. 语言的cognitive adj. 认知的;有感知的
philology n. 语言学;文献学objective adj. 客观的
applied linguistics 应用语言学dominant adj. 占优势的
Latin n. 拉丁curriculum n. 课程
Sanskrit n. 梵语English immersion 英语沉浸
hybrid language 混合语言flexibility n. 弹性
prescriptive adj. 规定性的interpreter n. 口译人员
descriptive adj. 描述性的language acquisition 语言习得
norm n. 标准;规范language proficiency 语言水平
cultural identity 文化特性literacy skill 读写技能
dialect n. 方言proficient adj. 精通的
indigenous adj. 本土的intonation n. 语调;声调
indigenous language 本土语言emphatic adj. 语势强的;用力的
dialect variation 语言变迁synopsis n. 大纲;梗概
bilingual adj. 双语的syntax n. 句子构造,句法
affix n. 词缀civilisation n. 文化;文明
prefix n. 前缀linguistic diversity 语言多元化
suffix n. 后缀deadly adj. 致命的
root n. 词根perception n. 感知;认知
lexical adj. 词汇的ancestral adj. 祖先的;祖先留下来的
grammar n. 语法survive vt. 活下来;幸存
phonetic adj. 语音的;语音学的revive vt. 使复兴
phonemics n. 音位学revival n. 复兴
semantics n. 语义学essential adj. 必不可少的;非常重要的
succinct adj. 简明的tongue n. 语言,方言,土语
syllable n. 音节ambiguity n. 含糊不清,不明确
coin vt. 创造utterance n. 言辞;言论
coinage n. 创造social setting 社会环境
abridge vt. 缩短,删节naturalistic adj. 自然的,模仿自然的
emend vt. 修订ethical adj. 道德的
adaptation n. 改写paradox n. 自相矛盾的荒谬说法
genre n. 体裁audio adj. 音频的
grammatical structure 语法结构transcription n. 文本
native language 本土语言commentary n. 评论
mother tongue 母语compile vt. 编纂
long-term memory 长期记忆corpus n. 语料库
methodology n. 方法论derive from 起源
graphic adj. 图解的experimentation n. 实验;试验
strategy n. 策略self-conscious adj. 不自然的;扭捏的
communicative adj. 交际的regulate vt. 规定;规范
incorporate vt. 合并common law 共同规律
incentive n. 动机stability n. 稳定
endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的complete adj. 完整的
rescue n./vt. 援救chaos n. 混乱
vanish vi. 消失order n. 顺序
revive vt.(使)复兴;(使)复活spelling n. 拼写
standardization n. 标准化disparate adj. 不同的
ethnic minorities 少数民族
From “Reading Matters”
visual perception 视觉感知anthology n. 文集;文选
assimilate vt. 吸收edition n. 版本
digest vt. 消化editorial n. 社论
browse vt. 浏览encyclopedia n. 百科全书
flip through 翻阅;浏览pamphlet n. 小册子
skim over 浏览periodical n. 期刊
saccade n. 眼睛快速扫视selection n. 选集
scanning n. 略看analects n. 文选,论集
skimming n. 略读fable n. 寓言;传说
skip over 跳过column n. 专栏
skip vt. 跳读circulation n. 发行量
fixate vt. 注视;集中目光pattern of discourse 篇章模式
sub-vocalisation n. 默读gist n. 要点;主旨
vocalisation n. 发声法key component 关键部分
technical vocabulary 专业词汇locate vt. 查找
terminology n. 术语学regression n. 重读(回头再读)
paperback n. 平装本restatement n. 重述
manuscript n. 手稿word cluster 词串
review of literature 文学评论
天才是一个术语,我们用它来指那些我们承认他们有杰出成就的人。Samuel Johson认为“真正的天才是具有普遍天赋的聪明人,在某个特定方面偶然间出现的。”我们可能不同意“普遍”这一点,因为我们怀疑是否所有的天才音乐家都能成为天才科学家,或者所有天才科学家都能成为天才音乐家。但是毫无疑问,正是意外的决心培育激发了他们的天赋,使他们进入了特定的领域,最后一举成功。然而,天才的大脑与我们并无异,像开普勒、爱因斯坦这样的科学家,他们来之不易的科学发现变成了小学生的常识。即使意识到这一点,天才们的成就也没有被人藐视,他们的成就高于我们,这就好比参加四分钟内跑完一英里的运动员比我们慢跑做得更好是一样的。在受教育的过程中,我们可以从比我们更有天赋的人那里学到他们的成就,但我们应该注意到,从他们那儿学的一些东西未必就好。我们可能羡慕他们的成就和名声,但我们应该观察到他们所做的牺牲,如在坚持不懈、专心、奉献、受限的个人生活、精力与时间上的要求。
From “The Nature of Genius”
genius n. 天才;天赋conviction n. 深信;坚信
prodigy n. 神童upbringing n. 抚育,教养
achievement n. 成就corporal adj. 肉体的,身体的
intelligence n. 智力;才智mediocre adj. 平庸的,平凡的
passion n. 热情;激情intact adj. 完整无缺的
adventure n. 冒险marvel n. 奇异的事物,令人吃惊的人
exploration n. 探险manifestation n. 显示,证明
bold adj. 大胆的emulate vt. 效法;与……竞争,尽力赶上
perpetuate vt. 使永存,使不朽unpalatable adj. 让人不快的
eccentric n. 古怪的人perseverance n. 毅力,不屈不挠
highbrow n. 知识分子,卖弄知识的人playwright n. 剧作家
blue-stocking n. 女学者artisan n. 工匠
egghead n. 有知识的人,理论家inventor n. 发明家
innovator n. 改革者;革新者connoisseur n. 鉴赏家;内行
distinctive adj. 与众不同的;有特色的apprentice n. 学徒
preoccupied adj. 被先占的;全全神贯注的choreographer n. 舞蹈指导
enthusiasm n. 热心poet n. 诗人
denigration n. 诋毁impression n. 印象
conquer vt. 征服predecessor n. 前人
anxious adj. 焦急的lexicographer n. 字典编纂者
intensely adv. 密集地structure n. 结构
definition n. 定义contemporary adj. 当代的
illustrate vt. 表明;说明vicissitude n. 曲折;周折
meaning n. 含义fame n. 名声;声誉
quotation n. 引语honor n. 名声;声誉
synthesis n. 综合物critic n. 批评家;评论家
academia n. 学术界,学术环境infrastructure n. 基础设施
bibliography n. 参考书目teleconferencing n. 电信会议
publication n. 出版物transmission n. 传送;发射
plagiarism n. 剽窃vocational adj. 职业的
plagiarise vt. 抄袭vocational training 职业培训
imitation n. 模仿coeducation n. 男女同校
offence n. 犯罪;罪过unisex adj. 男女皆宜的
footnote n. 脚注enroll vt. 登记;招收
page reference 页码索引self-esteem n. 自尊
unambiguous adj. 不含糊的adolescence n. 青春期
unoriginal adj. 非独创的 puberty n. 青春期
distance education 远程教育deficient adj. 缺乏的,不足的
accessibility n. 可以理解;接近mature adj. 成熟的
accreditation n. 委派;鉴定合格emotional adj. 情绪的;情感的
absenteeism n. 旷课;旷工self-conscious adj. 自觉的
conventional school 传统学校discipline n. 纪律;学科
