dad [dæd] n.(口语)爸爸
daily ['deili] a. 每日的,日常的 ad. 每日
n. 日报
dairy ['dɛəri] n. ①制酪业;牛奶场
【同】dairy farm
②奶制品厂 ③奶品店
We bought milk at the dairy.
dam [dæm] n. 水坝
【同】dike, barrier, wall
vt. ①筑坝 ②堵住
【同】block, obstruct, check
【习惯用语】devil's dam鬼婆娘(骂妇女的话)
【长难例句】Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams.
dance [dɑːns] vi. 跳舞
【同】leap, skip, jump
n. 跳舞,舞蹈;舞会
【同】ballet, ball
【习惯用语】①barn dance谷仓舞,苏格兰舞,美国传统谷仓舞 ②begin [lead] the dance带头跳舞;倡导,带头 ③drum dance腰鼓舞
danger ['deindʒə(r)] n. 危险;威胁,危险事物
【习惯用语】①in danger在……危险之中
②The bridge is in danger of collapse.桥要塌了。
③out of danger脱离危险
【派】dangerous, endanger
dangerous ['deindʒərəs] a. 危险的,不安全的
【同】risky, hazardous
【长难例句】Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty.
dare [dɛə(r)] vt. 敢,敢于
【同】risk, venture, challenge
aux.v. 敢,竟敢(与to连用)挑战
He dared me to jump over the stream.
【习惯用语】①do sth. for a dare被激得做某事,因为有人挑战所以做某事 ②give a dare挑战 ③I dare say [作插入语用]我想,大概,可能,或许
dark [dɑːk] a. 暗的,黑暗的;深色的
【同】black, dim, deep, mysterious
【反】bright, brilliant, light
n. ①黑暗,暗处
He made dark confessions. 他承认犯罪。
【习惯用语】①a leap in the dark后果不可预料的行动;[喻]死②after dark黄昏后,天黑后③be in the dark about [as to] 完全不知道,蒙在鼓里
【派】darken, darkness
darling ['dɑːliŋ] n. ①爱人
【同】beloved, dear, precious, adored
【同】cosset, pet
a. ①胆大的,敢作敢为的
【同】pleasant, delightful, lovely
【同】loved, adored, cherished, treasured, prized
dash [dæʃ] v. 猛冲,飞奔;猛撞
【同】rush, break, hit, strike, shatter, hurry, charge
n. 猛冲,突进;破折号
【习惯用语】①cut a dash卖弄自己;炫耀自己 ②dash off急匆匆地写
【考题精解】The wind blew hard. The waves_____the boat against the rocks.
A. rushed
B. dashed
C. crashed
D. crushed
【答案】B。dash vt. 猛掷;vi. 猛冲,飞奔。rush vt. 匆忙做,加速进行;把……急忙送往;催促,使加紧干;vi. 仓促行动。crash v. 碰撞;坠落,坠毁。crush vt. 压碎,碾碎;镇压,压倒。
data ['deitə] n. 数据,资料
【同】figure, statistics
【长难例句】The data received from the two spacecrafts whirling around Mars indicate that there is much evidence that huge thunderstorms are occurring about the equator of the planet.
database ['deitəbeis] n. ①数据库(databank)②通知报告(facts, data, input, gen)
date [deit] n. 日期;约会
【同】appointment, engagement
v. 注明日期;约会
【同】mark the date on, have a date with, start, originate
【习惯用语】out of date过时的;废弃的
daughter ['dɔːtə(r)] n. ①女儿
Charity is the daughter of civilization.
【习惯用语】①skipper's daughters [口]很高的白浪②daughter of Eve夏娃的女儿,(泛指)妇女③daughter of Momus滑稽的人;爱嘲弄的人
dawn [dɔːn] vi. 破晓
n. 黎明,曙光
【同】daybreak, sunrise, start, beginning
【反】end, finish, conclusion
【考题精解】It_____on Fred that he would fail the course if he did not study harder.
A. dawned
B. hit
C. struck
D. occurred
【答案】A。dawn on/upon sb.(以事物作主语,以人作宾语)明白过来,想到(如:It has slowly dawned upon us that he will not help. It suddenly dawned upon me why he was so interested in my story.)。hit on/upon sth.(以人作主语,以idea/plan等作宾语)突然想到。strike vt.(以idea/thought等作主语,以人作宾语)使突然想到(也可用被动态be struck with the idea)occur to(以idea等作主语,以人作宾语)使突然想到。
day [dei] n. ①白天;日子;(一)天
【同】daylight, daytime
in my school days在我读书的时代
The day is ours. 我们得胜了。
【习惯用语】①call it a day暂时停止;结束一天的工作 ②pass the time of day与人闲聊
daylight ['deilait] n. 日光;白昼;公开
daytime ['deitaim] n. 白天;白昼
dazzle ['dæzl] v. 眼花,晃眼
【同】amaze, impress
n. ①使人眼花缭乱的事物
【同】glare, brightness
dead [ded] a. ①死的
【同】late, departed
【反】living, alive, existing
【同】senseless, dull
【同】dull, inactive, flat, dreary
ad. ①完全地
【同】entirely, completely, totally
【同】directly, straightly
【考题精解】It's so cold outside that my fingers feel_____.
A. dead
B. indifferent
C. unaware
D. unconscious
【答案】A。dead a. 死的;无感觉的。indifferent (to) a. 冷漠的,不关心的,不积极。unaware (of ) a. 没有察觉的。unconscious (of) a. 失去知觉的,没有知觉的(一般以人作主语,不以人体的一部分作主语)。
deadline ['dedlain] n. ①期限
deadlock ['dedlɔk] n. 僵局
deadly ['dedli] a. ①致命的,致死的
【同】fatal, mortal, deathly, murderous, harmful
【同】very, extremely
deadly haste很急
deaf [def] a. 耳聋的;装聋的
【习惯用语】①as deaf as an adder [a post, a door, a door-post] 全聋 ②be deaf of [in] an [one] ear聋了一只耳朵 ③None so deaf as those that won't hear. [谚] 不肯倾听别人意见的人是最聋的人。
【考题精解】He is_____to all requests for help.
A. dumb
B. blind
C. deaf
D. uninterested
【答案】C。deaf (to) a.(本义)耳聋的;(引申)不愿听别人意见的,装聋的(如:deaf in one ear. He was deaf to all advice. Appeals to higher authorities fell on deaf ears. The teacher turned a deaf ear to Bob's excuse.)。dumb a. 哑的;无言的,不说话的。blind (to) a. 瞎的,失明的;盲目的;视而不见的,装着看不见的 (to)(如:blind in one eye. He is blind to his own faults. to turn a blind eye to sth. 装着没看见)。uninterested (in) a. 毫无兴趣的。
dear [diə(r)] a. ①亲爱的 ②贵重的
【同】beloved, intimate, darling, expensive, costly, precious, valued
【反】cheap, inexpensive
int. ①啊,哎呀 ②(常用最高级)昂贵的;价高的
n. 亲爱的人
【同】darling, sweetheart
Fruit is dear at this time of year.
【习惯用语】①dear knows天晓得②Dear me! [Dear, dear!; Oh, dear!] 哎呀! 好家伙!(表示同情、焦急、惊讶)③hold sth.[sb.] dear珍视某物[某人]
death [deθ] n. 死亡,逝世;消亡
【同】dying, end
debate [di'beit] n./v. ①辩论,讨论
【同】argument, dispute, discussion, argue, dispute, discuss
He was debating whether to go for a walk or to visit a friend. 他在考虑去散步或者去访友。
【习惯用语】①beyond debate无疑义,无可争辩 ②debate upon [on] (a question)讨论(问题)③open the debate在辩论时首先发言
【长难例句1】France's resumption of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last month triggered political debates and mass demonstrations.
【长难例句2】On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.
【考题精解】Congress was then in session, and a fierce_____was going on over ratification of the treaty.
A. debate
B. discussion
C. quarrel
D. contention
【答案】A。debate n./v.(一般指在正式会议上就重大问题所进行的,严肃认真的,常常是激烈的)辩论,争论,讨论(如:The members of Parliament hold debates. As had been expected,the Senate debate over ratification of the treaties was heated.)。discussion (of/about/on) n.(常指就某一重要问题同其他人进行的严肃认真的,但情绪缓和的)谈论,讨论。quarrel n. 争吵,争论。contention n. 争夺,斗争,争吵。
【真题链接】They had a fierce_____as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.(2013年北京航空大学考博试题)
A. debate
B. clash
C. disagreement
D. contest
decade ['dekeid] n. 十年
decay [di'kei] v./n. ①腐烂
【同】decompose, perish
【同】rot, disintegrate
【反】refresh, flourish
deceit [di'siːt] n. ①欺骗(cheat)
【同】falsehood, untruth, falsification
deceive [di'siːv] v. 欺骗,蒙骗
【同】mislead, fool, cheat
【习惯用语】①be deceived in sb. 看错了某人,对某人感到失望 ②deceive oneself骗自己;误解,想错 ③deceive sb. into doing sth.骗某人做某事
【同】deceit, deception, deceptive
December [di'sembə(r)] n. 十二月
【习惯用语】December and May老夫与少妻
decent ['diːsnt] a. 体面的,得体的
【考题精解】The workers went on strike for_____working conditions.
A. ideal
B. clean
C. comfortable
D. decent
【答案】D。decent a. 像样的,过得去的,尚可的;合宜的,得体的,正派的(如:We pay a very decent price. She never had decent clothes to wear. I get decent marks at school. I only associate with good decent fellows.)。ideal a. 理想的,完满的。clean a. 干净的,清洁的。comfortable a. 舒适的,舒服的。
decide [di'said] v. 决定,下决心;裁决解决
【同】resolve, determine, judge, conclude, settle
【习惯用语】①decide against… 决心不……,决定不采取;决定反对;判决(某人)败诉 ②decide between于两者中选择其一③decide for [in favour of] 作出有利于……的决定;赞成做某事;判决(某人)胜诉
【派】decider, decision, indecisive, undecided
【词义辨析】decide, determine, resolve和make up one's mind
decide:意为“决定”,强调经过考虑或协商以后的选择。determine:意为“决定,下决心”,暗示经过严格的考虑,决心做某事,有决定后加以坚持的含义。resolve:意为“决定,下决定”,暗示贯彻决定的坚定意志,语气比determine强。Make up one's mind是与迟疑、动摇等相对而言的。
decimal ['desiml] a. 十进制的
n. 小数
decision [di'siʒn] n. ①决定,决心;果断
【同】resolution, resolve, determination
Have they reached a decision yet?
【习惯用语】①come to [arrive at, reach] a decision作出决定 ②give a decision for [against] 判决对……有利[不利] ③leave…to the decision of由……来决定(某事)
【长难例句】The Supreme Court's decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.
decisive [di'saisiv] a. ①果断的,断然的
【同】definite, absolute, unbending
【同】conclusive, determined, critical
deck [dek] n. ①甲板
【同】level, surface
【习惯用语】①clear the decks (for action)(战舰)准备战斗;准备行动 ②cut the deck(牌戏)签牌,倒牌 ③hit the deck [俚]起床,起身;被击倒,摔倒;准备行动
declaration ['deklə'reiʃn] n. ①宣言,公告
【同】announcement, statement, publicity
【同】assertion, claim, statement
【考题精解】They issued a_____to the effect that the covenant(违反契约的诉讼)would not have any place in the treaty.
