Lesson 7 Game Night
1、Friday night is family game night at the Turners’ house. Each week, a different family member chooses① the game. This week, it was Cody’s turn to choose. He chose his favorite board game, as always.
2、It was thundering outside, but no one minded. They were having a good time with their game. About halfway through, just as Cody was about to② make a big move, everything stopped. The lights went out!
3、Everyone was silent for a few moments, then they all started talking at once.
Mom felt her way to a drawer and got some candles. Dad felt his way to the fireplace for some matches.
4、Cody made his big move, by candlelight, and went on to win the game.
Everybody thought this made the game even more fun. In fact, they plan to play by candlelight next week, too.
(143 words)
Ⅰ . How well did you read?
1. [Check the details] What was the weather like on Friday night?
A. It was snowing.
B. It might rain.
C. It was a starry night.
2. [Check the details] What made the game even more fun?
A. The fact that they played by candlelight.
B. The fact that it was thundering outside.
C. The fact that Cody won the game.
Ⅱ . Read for words.
Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.
1. This week, it was Cody’s turn to choose. (Para. 1)A. 转弯 B. 机会 C. 翻转
2. The lights went out! (Para. 2)
A. 破碎 B. 出门 C. 熄灭
3. Everyone was silent for a few moments, then they all started talking at once.
(Para. 3)
A. quiet B. sleepy C. noisy
4. Mom felt her way to a drawer and got some candles. (Para. 3)
A. 感觉 B. 触摸 C. 摸索
Ⅲ . Writing practice.
Do you like board games? What kind of board games do you play?