disseminate vt. 传播interdisciplinary adj. 各学科间的
distraction n. 分心,分心的事物intervention n. 干涉
isolation n. 隔离cumulative adj. 累积的
workload n. 工作量inattentive adj. 疏忽的
school administrator 学校管理者outperform vt. 做得比……好,胜过
substitute n. 替代品learning disability 学习障碍
disturbance n. 扰动,打扰specialty n. 专业
inappropriate adj. 不恰当的symposium n. 讨论会;座谈会
instructional adj. 教学的;执导的heuristic adj. 启发式的
interactive adj. 交互式的faculty n. 才能,本领,能力;全体教员
compulsory adj. 被强迫的;必须的extracurricular adj. 课外的;业余的
obligatory adj. 必修的alumna n. 女毕业生
optional adj. 任选的tuition n. 学费
elective adj. 可选修的allowance n. 津贴
transcript n. 成绩单specialisation n. 专门化;专业
enlighten vt. 启迪;教化subject n. 科目;学科
humanities n. 人文学科semester n. 学期
literacy n. 读写能力chancellor n. 名誉校长
illiteracy n. 文盲emergent adj. 新兴的
primary adj. 初步的;初级的popular science 科普
elementary adj. 初步的;基本的philosophical adj. 哲学的
secondary adj. 中级的inaugurate vt. 创立
tertiary adj. 高级的specialised adj. 专门的
rote learning 机械式学习privileged adj. 有特权的
confer vt. 授予(称号,学位等)
Part 5 词义练习——反复练习才有效
(1) various (a) to make the meaning of something clearer by giving examples
(2) evidence (b) facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true
(3) illustrate (c) people who are the same age
(4) suppress (d) pay no attention to something
(5) bypass (e) be able to choose
(6) verbal (f) to stop oneself from showing feelings
(7) peer(g) different types
(8) primary (h) most important
(9) compulsory (i) something is expressed in speech
(10) elective (j) something must be done
(11) elaborate (k) precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable
(12) adequate (l) something hard to endure
(13) bully (m) enough in quantity
(14) severity (n) having a lot of small parts or details put together in a complicated way
(15) explicit (o) to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them,especially someone smaller or weaker
(1) Although a proposal in 1664 to establish a committee for improving the English language came to little,the society’s members did a great deal to foster the publication of science in English and to encourage the development of a suitable writing style.
(2) They commented that they liked the holistic approach of their alternative therapists and the friendly,concerned and detailed attention they had received.
(3) Bullying is clearly unpleasant,and can make the child experiencing it feel unworthy and depressed. In extreme cases it can even lead to suicide,though this is thankfully rare.
(4) No explicit permission from ATC to enter is needed,although the pilot must continue to obey all regulations governing VFR flight.
(5) The disappointing results of many conventional road transport projects in Africa led some experts to rethink the strategy by which rural transport problems were to be tackled at the beginning of the 1980s.
(6) Nevertheless,it may be the only way to address successfully the pressing problems of providing everyone with clean water to drink,adequate water to grow food and a life free from preventable water-related illness.
(7) Furthermore,research has shown that while every child is born with a natural curiosity,it can be suppressed dramatically during the second and third years or life.
(8) Ant societies existed in something like their present form more than seventy million years ago.
(9) Bullying can take a variety of forms,from the verbal-being taunted or called hurtful names — to the physical — being kicked or shoved-as well as indirect forms,such as being excluded from social groups.
(10) Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults,while children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent,and convicted of anti-social offences.
(11) In a preliminary talk,the teacher introduces them to the material to be covered,but does not “teach” it.
(12) As cracks propagate best in materials under tension,the compressive force on the surface must be overcome before the pane will break,making it more resistant to cracking.
(13)The ‘Missouri’ programme was predicated on research showing that working with the family,rather than bypassing the parents,is the most effective way of helping children get off to the best possible start in life.
(14) Reports of telepathic experiences had by people during meditation led parapsychologists to suspect that telepathy might involve “signals” passing between people that were so faint that they were usually swamped by normal brain activity.
(15) The ants therefore cultivate these fungi in their nests,bringing them leaves to feed on,and then use them as a source of food.