A. declaration
B. certificate
C. proposal
D. pronunciation
【答案】A。declaration n. 宣布,宣告;宣言,声明(书)(如:The Declaration of Independence was made in America in 1776. Then they drew up their declaration concerning the war.)。certificate n. 证明书。proposal n. 提议,建议;求婚。pronunciation n. 发音,发音方法。
declare [di'klɛə(r)] vt. ①宣布,声明;断言
【同】announce, publish, state, assert, allege, claim, notify
Have you anything to declare?
【习惯用语】①Well, I declare! 嘿! 怪了!
②declare against sth. 声明反对某事
③declare in favor of sth. 声明赞成某事
decline [di'klain] v. 谢绝;下降
【同】fall, reduce, descend, decrease, assertion, claim, statement, refuse, reject, deny, turn down
【反】rise, increase, accept
n. ①减少,衰落
【同】failure, decay, downfall, slope
【反】boom, prosperity, development
【习惯用语】①fall [sink] into a decline开始衰落,衰弱下去;体力衰退(尤指因患肺病而衰弱)②on the decline走下坡路,在衰退中③the decline of life晚年,暮年
【长难例句】It's easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes taking place in our ever-changing world.
【词义辨析】decline, deny, refuse和reject
【考题精解】He was afraid he would have to_____her invitation to the party.
A. refute
B. refuse
C. reject
D. decline
【答案】D。decline vt. 婉辞,谢绝(邀请);不愿(做某事)(后面跟不定式);vi. 下降,减少,衰落。refute vt. 批驳,驳斥,驳倒(宾语可以是人或某人的论点)。refuse vt. 拒绝(给予或接受)(句型:refuse sth./to+动词原形)。reject vt. 拒绝,驳回;拒纳,退回(后面只能跟名词或代词作宾语,不跟其他句型)。
【真题链接 1】The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity,_____to discuss the implication of that conclusion.(2005年中国科学院考博试题)
A. receded
B. implied
C. complied
D. declined
【答案】D。本题空格处是说拒绝讨论那个结论的含意。D项“declined拒绝,衰落”符合题意,如:I declined their offer of help.(我谢绝了他们提出的帮助。)其他三项“receded后退;implied暗示,意味;complied顺从,答应,遵守”都不正确。
【真题链接 2】Because of a recent obstacle in production, sales have dropped and accordingly profits have_____. (2002年春季上海交通大学考博试题)
A. declined
B. increased
C. broken
D. maintained
【答案】A。本题空格处是说利润下降了。A项的“declined下降”符合题意,如:They wish that prices would decline.(他们希望物价能下降。)其他三项“increased增加;broken打破;maintained保持”都不正确。
decode [diː'kəud] vt. 解码,译解
decorate ['dekəreit] vt. ①装饰,装潢
【同】beautify, color, brighten
【习惯用语】decorate with以……装饰
【派】decorator, decoration, decorative
【真题链接】If somebody is_____, he is given a medal or other honor as an official reward for what he has done.(2003年10月中国科学院考博试题)
A. confirmed
B. decorated
C. appreciated
D. nominated
【答案】B。本题中,B项“decorate授予”符合题意,如:He was decorated for bravery. (他因为英勇而被授勋。)其他三项“confirm证实、确定;appreciate感激;nominate提名、任命”都不正确。
decrease [di'kriːs] v./['diːkriːs] n. 减少,减小
【同】lessen, reduce, decline, diminish, dwindle, lower, shrink, reduction, shrinkage
【习惯用语】①on the decrease在减少中,在下降中 ②decrease to减少到 ③decrease in (size) by…(尺寸)减少……
dedicate ['dedikeit] vt. 奉献
【同】contribute, devote
【派】dedication, dedicatory
deduce [di'djuːs] v. 演绎,推断
【同】infer, assume, presume, reason, figure out, work out
【派】deduction, deductive
deem [diːm] v. 认为,相信
【同】think, believe, consider, estimate, regard, reckon
deep [diːp] a. ①深的;深刻的
a deep border遥远的边境线
【同】shallow, complicated, intense, acute
ad. 深深地
【习惯用语】①a deep one [口]十分狡猾的人;令人莫测的人②as deep as a well(令人)高深莫测,难以捉摸;狡猾 ③be deep in埋头于;深陷入
【派】deepen, deeply, deepness, depth
deepen [diːpən] v. 使变深,深化
deeply ['diːpli] ad. ①(程度)深深地,非常地
【同】strongly, acutely, intensely
deer [diə(r)] n. 鹿
【习惯用语】①run like a deer跑得像鹿一样快;跑得飞快 ②small deer无足轻重的小事
deface [di'feis] vt 毁坏、损坏
defeat [di'fiːt] vt./n. 打败,战胜;挫败
【同】beat, conquer, overcome, conquest, downfall, overthrow
【习惯用语】①inflict a defeat on (upon) 挫败;使……遭受失败 ②suffer [sustain] a defeat战败;遭受挫败
defect ['diːfekt] n. 缺点,缺陷,毛病
【同】fault, shortcoming, weakness
【反】perfection, completeness
[di'fekt] vi. 变节,叛变
【派】defective, defectively, defection
【考题精解】The television was returned because of a_____.
A. defect
B. deficiency
C. mistake
D. deficit
【答案】A。defect n.(可指个人性格、机械、计划等中的)缺点,缺陷,毛病(如:His feeble will is his fatal defect. The machine is unsafe because of the defects in it. A defect in judgment led to the accident.)。deficiency n.(多指抽象事物的)缺点,缺陷;缺乏,不足(某种东西)(the deficiencies in the plan; her mental deficiencies; a deficiency of vitamin C)。mistake n. 错误,过失。deficit n.赤字,逆差。
defence/se [di'fens] n. 防御,保卫;(pl.) 防御工事;辩护
【同】guard, protection, answer, reply
【习惯用语】①in defence of保卫;捍卫;为……辩护 ②The best defence is offence. [谚]进攻是最好的防御。
defend [di'fend] vt. ①防守,防卫;辩护
【同】protect, guard, protest
【同】speak for, support, justify, advocate
He's better at defending than attacking.
【习惯用语】①defend against保卫;抵抗②defend from保护,保卫(使不受伤害)
【派】defense/ce, defensive
【长难例句】The flap over rap is not making life any easier for him. Levin has consistently defended the company's rap music on the grounds of expression.
【词义辨析】defend, guard和protect
【考题精解】The monstrous system was_____by statesmen in the name of individual liberty.
A. guarded
B. sheltered
C. defended
D. protected
【答案】C。defend vt. 为……辩护;保卫,防守(如He employed a lawyer to defend him in court. to defend sb. from harm/against a surprise attack;She defended her children from the mad dog.)。guard vt. 守卫,保卫;防止,防范(against)。shelter (from) vt. 掩蔽,庇护。protect (from) vt. 保护,保卫。
defendant [di'fendənt] n./a. 被告人(的)
【同】the accused, offender
defer [di'fəː(r)] vt. 推迟,拖延
【同】postpone, put off
【反】bring forward
vi. 遵从,听从,服从
【同】abide by, conform to, comply with, observe, follow, obey
deficiency [di'fiʃnsi] n. ①缺乏,不足
【同】lack, shortage, absence, insufficiency, scarcity
【同】fault, defect, flaw, imperfection, shortcoming
define [di'fain] vt.①解释(定义),下定义;规定
【同】explain, interpret, account, prescribe, border, limit
to define the position of the government
【派】(in) definite, definition
【考题精解】Some words are hard to_____because they have many different uses.
A. say
B. express
C. define
D. determine
【答案】C。define vt. 给……下定义,解释;限定,规定(如:A dictionary defines words. The constitution defines the powers of the president.)。express vt. 表示,表达。determine vt. 决定,确定。
definite ['definət] a. 明确的,确定的
【同】clear, specific, certain, sure
【反】indefinite, unclear, uncertain
【考题精解】I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n)_____promise to help you.
A. definite
B. exact
C. sure
D. prompt
【答案】A。definite a. 明确的,确切的;肯定的。exact a. 精确的,确切的。sure a. 确信的,有把握的;一定的,必定的;可靠的,稳妥的。prompt a. 及时的,迅速的;敏捷的。
definition ['defi'niʃn] n. ①定义,释义
【同】meaning, specification, outlining
Good photographs have definition.
【长难例句】While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.
defy [di'fai] vt. ①公然反抗,蔑视
【同】disobey, resist, oppose, withstand
【同】challenge, dare
【派】defiance, defiant
【真题链接】The local residents were unhappy about the curfew in this region and decided to_____it.(2007年清华大学考博试题)
A. disgrace
B. disguise
C. defy
D. distress
degenerate [di'dʒenəreit] vi. 衰退,堕落,蜕化
【同】deteriorate, worsen, collapse
a. 衰退的,堕落的
【同】immoral, corrupt
n. 堕落者
degree [di'ɡri:] n. ①度数;程度;学位
【同】extent, rate, scale, grade
a woman of high degree一位社会地位高的妇女
delay [di'lei] v./n. 推迟,耽搁,延误
【同】put off, postpone, hold up, detain, suspend
【考题精解】It is important that you reply to our letter without_____.
A. pause
B. stoppage
C. rest
D. delay
【答案】D。delay n. 耽搁,延误;推迟(without delay毫不迟延地,立即)。pause n. 暂停,中止。stoppage n. 停顿;堵塞。rest n. 休息,睡眠;撑架。
delegate ['deliɡət] n. 代表
【同】representative, deputy
['deliɡeit] vt. 派……为代表,委任
【同】appoint, entrust, authorize
【考题精解】I have_____Mr. Roberts to serve in my place during my absence.
A. offered
B. demanded
C. delegated
D. entrusted
【答案】C。delegate vt. 授权,把……委托给;委派(或选举)……为代表(如:The club delegated Bill to attend the national convention.)。offer vt.(主动)给予,提供,提出(句型:offer to+动词原形;offer sth.;have sth. to offer;offer sb. sth.)。demand vt. 要求,强令;需要;询问(句型:demand sth.;demand to+动词原形;demand that sb. do sth.)。entrust vt. 把……托付给(句型:entrust sth. to sb.;entrust sb. with sth.)。
delete [di'liːt] vt. 删除
【同】erase, cancel, remove, obliterate
deliberate [di'libərət] a. ①故意的
【同】intentional, purposeful
【反】accidental, incidental
【同】thoughtful, considered, cautious
[di'libəreit] v. 仔细考虑
【同】consider, meditate, ponder, contemplate
【派】deliberately, deliberation
【考题精解】We were_____whether to buy a new motor-car.
