3.2 Pod的基本用法
在使用Docker时,可以使用docker run命令创建并启动一个容器。而在Kubernetes系统中对长时间运行容器的要求是:其主程序需要一直在前台执行。如果我们创建的Docker镜像的启动命令是后台执行程序,例如Linux脚本:
nohup ./start.sh &
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: frontend labels: name: frontend spec: containers: - name: frontend image: kubeguide/guestbook-php-frontend env: - name: GET_HOSTS_FROM value: env ports: - containerPort: 80
这个frontend Pod在成功启动之后,将启动1个Docker容器。

图3.1 包含两个容器的Pod
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: redis-php labels: name: redis-php spec: containers: - name: frontend image: kubeguide/guestbook-php-frontend:localredis ports: - containerPort: 80 - name: redis image: kubeguide/redis-master ports: - containerPort: 6379
<? set_include_path('.:/usr/local/lib/php'); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); require 'Predis/Autoloader.php'; Predis\Autoloader::register(); if (isset($_GET['cmd']) === true) { $host = 'localhost'; if (getenv('REDIS_HOST') && strlen(getenv('REDIS_HOST')) > 0 ) { $host = getenv('REDIS_HOST'); } header('Content-Type: application/json'); if ($_GET['cmd'] == 'set') { $client = new Predis\Client([ 'scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => $host, 'port' => 6379, ]); $client->set($_GET['key'], $_GET['value']); print('{"message": "Updated"}'); } else { $host = 'localhost'; if (getenv('REDIS_HOST') && strlen(getenv('REDIS_HOST')) > 0 ) { $host = getenv('REDIS_HOST'); } $client = new Predis\Client([ 'scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => $host, 'port' => 6379, ]); $value = $client->get($_GET['key']); print('{"data": "' . $value . '"}'); } } else { phpinfo(); } ?>
运行kubectl create命令创建该Pod:
$ kubectl create -f frontend-localredis-pod.yaml pod "redis-php" created
# kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE redis-php 2/2 Running 0 10m
# kubectl describe pod redis-php Name: redis-php Namespace: default Node: k8s/ Start Time: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:28:21 +0800 Labels: name=redis-php Status: Running IP: Controllers: <none> Containers: frontend: Container ID: docker://ccc8616f8df1fb19abbd0ab189a36e6f6628b78ba7b97b1077d86e7fc224ee08 Image: kubeguide/guestbook-php-frontend:localredis Image ID: docker://sha256:d014f67384a11186e135b95a7ed0d794674f7ce258f0dce47267c3052a0d0fa9 Port: 80/TCP State: Running Started: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:28:22 +0800 Ready: True Restart Count: 0 Environment Variables: <none> redis: Container ID: docker://c0b19362097cda6dd5b8ed7d8eaaaf43aeeb969ee023ef255604bde089808075 Image: kubeguide/redis-master Image ID: docker://sha256:405a0b586f7ebeb545ec65be0e914311159d1baedccd3a93e9d3e3b249ec5cbd Port: 6379/TCP State: Running Started: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:28:23 +0800 Ready: True Restart Count: 0 Environment Variables: <none> Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready True PodScheduled True Volumes: default-token-97j21: Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret) SecretName: default-token-97j21 QoS Tier: BestEffort Events: FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubobjectPath Type Reason Message --------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- ----- ------ ------- 18m 18m 1 {default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned redis-php to k8s-node-1 18m 18m 1 {kubelet k8s-node-1} spec.containers{frontend} Normal Pulled Container image "kubeguide/guestbook-php-frontend:localredis" already present on machine 18m 18m 1 {kubelet k8s-node-1} spec.containers{frontend} Normal Created Created container with docker id ccc8616f8df1 18m 18m 1 {kubelet k8s-node-1} spec.containers{frontend} Normal Started Started container with docker id ccc8616f8df1 18m 18m 1 {kubelet k8s-node-1} spec.containers{redis} Normal Pulled Container image "kubeguide/redis-master" already present on machine 18m 18m 1 {kubelet k8s-node-1} spec.containers{redis} Normal Created Created container with docker id c0b19362097c 18m 18m 1 {kubelet k8s-node-1} spec.containers{redis} Normal Started Started container with docker id c0b19362097c