A. contemplating
B. deliberating
C. thinking
D. weighing
【答案】B。deliberate v. 仔细考虑,思考(如:We were deliberating what to do next. They are still deliberating over/upon the question.)。contemplate vt. 盘算,计议;思量,对……作周密考虑(句型:contemplate sth./+动词ing形式;不能说contemplate what/how/whether to do sth.)。think v. 思考(句型:think to+动词原形;think of/about;think sth. over)。weigh vt. 认真考虑,权衡(句型:weigh sth.;weigh A and/with B;不能说weigh how/what/whether to+动词原形)。
【真题链接 1】Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be_____controlled and modified.(2003年中国科学院考博试题)
A. deliberately
B. consequently
C. originally
D. absolutely
【真题链接 2】It was their_____decision to leave their country, and as a result, they lost their citizenship.(2003年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. compulsory
B. deliberate
C. carefree
D. modest
【答案】B。本题前半句是说,离开他们的国家是他们深思熟虑的决定。B项“deliberate深思熟虑的”符合题意,如:taking deliberate action (采取谨慎的行动)。其他三项“compulsory义务的;carefree无忧无虑的;modest谦虚的”都不正确。
【真题链接 3】A_____plan needs to be considered and accepted so as to lower the prices in these cities.(2003年清华大学考博试题)
A. deliberate
B. disincentive
C. functional
D. fantastic
delegation ['deli'ɡeiʃn] n. ①代表团
【同】commission, sending, assignment
delicate ['delikət] a. ①娇嫩的;精细的;微妙的
【同】elegant, fine, precise, accurate, subtle, slight
【反】indelicate, rough, coarse, crude
a delicate glass容易破碎的玻璃杯
a delicate looking child看起来瘦弱的小孩
【考题精解】The wine glasses were so_____that I was afraid to carry them home by bus.
A. delicate
B. flexible
C. shaky
D. tender
【答案】A。delicate a. 易碎的,纤弱的;纤细的,清秀的,娇嫩的(delicate silk;the delicate skin of a baby;delicate glass)。flexible a. 易弯曲的,柔韧的;灵活的。shaky a. 不稳的,颤动的;靠不住的,动摇的。tender a. 温柔的;嫩的;一触即痛的。
delicious [ di'liʃəs ] a. 美味的,芬芳的
【同】tasty, appetizing, wonderful, delightful
【反】distasteful, bitter
【考题精解】For dinner that evening we had some_____turtle meat.
A. delicious
B. tasteful
C. presentable
D. elaborate
【答案】A。delicious a. 美味可口的,好闻的(delicious food/smell)。tasteful a.(修饰家具、工艺品等)格调高雅的,显示出鉴赏力高的。presentable a.(指人)模样不错的,适合在公共场所露面的;(指作品)相当不错的,可以拿得出来的。elaborate a. 复杂的;精心制作的,详尽的。
delight [di'lait] n. 快乐,高兴
【同】pleasure, happiness, enjoyment, joy, liking, hobby
【反】misery, pain, suffering, agony
v. ①使欣喜,使高兴
【同】amuse, satisfy, please
She delights in cooking lovely meals.
【习惯用语】①be delicious [transported] with delight欣喜若狂 ②kick up the devil's delight [口]大吵,大闹,闹事 ③raise hell's delight [口]大吵大闹,闹事
【派】delighted, delightful
【词义辨析】delight, enjoyment和pleasure
【考题精解】The old man took a great_____in collecting stamps.
A. happiness
B. pride
C. delight
D. hobby
【答案】C。delight n. 快乐,高兴(take [a] delight in以……为乐;喜欢〈干某事〉,从……中得到乐趣,如:The naughty boy takes [a] great delight in pulling the dog's tail.)。happiness n. 快乐,愉快,高兴(没有take a happiness in sth.的说法)。pride n.自豪;引以为豪的东西;骄傲,傲慢(take [a] pride in以……感到骄傲)。hobby n. 业余爱好(不能说take a hobby in)。
delighted [di'laitid ] a. 高兴的,快乐的
delightful [di'laitfl] a.令人高兴的,使人快乐的
【同】charming, refreshing, pleasing
deliver [di'livə(r)] vt.①投递,送交;发表;分娩
【同】send over
【同】save, rescue, release, liberate, free
【反】capture, confine, imprison
to deliver a blow at one's enemy重击敌人
【习惯用语】①be delivered of(妇女)生下(孩子);(船)卸下(货);作出(诗文);说(笑话)②deliver oneself of说出;正式发表(意见)③deliver oneself to向……投案,向……自首
【考题精解】In most of the United States, the morning newspaper is_____by school-age children.
A. delivered
B. posted
C. conducted
D. discharged
【答案】A。deliver vt. 投递,送交;发表(演讲);(为……)接生。post vt. 投寄,邮寄。conduct vt. 处理,管理;指挥,引导;传导,传(热、电等)。discharge vt. 放出,排出;释放,允许离开。
democracy [di'mɔkrəsi] n.民主(制);民主国家
democratic ['demə'krætik] a. 民主的;有民主作风(精神)的,民主党的
【同】constitutional, popular
demolish [di'mɔliʃ] vt. ①拆毁,毁坏
【同】tear down, pull down, destroy
【真题链接】The site of the battle brought back to him memories of the_____years of the World War Two.(2010年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. demolishing
B. fiery
C. dazzling
D. forgery
demonstrate ['demənstreit] v. ①证明;演示;示威游行
【同】show, display, prove, explain, illustrate, protest, march, parade
【派】demonstrator, demonstrative
【长难例句1】The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers demonstrated for.
【长难例句2】This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50%took a loss in 1989.
【考题精解】The car salesman took the customer for a drive in the new model in order to_____its improved features.
A. exhibit
B. reveal
C. demonstrate
D. indicate
【答案】C。demonstrate vt. 表演(技术),做给……看;说明,论证;显示,表露(如:The teacher demonstrated the experiment to the class. Please demonstrate how the machine works. How can you demonstrate that the world is round?)。exhibit vt. 陈列,展览(即把物品摆出让人看);显示(某种特性)。reveal vt. 展现,显示;揭露,泄露。indicate vt. 标示,表示;表明。
demonstration ['demən'streiʃn] n.
【同】display, show, exhibition
【同】parade, protest
denial [di'naiəl] n. 否认
【同】refusal, rejection, dissent, disapproval
【真题链接】When he was asked about the missing camera, the boy_____ever seeing it.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)
A. refused
B. denied
C. opposed
D. pretended
【答案】B。本题空格处是说这个男孩否认曾看见过照相机。B项的“denied否认”符合题意。如:He said that I had stolen his bicycle, but I denied it.(他说我偷了他的自行车,可是我否认了。)其他三项“refused拒绝;opposed反对;pretended假装”都不正确。
denote [di'nəut] vt. ①意思是
【同】mean, refer to, imply
【同】indicate, signify, stand for, represent, symbolize, designate
denounce [di'nauns] vt. ①指责
【同】accuse, reproach
【同】give away
【真题链接】Because of the bombing that killed six people, Washington has been urging the spokesman to_____terrorism more severely.(2002年复旦大学考博试题)
A. charge
B. censor
C. blame
D. denounce
dense [dens] a. ①密的,密集的;稠密的
【同】crowded, thick
【反】sparse, thin
【派】density, condense, condensation, condenser
【考题精解】It was difficult to see through the_____fog.
A. dense
B. crowded
C. compressed
D. condensed
【答案】A。dense a. 浓密的;密集的;稠密的。crowded a. 拥挤的。compressed a. 压紧的,压缩的。condensed a. 压缩的,缩短的;凝聚的。
density ['densəti] n. ①稠密
dental ['dentl] a. 牙齿的,牙科的
dentist ['dentist] n. 牙科医生
deny [di'nai] vt. ①否认;拒绝~doing sth.
【同】disapprove, disclaim, refuse, reject, turn down
【反】admit, acknowledge, confess, accept, adopt
He denied his country. 他背弃了自己的国家。
【习惯用语】①deny oneself节制,克己,
②deny oneself to不会见(客人);谢绝(来客)
【长难例句】It is strictly regulated that access to confidential documents is denied to all but a few.
【考题精解】Some teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society, which_____them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.
A. deprives
B. restricts
C. rejects
D. denies
【答案】D。deny (sb. sth.) vt.拒绝给予;拒绝(某人的要求)。deprive (sb. of sth.) vt.剥夺,使丧失。restrict vt. 限制,约束(restrict sth.;restrict the discussion to domestic affairs)。reject vt.拒绝,驳回;拒纳,退回(reject sb./sth.,后面不跟双宾语)。
depart [di'pɑːt] vi. ①离开,出发
【同】go, leave, quit, set out/off, pull out
③死亡;逝世;辞世 (=depart this life)
【习惯用语】depart from离开;从……出发违反;背离
department [di'pɑːtmənt] n. ①部,部门;(大学等的)系
【同】branch, division, section
Advertising is my department. 我负责做广告。
【考题精解】A large shop is divided into_____.
A. divisions
B. sections
C. departments
D. categories
【答案】C。department n.(大商店里专销某种商品的)经营部;(行政)部门,司,局,厅;(大学)系。division n. 分开;部门。section n. 部分;部门,科;章节;截面,剖面。category n. 类,种类,类别。
depend [di'pend] vi. 依靠,依赖;依……而定
【同】rely, rest, cling, trust
【习惯用语】①That depends. [It all depends.] [口]要看情况而定。②You may depend upon it. [口]肯定无疑;放心好了。③depend on [upon]依靠;由……而定,取决于;从属于;依赖其维持
【派】dependable, dependability, dependence, independent
dependent [di'pendənt] a. 依靠的,依赖的
【同】reliant, relative, subordinate
【反】independent, free
【习惯用语】be dependent on依靠
【考题精解】Despite technical progress, food production is still completely_____on weather.
A. reliable
B. dependable
C. dependent
D. inseparable
【答案】C。dependent (on/upon) a. 依靠的,依赖的 (dependent on sb./sth.;dependent on sb. for sth. / to+动词原形;dependent on one's parents for support)。reliable a. 可靠的,靠得住的。dependable a. 可靠的。inseparable (from) a. 分不开的,老在一起的。
depict [di'pikt] v. ①描绘,描写,描述
【同】draw, design, portray, describe
【真题链接 1】He claims that advertising today tends to portray women in traditional roles such as cooking or taking care of the baby.(2009年中国人民大学考博试题)
A. depict
B. advocate
C. criticize
D. analyze
【真题链接 2】Baroque has been the term used by art historian for almost a century to_____the dominant style of the period 1600—1750. (2004年西南财经大学考博试题)
A. determine
B. designate
C. devise
D. depict
【答案】D。本题的意思是Baroque这个词被用来描述17世纪的主要风格。D项的“depict描述,描绘”符合题意,如:depict the horrors of war(描述战争的恐怖)。其他三项“determine决定;designate指明,指定,指派;devise设计,发明”都不正确。
【真题链接 3】Allen will soon find out that real life is seldom as simple as it is_____in commercials.(2006年中南大学考博试题)
A. permeated
B. alleged
C. depicted
D. drafted
deplete [di'pliːt] vt. 耗尽,使……大量减少
【真题链接】He knew that the area's rich plant life had been severely_____by the huge herds of cows grazing the land.(2013年3月中国科学院考博试题)
A. depleted
B. decomposed
C. corrupted
D. corroded
deploy [di'plɔi] v. 部署,调动
【同】arrange, organize, order
deposit [di'pɔzit] vt. ①使沉淀;②放下,寄存;③把钱存入银行:He~ed$5000 in the bank. vi. 沉淀n. 沉淀;存款;保证金;定金;矿床;寄存
deprive [di'praiv] vi. 剥夺,使丧失;免去
【同】deny, disallow, dispossess, strip
【习惯用语】deprive sb. of… 剥夺某人的……,使某人丧失……;免去某人(职务)
depth [depθ] n. ①深度;厚度
in the depths of winter在隆冬
【习惯用语】①out of one's depth超越自己的能力;理解不了的 ②in depth广泛地;彻底地
deputy ['depjuti] n. ①代理人,代表
【同】agent, representative, broker, delegate
a. 代理的,副的
【同】vice, associate
【考题精解】When the headmaster is away the_____headmaster looks after the school for him.
A. junior
B. deputy
C. authoritative
D. dignified
【答案】B。deputy n./a. 副职,副手(a deputy director;the deputy head of the department;the Deputy Assistant Secretary〈美〉助理国务卿帮办)。junior a. 级别较低的,资历较浅的;较年轻的。authoritative a. 权威性的,可信的。dignified a. 有尊严的。
derivative [di'rivətiv] n. 派生物,衍生物
a. 非独创性的,模仿他人的
derive [di'raiv] v. 从……得到;源自;导出
【同】gain, obtain, arise
【派】derivation, derivative
【长难例句】From this material we can derive hundreds of what you may call direct products.
【考题精解】I seem to have reached a rather gloomy conclusion, but I think that something cheerful may still be_____from it.
A. derived
B. extracted
C. abstracted
D. adapted
【答案】A。derive (from) vt. 取得,得到;起源,衍生;追溯……的起源(如:He derives much pleasure from his books. Many English words derive/are derived from French.)。extract vt. 提取,提炼;设法得到(情报);抽出,拔出。abstract vt. 提炼出;抽象出;写出提纲。adapt vt. 使适应,使;适合;改编,改写。
【真题链接】Advanced mammals such as monkeys,apes and humans have brains_____from ancestors that took to living in the trees.(2004年武汉大学考博试题)
A. derived
B. progressed
C. terminated
D. advanced
【答案】A。本题意为“像猴子、猿和人这样的高级哺乳动物,他们有来源于喜欢在树上栖息的祖先的头脑”。derive的意思是“起源,源于”,符合题意,如:Many English words are derived from Latin.(许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。)其他三项“progress前进,进展;terminate使结束;advance推进,促进”都不正确。
descend [di'send] vi. 下来,下降
【同】fall, decline, move downward, drop, decrease
n. 沉没
【同】sink, set, fall
【派】descent, descendant
【考题精解】On turning round the corner we saw the road_____steeply.
A. falling
B. decreasing
C. descending
D. lowering
【答案】C。descend vi. 下降,下来;往下走;降生。fall vi. 落下;下降;减弱。decrease v. 减小,减少。lower vt. 放下,降下,放低。
【真题链接 1】I want to talk about all these points in_____order of importance.(2002年武汉大学考博试题)
A. declining
B. descending
C. plunging
D. falling
【答案】B。本题意为“我想以重要性递减的方式谈论这些要点”。descending的意思是“递降的”。如:descending powers([数]降幂)。declining的意思是“倾斜的,衰落的”;plunging的意思是“突进的,急降的”;falling的意思是“下降的,落下的”。这四个词均有“下降”的意思,但只有descend指“逐降”或“递降”。因此B项正确。
【真题链接 2】To reach the Martian surface, NASA envisions an aerodynamic lander that flies down with thrusters to help it_____.(2017年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. transcend
B. descend
C. commend
D. surpass
【解析】A项意为“超出,超越”;B项意为“下降”;C项意为“赞扬,赞同,推荐”;D项意为“超过,优于”。根据句中的reach the Martian surface和lander可知此处指“降落”。因此,B项符合题意。
descendant [di'sendənt] n. 子孙,后代(child, offspring)
descent [di'sent] n. ①下降,下倾
describe [di'skraib] vt. 描绘,叙述;把……说成
【同】relate, account, narrate, portray, depict, picture
【习惯用语】describe sb. as把某人说成是(称作)
【派】description, descriptive
【长难例句】Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as “steering the economy to a soft landing” or “a touch on the brakes”, makes it sound like a precise science. Nothing could be further from the truth.
【考题精解】His employer_____him as lacking in initiative and drive.
A. accounted
B. ascribed
C. commented
D. described
【答案】D。describe (as) vt. 形容,描写(如:I can't describe to you what I felt at that moment. I should describe the attempt as a failure/as unsuccessful.)。account for说明,解释(原因)(不能说account sb. as)。ascribe (to) vt. 把……归因于;把……归属于(不能说ascribe…as)。comment (on) vi. 评论。
desert ['dezət] n. 沙漠,不毛之地
【同】sand, wasteland, wilderness
[di'zəːt] vt. 遗弃;擅自离开
【同】abandon, give up, quit, leave
【派】desertion, deserted
【考题精解】The soldiers who_____from the army were severely punished.
A. deserted
B. left
C. betrayed
D. stayed
【答案】A。desert vt. 开小差,擅离(职守等);离弃,抛弃(妻儿)(如:The soldiers deserted from the army/to the enemy. When he became poor all his friends deserted him.) (leave/betray都是及物动词,应直接跟宾语;可以说stay away from the army,是“不参军”的意思,而不是“开小差”。)。
【真题链接】They are taught by their superiors that a soldier who_____his post in time of war is to be shot.(2002年厦门大学考博试题)
A. deserts
B. deflects
C. detains
D. threw
【答案】A。本题空格处是说战争时期士兵逃离岗位是要被枪毙的。A项“deserts放弃,逃跑”符合题意,如:Many people deserted during the food shortage.(许多人在饥荒中逃往他乡。)其他三项“deflects使偏斜;detains拘留,阻止;threw投,扔”都不正确。
deserve [di'zəːv] vt. 值得;应受
【同】be entitled to, be worthy of
【习惯用语】①deserve ill [well, better] of有罪[功]于 ②rightly deserve完全应得(惩罚)
【长难例句】There are, of course, exceptions. Small minded officials, rude waiters, and ill mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.
【考题精解】I have devoted four weekends to writing papers and now I feel I_____a rest.
A. deserve
B. prefer
C. entitle
D. receive
【答案】A。deserve vt. 应得到,应受到(如:He deserved this glory/the praise/punishment.)。prefer vt. 更喜欢,宁愿。entitle (sb. to sth./to+动词原形) vt. 给……以权利(或资格)。receive vt. 收到,得到。
design [di'zain] v. ①谋划;设计,制图
【同】project, devise, layout, plan, plot, intend
This machine is of bad design.这部机器设计很差。
They have designs on your money.
n. 图纸,设计构想,图案
【同】outline, painting, draft, project, device, scheme, pattern
【习惯用语】by design故意地
【真题链接】The school has been_____as the meeting place for the evening art club.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. designed
B. designated
C. diverted
D. diagnosed
【答案】A。四个选项中,design的意思是“设计,构思、绘制”,designate的意思是“标出,表明,指定”,divert的意思是“使转向,使改道”,diagnose的意思是“诊断”。根据题意, A为正确答案。
designate ['deziɡneit] v. ①指明,标明,指出
【同】indicate, point out, appoint, name, nominate
【同】term, name, call, dub, label
【派】designator, designative, designation
desirable [di'zaiərəbl] a. ①称心如意的;可取的
【同】advisable, beneficial, ideal, satisfactory
【派】desirability, undesirable
【考题精解】We’re moving to a more_____neighborhood.
A. desirous
B. desirable
C. preferable
D. respectful
【答案】B。desirable a. 值得向往的,值得拥有的;好的,不错的,可取的(如:There are several desirable houses in this street. It is desirable for us to go there/that he should attend the conference.) (注意从句谓语用虚拟式)。desirous a. 想要的,渴望的(desirous of/to+动词原形/that sb. do)。preferable (to) a. 更可取的,更好的,更合意的。respectful (to) a. 恭敬的,尊敬的。
desire [di'zaiə(r)] v. 渴望;要求
【同】hunger, long, wish, request, demand,requirement
n. 愿望,欲望,心愿
【派】desirable, desirous
【习惯用语】①at sb.'s desire应某人的要求②be all one can desire令人十分满意,好得不能再好了③by desire应邀
desk [desk] n. ①书桌;服务台 ②[宗]读经台,[美] 讲道台③( the desk)文书工作;[美] (报馆的)编辑部
desolate ['desələt] a. ①荒芜的,荒凉的
【同】empty, vacant, void
【同】gloomy, dismal, dreary
despair [dis'pɛə(r)] n./vi. ①失望,绝望
【同】hopelessness, gloom, depression, lose heart
【习惯用语】①abandon oneself [give oneself up] to despair只会悲观失望 ②(be) the despair of令……毫无办法的人[物];令……望尘莫及的人[物] ③drive sb. to despair使某人陷于失望,逼得某人走投无路
【词义辨析】despair, desperation和hopelessness despair:指失去希望后感到的失望或绝望,暗含灰心丧气的意思,不可数名词,但可用the despair of sb. 表示“令人没有希望的人或物”。desperation:指面对预料中的失败,以不顾任何后果、不理智的方式作为最后抗争或努力的手段。hopelessness:指完全失去或放弃希望并不打算再作努力,甘愿忍受任何结果。
【考题精解】Alone in London, without friends,work or money, Shelley fell into_____.
A. despair
B. disappointment
C. dissatisfaction
D. disgust
【答案】A。despair n. 绝望。disappointmentn.失望。dissatisfaction n.不满意。disgust n.厌恶。
despatch/dispatch [di'spætʃ] v./n. 派遣
【同】mail, post, send off, transmit, message, report
【真题链接】If you call the 911 emergency number, they will_____firemen, policemen,and paramedics immediately.(2002年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. assign
B. detach
C. attach
D. dispatch
【答案】D。本题空格处是说他们将立刻派遣消防员、警察和护理人员。D项“dispatch派遣”符合题意,如:dispatch a messenger (派遣使者)。其他三项“assign分配;detach派遣(军队);attach系上,贴上”都不正确。
desperate ['despərət] a.①绝望的,铤而走险的
【同】frantic, crazy, hopeless
【反】cautious, careful, hopeful
【考题精解】A_____man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
A. distressed
B. wretched
C. miserable
D. desperate
【答案】D。desperate a.(人)绝望的;(局面)严重的,危急的;(由于绝望而)不顾一切的,拼死的(如:He was desperate after the failure of his plans. Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. He had a desperate(强烈的)desire to justify himself. The prisoners became desperate in their attempts to escape.)。distressed a.(常作表语)痛苦的,难受的。wretched a.(常作定语)不幸的,可怜的;令人苦恼的,讨厌的。miserable a. 痛苦的,悲惨的,可怜的。
despise [di'spaiz] vt. 鄙视,藐视
【同】scorn, look down on
despite [di'spait] prep. 不管,任凭
【同】notwithstanding, in spite of, in the face of
【习惯用语】①die of despite抱恨而死,冤死②in sb.'s despite [古]不顾某人劝告;尽管某人作出努力 ③despite all that尽管如此 (in)
dessert [di'zəːt] n.(作为正餐最后一道菜的)甜食,甜点心
destination ['desti'neiʃn] n. ①目的地,终点
【同】end, goal, objective, purpose, target, aim
【同】station, terminus
【考题精解】We travel from our starting point to our_____.
A. end
B. conclusion
C. destination
D. terminal
【答案】C。destination n. 目的地,终点;目标,目的(如:My destination is Beijing. They reached their destination without mishap.)。end n. 目标,目的;末尾。conclusion n. 结尾;结论,推论;缔结,议定。terminal n.(火车或汽车的)终点(站),末端;终端,接线端。
【真题链接】The bus moved slowly in the thick fog. We arrived at our_____almost two hours later.(2003年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. designation
B. destiny
C. destination
D. dignity
【答案】C。本题意为“公共汽车在浓雾中缓慢地移动,我们几乎两个小时后才到达目的地”。C项的“destination目的地”符合题意。其他三项“designation指示,指定;destiny命运; dignity尊严”都不正确。
destiny ['destəni] n. ①命运 ②天数,天命【真题链接】He was_____to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.(2003年清华大学考博试题)
A. deduced
B. damped
C. diminished
D. destined
【答案】D。本句中空格处意为某事是注定的。四个选项中destined的意思是“注定,命定的”,如:They were destined never to meet again.(命运注定他们永不再相逢)。因此D项正确。“deduced推论,演绎出;damped使潮湿,使沮丧;diminished减少,贬低”都不符合句意。
destroy [di'strɔi] vt. 摧毁;消灭;粉碎
【同】damage, ruin, devastate, kill, smash
【习惯用语】①destroy itself自灭 ②destroy oneself自杀
【派】destroyer, destructive, (in)destructible
【真题链接】Unlike the libertarians, he does not believe the state is a second-order phenomenon, a mere enabler or protector of what people choose to do in civil society or, alternatively, a saboteur of their freedoms. (2014年社科院考博试题)
A. attributor
B. distracter
C. destroyer
D. precursor
destruction [di'strʌkʃn] n. ①破坏,毁灭,消灭
【同】ruin, overthrow, devastation, downfall, extermination
Pride was her destruction. 骄傲是她致命的弱点。
destructive [di'strʌktiv] a. 破坏(性)的,毁灭(性)的
【同】damaging, harmful, hurtful, detrimental
detach [di'tætʃ] vt. ①分离,拆开
【同】separate, take apart
【反】attach, assemble
②派遣(assign, delegate, draft)
【派】detachable, detachment
detail ['diːteil] n. 细节,详情
【同】particulars, peculiarity
vt. 详述,细说
【同】dwell on, specify, numerate
【习惯用语】①beat [defeat] in detail【军】各个击破 ②down to the last detail非常详尽地③for further details为了知道详细情况
【长难例句】The new secretary has written a remarkably concise report only in a few pages but with all the details.
【考题精解】Knowing something as a whole is far from knowing all its_____.
A. instances
B. characters
C. details
D. items
【答案】C。detail n. 细节,详情;枝节,琐事。in detail详细地。instance n. 例子,实例,事例(for instance例如,比如)。character n. 性格,品质;特性,特征。item n.(新闻的)一条,一则;条款,项目。
detain [di'tein] v. ①拘留,扣押 ②挽留
【同】arrest, confine, retain
【反】release, free
【同】delay, retard, hold up
detect [di'tekt] vt. ①察觉,发现
【同】discover, find, spot, observe, test
A policeman detects criminals. 警察侦察出罪犯。
【派】detectable, detector, detection
【考题精解】Can you_____an escape of gas in this corner of the room?
A. sense
B. detect
C. discover
D. determine
【答案】B。detect vt. 察觉,发现(如:Could you detect any odor in the room? I detected some anger in his voice. He detected a fault in my car.)。sense vt. 意识到,觉得。discover vt. 发现;暴露,显示。determine vt. 决定;查明,确定;决心。
detector [di'tektə(r)] n. 探测器
detective [di'tektiv] a. 侦察(用)的
n. ①侦探
【同】researcher, private detective
【考题精解】Young people are particularly interested in films describing_____stories in which policemen are trying to identify wrong-doers.
A. detective
B. instructive
C. legendary
D. historical
【答案】A。detective n./a. 侦探(的)(如:detective stories;The books were either works of travel or detective novels.)。instructive a. 有教育作用的。legendary a. 著名的,传说中的。historical a. 历史(上)的,有关历史的。
detection [di'tekʃn] n. 觉察,发觉;侦察,探测
【同】discovery, exposure, disclosure
determination [di'təːmi'neiʃn] n. ①决心;决定,确定
【同】decision, firmness, resolution, resolve, conclusion
deteriorate [di'tiəriəreit] v.(使)恶化,败坏
【同】decline, depreciate, degenerate, worsen
【真题链接】My grandmother has been ill for two months, so her health has_____.(2004年上海理工大学考博试题)
A. deteriorated
B. diminished
C. dwindled
D. lessened
determine [di'təːmin] v.①决定;下决心;测定
【同】decide, resolve, conclude, settle, establish, ascertain
to determine the velocity测定速度
【习惯用语】①be determined to do sth. 决心做某事②determine on [upon]决定③determine sb. against sth. 使某人决定不做某事
【派】determinable, determination
【长难例句】Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.
【考题精解】The number of mistakes_____the mark you receive in an examination.
A. makes
B. confirms
C. determines
D. defines
【答案】C。determine vt. 决定;查明,确定;决心(如:Genes determine one's stature and hair color. Content determines form. I determined to travel no farther that night/on leaving/that I would leave at once. I was determined not to follow their advice.)(注:determine to do sth. 表示“下决心”的行为;be determined to do sth. 表示“决心已下”的思想状态)。confirm vt. 证实,肯定;进一步确定。define vt. 给……下定义;解释;规定,限定。
determined [di'təːmind] a. 下定决心的;已决定的
detrimental ['detri'mentl] a. 有害的,不利的
【同】harmful, damaging, hurtful
【真题链接】Smuggling is a_____activity which might bring destruction to our economy. therefore, it must be banned.(2004年中国科学院考博试题)
A. pertinent
B. fruitful
C. detrimental
D. casual
devastate ['devəsteit] v. ①使荒芜,破坏
【同】destroy, ruin, spoil
【派】devastation, devastative, devastator
【真题链接】The oil spill had a_____effect on sea birds and other wildlife.(2013年3月中国科学院考博试题)
A. reluctant
B. mischievous
C. devastating
D. malignant
develop [di'veləp] v.①发展;发育;开发;显影
【同】advance, promote, evolve, invent, generate, improve, grow
to develop an idea详细地说明一个概念
【派】development, developmental, developer, developing, developed
【长难例句】As the dome grows, it develops seed fissures (cracks);in at least a few cases the continent may break entirely along some of these fissures, so that the hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean.
development [di'veləpmənt] n. ①发展;开发;新事物
【习惯用语】ribbon [string] development沿公路发展的一系列建筑
deviate ['diːvieit] v. ①(使)背离,(使)偏离
【同】avert, deflect
n. 不正常的人
【真题链接 1】The Coriolis force causes all moving projectiles on Earth to be_____from a straight line.(2002年厦门大学考博试题)
A. distracted
B. deviated
C. intrigued
D. permeated
【真题链接 2】Each workday, the workers followed the same schedules and rarely_____from this routine. (2015年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. deviated
B. disconnected
C. detached
D. distorted
【答案】A。deviated意为“脱离,偏离”。根据句意:“每个工作日,工人们遵循着同样的日程表,很少偏离常规”,deviate from意为“背离,偏离”,故选A。
device [di'vais] n. ①设计,方法
【同】project, design, scheme
【同】tool, apparatus, appliance, instrument, equipment, gear
devil ['devl] n. ①恶魔;恶棍
What the devil happened ? 究竟发生了什么事?
【习惯用语】①go to the devil堕落;毁灭
②Go to the devil! 马上滚开!见鬼去吧!
③the very devil艰难;痛苦
devise [di'vaiz] vt. 设计,发明
【同】design, project, invent, develop, conceive
【派】deviser, device, devisable
【考题精解】The boys are trying to_____some scheme of earning money.
A. make
B. develop
C. produce
D. devise
【答案】D。devise vt. 想出,设计出,发明(to devise away of/a method of+动词ing形式/a plan for+动词ing形式/how to+动词原形)。make vt. 做,制造。develop vt. 开发,研制。produce vt. 生产,制造;出示。
devote [di'vəut] vt. 献身于……;专心于……
【同】dedicate, give
【习惯用语】①devote to把……献给;把……专用于 ②devote oneself to致力于,献身于;专心于
【考题精解】Livestock breeders are_____much thought and ingenuity to the improvement of this strain.
A. devoting
B. utilizing
C. referring
D. granting
【答案】B。devote (to) vt. 将……奉献给……;把……专用于,致力于(如:He has devoted his whole life to benefiting the whole mankind. Every spare moment was devoted to study.)。utilize/-ise vt. 利用。refer (sb. to) vt. 让……去参考,叫……去查询。grant vt. 授予,同意,准予。
【真题链接】Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel, an unlikely television program, has become a surprising success with a_____fan base.(中国科学院2011年3月试题)
A. contributed
B. devoted
C. revered
D. scared
devotion [di'vəuʃn] n. ①献身,致力
【同】dedication, commitment
【同】eagerness, enthusiasm
dew [djuː] n. 露水
diagnose ['daiəɡnəuz] v. ①诊断(疾病)
【同】identify, distinguish
【同】interpret, gather, deduce, analyze
【派】diagnosis, diagnostic
diagnosis ['daiəɡ'nəusis] n. ①诊断
【同】prediction, identification
diagram ['daiəɡræm] n. 图表;图解
【同】drawing, sketch, chart
dial ['daiəl] n. ①刻度盘;钟面;拨号盘②(收音机的)调谐度盘
v. 拨电话
dialect ['daiəlekt] n. 方言,土语
dialog (ue) ['daiəlɔɡ] n. 对话,对白
【同】conversation, talk, discussion
diameter [dai'æmitə(r)] n. 直径
diamond ['daiəmənd] n. ①钻石,金刚石;菱形 ②钻石饰物 ③(纸牌的)红方块
【习惯用语】①a rough diamond [a diamond in the rough] 天然金刚石;言行粗暴而心地善良的人;[美俚]初露光芒的设想 ②Irish diamond水晶③diamond cut diamond以强制强;棋逢对手
diary ['daiəri] n. 日记;日记本
【同】journal, record, chronicle
dictate ['dikteit] v. ①口述,使听写
【同】speak, deliver, record, prescribe
【同】order, demand, direct, instruct, rule
【同】advise, recommend, suggest
【考题精解】The director_____the letter to his secretary, who wrote it down in shorthand.
A. dictated
B. granted
C. authorized
D. drafted
【答案】A。dictate vt. 口授,口述,自己说让别人写下来(如:The teacher dictated a passage to the class.)。grant vt. 授予,同意,准予(如:The government granted them permission to leave the country/will grant land to anyone willing to farm it. He requested that the Premier grant him an interview.)。authorize vt. 授权,批准(to authorize sb. to+动词原形;authorize the+〈源自及物动词的同根〉名词,如:authorize the construction of a new railway)。draft vt. 起草,草拟。
dictation [dik'teiʃn] n. 听写,口授笔录
【同】speaking, prescription
dictator [dik'teitə(r)] n. ①独裁者
【同】despot, tyrant, autocrat, rulers
dictionary ['dikʃənri] n. ①词典;字典
a German-English dictionary德英词典
【习惯用语】①consult a dictionary查字典②have swallowed the [a] dictionary [口]爱使用深奥的字眼③speak like a dictionary谈吐渊博
die [dai] vi. 死,死亡
【同】decline, fade
【反】live, exist
【习惯用语】①as straight [level, true] as a die笔直的,绝对真实可靠 ②The die is cast. [谚]木已成舟。(指事情已经决定,再也不能改变)③upon a [the] die在危急存亡的关头
die:表示动作。be dead:表示状态。
diet ['daiət] n. ①饮食,食物
to go on a diet节食;吃限定食物
He began his diet a week ago.
People who are on a diet mustn't have chocolate.
【习惯用语】①balanced diet均衡饮食(包括身体所需要的各种营养及其科学含量)②on a diet吃规定的饮食 ③put sb. on a diet(医生)给某人规定饮食
【考题精解】She had stomach trouble and had to follow a strict_____prescribed by the doctor.
A. routine
B. prescription
C. diet
D. procedure
【答案】C。diet n.(多与不定冠词连用)(病人或减肥者的)特定饮食,规定饮食(如:The doctor recommended a rice diet for her high blood pressure. The doctor put him on a diet,so now he is on a diet. )。routine n. 例行公事;惯常的程序。prescription n. 处方,药方。procedure n. 程序,手续,步骤。
differ ['difə(r)] vi. 意见分歧;不同,差异
【同】vary, disagree, disaccord
【习惯用语】①agree to differ求同存异,彼此保留不同意见 ②beg to differ恕不苟同③differ from不同于;和……不同;和……意见不一致
【派】differentiate, differentiation, indifferent
【词义辨析】differ, dissent和vary
differ:意为“(意见)不同,相异”,着重表示种类、性质、意见上的差异,但本身不能表明分歧的范围或程度。agree to differ保留不同意见。dissent:意为“持有异议,不同意”,表示人与人之间或团体之间意见出现分歧,甚至对立,也可指反对或拒绝所建议或提供的东西。vary:意为“变化,不同”,侧重于表示显而易见的差异,也可表示差别的范围。常用在论述中,说明所讨论的事物或人在论点、方法或程度上的不同。
different ['difrənt] a.①不同的,差异的,各种的
【同】distinct, unlike, various
【反】same, similar, like
【习惯用语】①as different again又大不相同(指向好处转变的差异)②as different as chalk from cheese (尽管外表相似)本质上完全不同③be different from[to, than] 与……不同
differentiate ['difə'renʃieit] vi.(between)区分,区别
vt. ①区分,区别
【派】different, differential, differentiation
difficult ['difikəlt] a. 艰难的,费力的;难相处的
【同】hard, laborious, tough
【反】easy, simple
【习惯用语】be difficult of难于,不易
【考题精解】She was the most_____customer the salesman had to deal with that day.
A. different
B. difficult
C. particular
D. peculiar
【答案】B。difficult a. 难对付的,很难满足的(人);困难的,艰难的。different a. 差异的,不同的;各种各样的。particular (about) a.(表语)过分讲究的,挑剔的。peculiar a. 古怪的,奇怪的;特殊的,独特的。
difficulty ['difikəlti] n.困难,艰难;麻烦,困境
【同】hardship, trouble
【习惯用语】①be in difficulties经济困难,手头拮据 ②be in difficulty有困难 ③find [have] difficulty in对……有困难
diffuse [di'fjuːs] v. ①渗出,扩散
【同】effuse, exude, perspire
【同】broadcast, disperse, disseminate
【同】fill out, be full of
dig [diɡ] v. ①挖,掘
【同】mine, unearth, study, explore
The old miner was digging for gold.
【派】digging, digger
digest [ dai'dʒest] vt.消化(食物);领会
【同】assimilate, take in, absorb, grasp
['daidʒest] n. 摘要,文摘
【派】digestible, digestibility, digestion, digestive
【考题精解】Do not give the baby meat to eat,because he cannot_____it.
A. absorb
B. swallow
C. digest
D. draw
【答案】C。digest vt. 消化;吸收(知识)(如:We digest our food. He read rapidly but did not digest anything.)。absorb vt. 吸收;吸引……的注意,使全神贯注于。swallow vt. 吞,咽(食物)。draw vt. 拖,拉;拔出,取出。
digital ['didʒitl] a. 数字的
【同】numeric, numeral
【长难例句】These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than exist in traditional media.
dignity ['diɡnəti] n. 威严,尊严
【同】self-respect, elegance, grace, nobility, honor, distinction
【真题链接】The_____of the occasion was spoiled when she fell down the steps.(2004年湖北省考博试题)
A. privacy
B. dignity
C. morality
D. secrecy
【答案】B。本题意为“她从台阶上摔下来,破坏了那种场合的庄严”。B项“dignity尊严,高贵”符合题意,如:The dignity of the occasion was lost when he cut in with an unrefined joke.(他突然插进一则粗俗不堪的笑话,使当时的庄严气氛丧失殆尽。)其他三项“privacy隐私;morality道德;secrecy秘密”都不正确。
dilemma [di'lemə] n. 困境,进退两难
【同】problem, trouble
【真题链接】Parents often faced the_____between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness. (2013年北京航空大学考博试题)
A. junction
B. paradox
C. premise
D. dilemma
【答案】D。本题考查单词词义。A项意为“接合点,交叉点”;B项意为“矛盾的事”;C项意为“前提”;D项意为“(被迫自不中意的两者中择其一的) 左右为难,窘境”。本句意为“父母常常面临这样的困境,一方面想做他们自己觉得对孩子发展有好处的事情,另一方面他们要能忍受孩子们那无教养的吵闹和破坏性”,D项符合题意。
diligent ['dilidʒənt] a. 勤奋的,用功的
【同】hardworking, industrious
【派】diligently, diligence
dilute [dai'luːt] v./a. 冲淡(的),稀释(的),变弱(的)(weaken, reduce, thin, cut, water down)
【真题链接】What is becoming increasingly obvious is that the Internet is_____demand for off-the-shelf media.(2006年厦门大学考博试题)
A. diluting
B. collaborating
C. expelling
D. inflecting
dim [dim] a. ①微暗的
【同】obscure, dark, vague
【反】(a.)bright, clear
【考题精解】In the_____light I could see the outlines of the beacon towers.
A. vague
B. dim
C. indistinct
D. ambiguous
【答案】B。dim a.(光线)昏暗的;(印象、形象、视觉等)朦胧的,模糊不清的 (in the dim light;a dim shape/outline/sound/suspicion;dim sight/memories)。vague a.(印象、形象、思想、感觉、话语等)含糊的,不明确的,模糊的。indistinct a.(声音、形象、记忆等)不清楚的,模糊的。ambiguous a. 含糊不清的,不明确的;引起歧义的,模棱两可的。
dimension [di'menʃn] n. ①尺寸,长(宽、厚、高)度
【同】size, scope
【同】range, area, volume
【考题精解】The_____of this difficulty have only recently been recognized.
A. extents
B. magnitudes
C. dimensions
D. severities
【答案】C。dimension n. 尺寸,长,宽,高,厚,深;(pl.) 大小,程度(如:What are the dimensions of the room? No one realized the dimensions of his problem.)。extent n. 长度,宽度,广度;范围,程度。magnitude n. 巨大,重要;量值,强度。severity n.(或用复数)严厉,严酷,严峻。
diminish [di'miniʃ] v. 减少,缩小
【同】decrease, reduce, lessen, curtail, cut
v. 节制,限制
【同】moderate, reduce, lessen, temper
【长难例句】Again, differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished.
【真题链接 1】His constant attempts to_____his colleagues’ achievement eventually caused his dismissal.(2009年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. withdraw
B. diminish
C. restrain
D. confine
【答案】B。四个选项的意思分别是:withdraw撤回,取回;diminish轻视,贬低增强;restrain约束,抑制;confine限制,限定。所以正确答案是B选项。如:It's not fair to diminish her efforts; she's worked very hard.(贬低她的努力是不公平的,她已非常努力地工作。)
【真题链接 2】My supply of confidence slowly______as the deadline approached.(2002年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. withdrew
B. eliminated
C. exterminated
D. diminished
【答案】D。本题是说当最终期限逼近时我的信心逐渐减少。D项“diminished减少”符合题意,如:diminish the cost of production (减小生产成本)。其他三项“withdrew撤回;eliminated排除;exterminated消除”都不正确。
dine [dain] vi. ①吃饭,进餐
In China, a traditional big square table usually dines eight persons.
【习惯用语】①dine and wine sb. 款待某人吃喝;设宴招待 ②dine forth带食物在外用餐③dine in在家吃饭
dinner ['dinə(r)] n. 正餐;晚宴
【习惯用语】①After dinner, mustard. [谚]饭后上芥末;雨后送伞。②basket dinner [lunch, picnic] 用篮子装的野餐 ③boiled dinner [美]青菜烧肉
dip [dip] vt. 浸,泡
【同】immerse, submerge, soak
vi. ①浸
【同】dive, soak, bathe
【同】sink, drop, subside
【同】browse, skim
【考题精解】I haven't read that book properly.I've only_____into it.
A. glanced
B. peeped
C. looked
D. dipped
【答案】D。dip into浏览,随便翻阅(没有认真研读),稍加研究(如:I've been dipping into ancient history. Some books are intended to be read at length,others to be dipped into.)。glance (at) vi. 看一眼,扫视。peep (at/through) vi. 偷偷地看;窥视。look into调查,了解;观察,研究。
diploma [di'pləumə] n. ①毕业证书,学位证书
【同】academic title, certificate, credentials, degree, parchment
【同】charter, licence, patent, permit
diplomat ['dipləmæt] n. ①外交官
【同】ambassador, agent
【派】diplomacy, diplomatic, diplomatically
diplomatic ['diplə'mætik] a. ①外交的,外交工作的
【同】artful, delicate
【同】discreet, politic, judicious
direct [di'rekt] a. ①径直的,直接的
【同】straight(ly), immediate(ly), frank(ly)
We flew direct from London to New York.
v. 指向;指导,管理
【同】aim, point, guide, lead, instruct, conduct, command
【习惯用语】①direct at [against] 把……对准②direct to [towards] 把(注意力、精力)贯注在……上;指引方向,把……的方向 [地点]指给(某人);把……指向 [针对] ;写收件人姓名地址,把……寄给(某人)
dirt [dəːt] n. ①尘,土;污物
【同】dust, earth, mud, soil, clay
【习惯用语】dirt cheap贱如粪土的;毫无价值的
dirty ['dəːti] a. 肮脏的;下流的
【同】dusty, soiled, dishonorable, mean, low
【反】clean, moral, decent
【习惯用语】①do the dirty on sb. 用卑劣的手段对待某人 ②give sb. a dirty look瞪某人一眼
disable [dis'eibl] v. 使残废;使无能力
【同】cripple, weaken
disabled [dis'eibld] a. 残疾的
【同】worn-out, wrecked
disadvantage ['disəd'vɑːntidʒ] n. ①不利地位(条件)
【习惯用语】①(be) at a disadvantage处于不利地位 ②put [keep] sb. at a disadvantage使某人处于不利地位 ③take sb. at a disadvantage乘隙攻击某人,攻其不备
【真题链接】Since the energy crisis, these big cars have become a real liability. They cost too much to run.(2004年秋季电子科技大学考博试题)
A. lack of reliability
B. substitute
C. costly means of transport
D. disadvantage
【答案】D。本题中,liability的意思是“责任,义务,倾向,债务,负债”。四个选项中, disadvantage的意思是“缺点,不利条件”,如:The washing machine has two serious disadvantages. (这台洗衣机有两个严重缺陷。)lack of reliability的意思是“缺乏可靠性”;substitute的意思是“代替品”;costly means of transport的意思是“昂贵的交通方式”。只有D项符合题意。
disagree ['disə'ɡriː] vi. 意见不同;不相符
【同】differ, oppose, disaccord, conflict, dispute, be unsuitable
【习惯用语】disagree with与……不相称;与……意见不同;对……不相宜,对……有害
【派】disagreeable (ly), disagreement
【考题精解】The newspaper report_____with the account of the accident on the radio.
A. varies
B. disagrees
C. discounts
D. disapproves
【答案】B。disagree (with) vi. 与……不一致,不符合;有分歧,不同意(如:Your answer disagrees with mine. He seemed to disagree with my decision.)。vary v. 变化,有不同,有差异;改变,使不同(vary from…to由……到……不等;从……到……不尽相同)。discount vt. 打折扣;漠视,不考虑。disapprove vi. 不赞成,不以为然 (of);vt. 不批准。
disappear ['disə'piə(r)] vi. 消失;失踪
【同】vanish, die away
【反】appear, emerge
【长难例句】He also conceived that the solar system and the universe would come into existence by a natural process and would disappear one day.
disappoint ['disə'pɔint] vt. ①使失望,使扫兴
【同】fail, sadden
【派】disappointed, disappointing, disappointment
【考题精解】I promised to buy my son a new bicycle but I had to_____him.
A. displease
B. dissatisfy
C. disappoint
D. disgust
【答案】C。disappoint vt. 使失望。displease vt. 使不高兴。dissatisfy vt. 使不满足。disgust vt. 使厌恶。
disappointment ['disə'pɔintmənt] n. 失望
【同】distress, frustration, displeasure
【习惯用语】to one's disappointment令某人失望的是
disapprove ['disə'pruːv] vi. 不赞成,不同意(批准)
【同】object, oppose
disaster [di'zɑːstə(r)] n. 灾难;天灾
【同】accident, misfortune, tragedy
【反】fortune, luck
【习惯用语】①court [invite] disaster惹祸②walk with disaster与灾祸打交道,招致灾难
【考题精解】The fire was the worst_____ever to hit the town.
A. event
B. incident
C. hazard
D. disaster
【答案】D。disaster n.(自然的)灾难,大祸。event n. 事件,大事;(体育)比赛项目。incident n. 事件,事变;发生的事。hazard n. 公害;危险。
disastrous [di'zɑːstrəs] a. ①灾难性的,造成灾害的
disc [disk] n. ①圆盘,唱片,磁盘
【同】video cassette
②[解] 椎间盘
【习惯用语】cut a disc [record](将音乐等)灌制唱片
discard [dis'kɑːd] vt. ①放弃,抛弃
【同】throw away, abandon, dispose of, remove, get rid of, reject, desert
【同】dismiss, fire, kick out, sack
【真题链接】The American Revolution had no medieval legal institutions to____or to root out, apart from monarchy.(北京大学2011年试题)
A. discard
B. discreet
C. discord
D. disgorge
【答案】A。句子大意为:除了君主制,美国革命没有中世纪法律制度要_____或铲除。四个选项:A项discard“丢弃,抛弃”;B项discreet“小心的, 慎重的,有思虑的,贤明的”;C项discord“不和”;D项disgorge“吐出”;or前后为并列关系,所选词语与root out意义相近,所以A项正确。
discern [di'səːn] v. ①辨别,识别
【同】distinguish, differentiate
【同】make out, discover, spot, distinguish, perceive, understand, detect, be aware of
【派】discernible, discernment
discharge [dis'tʃɑːdʒ] vt. ①放出;排出;②发射;③释放;④还债
【同】release, emit, remove, get rid of, let go, dismiss
n. ①放出;排出;释放
【同】release, let go
【习惯用语】①bad conduct discharge [美军]撤销军职 ②dishonourable discharge [美]开除军籍
【考题精解】The factory_____its waste into the river.
A. discharges
B. flows
C. disposes
D. disperses
【答案】A。discharge vt. 排出,放出;允许离开,释放(如:The chimney discharges smoke. Some towns discharge rubbish into the sea. They discharged him from prison. The servant was discharged for being dishonest.)。flow vi. 流,流动。dispose (of) v. 安排,处理;丢掉,销毁。disperse v.(使)分散,(使)消散;散开;驱散。
【真题链接 1】Although she was still ill, she_____herself from the hospital.(2004年湖北省考博试题)
A. extracted
B. discharged
C. injected
D. drained
【真题链接 2】Mary hopes to be_____from hospital next week.(2007年中南大学考博试题)
A. expelled
B. resigned
C. dismissed
D. discharged
【答案】D。本题考查的是动词近义词的辨析。句子的意思是:玛丽希望下星期出院。expel意为“排出,驱逐”;resign意为“辞职”;dismiss意为“派遣,解散”;discharge意为“使退伍;释放,摆脱”,如:discharge a patient;discharge a soldier。根据句意,选项D为正确答案。
discipline ['disəplin] n. 纪律;训练;学科
【同】regulation, rule, code, training, drill, practice, exercise, subject
vt. ①惩戒;惩罚;②训练
【同】train, drill, educate, instruct, punish, penalize
【长难例句】Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.
【考题精解】You ought to_____that rude boy for his bad behavior.
A. educate
B. discipline
C. control
D. teach
【答案】B。discipline vt. 处分,惩罚;训练,训导(如:He disciplined his students by keeping them after school. He disciplined the new soldiers.)。educate vt. 教育,培养,训练。control vt. 控制,支配;克制,抑制。teach vt. 教,教授,教导。
disclose [dis'kləuz] v. 揭示,泄露
【同】reveal, uncover, expose
【反】hide, cover, conceal
【真题链接】It was suggested that all government ministers should_____information on their financial interests.(2007年中南大学考博试题)
A. tell
B. disclose
C. discover
D. uncover
【答案】B。句子的意思是:所有的部长都得公开关于他们财政税收的信息。disclose意为to make known publicly,“(公开的)说出,透露”;而discover意为“发现”;uncover意为“揭露,发现”,与discover意思接近。故B项为正确答案。
【真题链接】The bill would establish protection against criminal and civil penalties for the improper_____of protected patient information.(2009年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. discovery
B. disappearance
C. disclosing
D. disclosure
【答案】D。四个选项的意思分别是:discovery发现,探索;disappearance消失,不见,绝迹;disclosing揭开,披露;disclosure公开,披露,根据句子意思可知,正确答案是D选项。如:The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chance for public office.(公开他曾坐牢一事断送了他谋求在政府机构任职的机会。)
DISCO=discotheque ['diskəu] n.迪斯科舞厅
【同】bar, club
discourage [dis'kʌridʒ] vt. ①使失去勇气,使泄气
【同】dishearten, dispirit
The school teachers discourage smoking.
【习惯用语】discourage from阻止[妨碍,不鼓励]做……,使失信心
【派】discouragement, discouraging
【考题精解】High interest rates_____people from borrowing money from the bank.
A. discourage
B. dissuade
C. distract
D. disturb
【答案】A。discourage (from) vt. 使泄气,使灰心,使却步,使不敢做(句型:discourage sb.;discourage sb. from sth./from+动词ing形式)。dissuade (from+动词ing形式) vt. 劝止,说服使不做。distract (from) vt. 转移(注意力),分散(思想),使分心。disturb vt. 弄乱;扰乱;打扰,使不安。
discourse ['diskɔːs] n. ①讲话,演说,论述②对话;交谈
【同】dissertation, address, speech, dialogue, conversation, talk, chat, communication
discover [di'skʌvə(r)] vt. 发现;暴露
【同】find, detect, spot, perceive, reveal, expose, uncover, disclose
【反】cover, hide, conceal
【派】discoverer, discovery
【长难例句】I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life”, and making the alternative move into“downshifting”brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.
discovery [di'skʌvəri] n. ①发现
【同】findings, invention, breakthrough
【考题精解】The appearance of the book has marked a new_____in the history of the question.
A. beginning
B. discovery
C. area
D. era
【答案】D。era n. 时代,纪元。beginning n.开始,开端。discovery n. 发现。area n. 面积;地区;领域。
discreet [di'skriːt] a. 谨慎的,慎重的,审慎的
discrepancy [dis'krepənsi] n. 不符合(之处),不一致(之处)
【真题链接】There are some_____between their two descriptions;we are puzzled which we should believe.(2005年春季电子科技大学考博试题)
A. discrepancies
B. distractions
C. diversions
D. discretion
【答案】A。本题空格处是说他们间的两种描述有一些差异。A项“discrepancies相差、差异;矛盾”符合题意,如:There was a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident. (在该事件的两个报告中有不一致之处。)其他三项“distractions娱乐;分心,分心的事物;diversions转移,转换;牵制;解闷,娱乐;discretion判断力”都不正确。
discriminate [di'skrimineit] v. ①区别,辨别,区分
【同】distinguish, tell apart, differentiate, separate
【真题链接】It is often difficult to_____between a mere exaggeration and a deliberately. (2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. disguise
B. cultivate
C. originate
D. discriminate
【答案】D。四个选项中,A项disguise的意思是“掩饰,隐瞒,把……假扮起来”,B项cultivate的意思是“耕种,耕作,培养,陶冶”, C项originate的意思是“发源,来自;产生”, D项discriminate的意思是“区别,辨别”。根据题意,D项为正确答案。
discuss [di'skʌs] vt. 讨论,商讨
【同】talk about, debate, relate
【派】discriminating, discrimination, discriminatory
【长难例句】In a draft preface to the recommen-dations, discussed at the 17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would be“morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning.”
discussion [di'skʌʃn] n. 讨论,商讨
【习惯用语】①beyond discussion无讨论余地②come up for discussion提出讨论 ③under discussion在讨论中
disease [di'ziːz] n. 疾病
【同】illness, sickness
【反】health, strength
【习惯用语】①be cured of a disease治好病 ②catch [suffer from, take] a disease患病③Desperate diseases must have desperate cures [remedies]. [谚]猛药起沉疴;在非常情况下必须采取非常手段。
【词义辨析】disease, illness和sickness
disgrace [dis'ɡreis] n. ①失宠,丢脸
【同】disfavor, in Dutch, shame
【同】shame, dishonor, discredit
vt. 使丢脸
disguise [dis'ɡaiz] n./v. 伪装,隐瞒
【同】mask, costume, pretend, falsify, conceal, hide, cover, screen
【反】reveal, uncover, unmask
【习惯用语】in disguise乔扮的;伪装的;掩盖着His illness became a blessing in disguise, when he married his nurse. 他可说是因病得福,他后来娶了他的护士。
disgust [dis'ɡʌst] v./vt.(使)厌恶
【同】dislike, hatred
【真题链接】What he said in the meeting_____everybody present.(2011年南京师范大学考博试题)
A. disgusted
B. dismissed
C. disposed
D. disabled
【答案】A。句子的大意为:他在会议上说的话让大家很厌恶。A项disgusted“厌恶”;B项dismissed“驳回”;C项disposed“处置”;D项disabled“禁用”。这个句子的主语是what he said at the meeting;disgusted是谓语;everybody是宾语;present是定语。所以A项符合题意。
dish [diʃ] n. ①盘,餐盘;一道菜
【同】plate, container
【习惯用语】①a dish of gossip闲谈;谈天
②be dished out of sth. [口]被骗去某东西
③do the dishes(饭后)洗餐具
dishonest [dis'ɔnist] n. 不诚实的
【同】insincere, deceitful, lying
dislike [dis'laik] vt./n. 不喜欢,厌恶
【习惯用语】take a dislike to厌恶;开始讨厌
【考题精解】Most people_____driving on icy roads, but he rather enjoys it.
A. resent
B. dislike
C. refuse
D. deny
【答案】B。dislike vt./n. 不喜欢,厌恶(如:I dislike big cities. She dislikes doing housework. She spoke of him with great dislike. have a dislike of/for sth. 不喜欢。take a dislike to sb./sth. 讨厌;He has many likes and dislikes of his own.)。resent vt. 对……表示憎恨,怨恨。refuse vt. 拒绝。deny vt. 否认,否定,不承认。
dismay [dis'mei] n. ①灰心
【同】dejection, disappointment
【同】amazement, astonishment
vt. ①使沮丧
【同】depress, despond, disappoint
【同】bewilder, expel, send away
dismiss [dis'mis] vt. ①免职,解雇;解散;不考虑
【同】fire, discharge, disband
【反】hire, employ, assemble
A good few people dismiss the idea as sheer nonsense. 不少人认为这种想法是胡说八道。③[法]驳回;对……不受理
to dismiss his appeal驳回他的上诉
【考题精解】The case against Robert Jones was_____for lack of evidence.
A. refused
B. dismissed
C. eliminated
D. discarded
【答案】B。dismiss vt.(因认为不重要或证据不足而)不再考虑,(法官)停审;打消(想法),不谈论;免……的职,解雇,开除;解散,遣散(如:He dismissed the story as mere rumour. He dismissed the idea as unimportant. He dismissed the matter from his mind. Papa dismissed the suggestion with a shake of his head. dismiss sb. from his job; The teacher dismissed the class. )。refuse vt. 拒绝。eliminate vt. 消灭,消除,排除 (eliminate poverty;eliminate error from the tapescript;eliminate most of the runners in the heats)。discard vt. 丢弃,抛弃(无用的东西)。
【真题链接】The Chinese world diving champion was_____from the national team, which news has been front-page report in the country for several days.(2005年北京大学考博试题)
A. displayed
B. dispersed
C. disarmed
D. dismissed
【答案】D。本题空格处是说中国世界跳水冠军离开了国家队。D项“dismissed使(或让)离开”符合题意,如:He was dismissed from his job.(他被解雇了)。其他三项“displayed显示的;dispersed被驱散的;disarmed解除武装的”都不正确。
disorder [dis'ɔːdə(r)] n.混乱;骚乱;小病,失调
【习惯用语】①in disorder混乱,紊乱 ②fall into disorder陷入混乱 ③throw…into disorder使……混乱,把……卷入动乱
disperse [di'spəːs] vt. 使分散,解散,驱散,消散,散开
【同】scatter, diffuse, spread
【词义辨析】scatter, disperse和spread这组词都有“分散,散布”之意。scatter:意为“散布,散开”,可指运用武力、暴力或其他力量使人或物杂乱地朝各方向散开;也可指用武力使人或物杂乱地朝各方向散开;也可指投掷、抛洒、使物体散开、四处坠落,也可用于抽象事物。disperse:意为“驱散,散开”,与scatter相比,表示使人或物分散得更广、更为彻底,以至于群体或整体完全分开。spread:意为“展开,伸开,传播”,普通用词,意思是指让某些具体形中抽象的东西(知识、疾病、谣言等)散开、传开,也指人或事物的舒展。
【真题链接 1】Stephen Schneider, a climatologist at Stanford, notes that unlike greenhouse gases,which_____rapidly around the globe, the sulfate droplets tend to concentrate over industrialized regions.(2004年四川大学考博试题)
A. unify
B. fragment
C. disperse
D. shatter
【答案】C。本题空格处是说迅速分散于全球。C项的“disperse分散,疏散”符合题意,如:A group of children dispersed.(一群孩子散开了)。其他三项“unify统一;fragment碎片;shatter碎片”都不正确。
【真题链接 2】When we got to the scene of the incident, we found that the police were firing shots and using teargas to_____the crowd that had gathered around the building.(2006年厦门大学考博试题)
A. dispose
B. dislocate
C. disintegrate
D. disperse
【答案】D。本题是说当我们到达事件现场,我们发现警察正在开枪和用催泪性毒气驱散聚集在建筑物周围的人群。四个选项中,A项dispose的意思是“布置,安排,除去,使愿意”, B项dislocate的意思是“脱臼、使……脱位;(使交通,机器,事务等)混乱”,C项disintegrate的意思是“(使)分解,(使)碎裂”, D项disperse的意思是“(使)分散,(使)散开,疏散”。根据题意,D项为正确答案。
displace [dis'pleis] vt. ①使错位
【同】take the place of, substitute
dispute [di'spjuːt] v. ①争论,辩论
【同】argue (ment), discuss (ion), debate, quarrel
to dispute a landing by the enemy抵抗敌人的登陆
n. 争论,辩驳;争端
【习惯用语】①in dispute with与……争论;与……有争议 ②under dispute在争论中;在辩论中 (=in dispute)
【长难例句】Few would dispute that the term applies to the Unabomber, those manifesto, published in 1995, scorns science and longs for return to a pretechnological utopia.
【考题精解】There were many religious_____in England during the 17th century.
A. arguments
B. discussions
C. disputes
D. differences
【答案】C。dispute (over/about) n.(对重大政治问题等的)争论,争端,争吵(a dispute over/about capital punishment;be in/under dispute在争议中的;in dispute with与……有争议;be beyond/past [all] dispute无可争议,不容争议)。argument n. 争论,争辩;理由,论据(争论的目的在于说服对方接受自己的观点)。discussion (of/about) n. 讨论。differencen. 不同;差异;分歧。
disregard ['disri'ɡɑːd] n. 漠视,不顾
vt. ①不理,不顾
【同】omit, fail, neglect, let slip, overlook, ignore, lose sight of, dismiss, think no more of, unlearn
disrupt [dis'rʌpt] vt. 使混乱,使崩溃,使分裂,使瓦解
【同】be mixed up, blow up, break up, collapse, confuse, crash, crumple, divide, disintegrate, disorganize, fall apart, go to pieces, split, overthrow
【派】disruption, disruptive
dissipate ['disipeit] vi. 消散,消失
vt. ①使消散,使消失
dissolve [di'zɔlv] v. ①溶解,(使)融化;解散
【同】melt, fuse, dismiss, break up
【反】concentrate, gather, unite, integrate, assemble
His strength dissolved. 他的体力减退。
③(常与into连用)不能自已;失控;被感动to dissolve in tears感动得不禁流泪
【习惯用语】①dissolve away溶解掉
②dissolve in溶解入 ③dissolve into溶解[消失]到……中,溶(解,化)成
【真题链接 1】According to the law of that country,the Parliament will have to be_____before the General Election.(2002年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. decomposed
B. dispersed
C. dissolved
D. disintegrated
【真题链接 2】One room schools, with all subjects being taught to all grades at the same time, simply_____when better transportation permits specialized spaces and specialized teaching. (北京大学2011年试题)
A. resolved
B. absolved
C. dissolved
D. solved
distance ['distəns] n. 距离;远处
【同】stretch, span
【习惯用语】①at a distance相距,相隔 ②go the distance赛到底 ③keep one's distance保持一定距离
【长难例句】Computers were thought of, like people, in terms of generations, with the distance between generations much smaller.
distant ['distənt] a. ①远离的,久远的
【同】far, remote
【反】near, close
a distant journey遥远的路程
distant relations远亲
【习惯用语】be distant towards sb. 对某人冷淡
distill [di'stil] vt. ①蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取②吸取,提炼
distillation ['disti'leiʃn] n. 蒸馏,蒸馏法
distinct [di'stiŋkt] a. 不同的;清楚的,明显的
【同】particular, different, unique, clear, plain, apparent
【反】indistinct, unclear
【习惯用语】①(as) distinct from与……不同(的)②be distinct in…from… 在某方面与……不同
【派】distinction, distinctive (ly)
【词义辨析】apparent, distinct, evident和obvious这一组词均有“明显”之意。apparent:意为“显然的,表面的”,指经过一定推敲从证据中得出的结论,着重指经过某种推理过程,如归纳、演绎等而领悟到的事物,常作表语;作定语时,常译为“表面的”。distinct:意为“清晰的,明显的”,指轮廓或界线清晰可见,不需仔细辨别,也指不需注意听就可听清、理解的,另外,还可指不需太多努力就能领会的抽象事物。evident:意为“明显的,显然的”,指肉眼可见的所有迹象都能导出的结论,也可指感觉不到但可从外部迹象推断出的事物。obvious:意为“显而易见的”,指易于发现或说明,常指显而易见或掩蔽得并不成功的事物。
【考题精解】There was a_____drop in support for the Union in the 1974 election.
A. delicate
B. downward
C. distant
D. distinct
【答案】D。distinct (from) a. 清楚的,明显的;不同的。delicate a. 微妙的,棘手的;灵敏的,精密的。downward a. 向下的,下行的。distant a. 久远的,在远处的。
distinction [di'stiŋkʃn] n. ①差别,不同
【反】similarity, likeness
【同】separation, differentiation
【考题精解】Being color-blind, he can't make a_____between red and green.
A. separation
B. distinction
C. division
D. definition
【答案】B。distinction n. 区分,辨别;差别,不同,对比(如:What is the distinction between ducks and geese? There is a distinction between…. She made no distinction between the two.)。separation n.分离;分开;分手。division n. 分开;分配;部门。definition n. 定义,释义。
distinguish [di'stiŋɡwiʃ] v. ①辨认出;区别,区分
【同】identify, classify, categorize, differentiate, characterize
Speeches distinguishes man from the animals.
The young officer distinguished himself many times in battle. 这个年轻军官屡建战功。
【习惯用语】①be distinguished as辨明为,称之为 ②be distinguished by以……为特征③be distinguished for以……而著名
【派】distinguished, distinguishable
【考题精解】Colour-blind people often find it difficult to_____between blue and green.
A. separate
B. contrast
C. compare
D. distinguish
【答案】D。distinguish v. 区别,辨别,区分(句型:distinguish between A and B:distinguish A from B;distinguish two things apart.)。separate v.(使)分开,(使)分离(句型:separate two things;separate one from the other)。contrast vt. 对比,对照;vi.与……形成对比,对比之下显出区别(句型:contrast A and B;A contrasts with B)。compare vt. 比较,对照;比拟为(句型:compare A and B;compare A with B将A与B作比较;compare A to B把A比作B)。
【真题链接】Colour-blind people often find it difficult to_____between blue and green.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)
A. separate
B. compare
C. distinguish
D. contrast
distinguished [di'stiŋɡwiʃt] a. 以……著名的,杰出的
【同】eminent, famous, noted, notable, well-known
【反】obscure, unknown
【真题链接】In ancient Egyptian paintings, royal figures were differentiated by making them several times larger than others.(2003年电子科技大学考博试题)
A. distinguished
B. estranged
C. deferred
D. enlarged
【答案】A。本题中,differentiate的意思是“区别,区分”。四个选项中,distinguish的意思是“区别,辨别”,如:Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now? (你能区分出正在演奏的各种不同的乐器吗?)estrange的意思是“疏远”;defer的意思是“推迟,延期”;enlarge的意思是“扩大,放大”。只有A项符合题意。
distort [di'stɔːt] vt. ①歪曲(事实等),曲解
【同】misrepresent, twist
【真题链接】I didn't say anything like that at all.You are_____purposely my ideas to prove your point.(2004年湖北省考博试题)
A. revising
B. contradicting
C. distorting
D. distracting
【答案】C。本题意为“我根本没有那样说,你故意曲解我的观点以证明你的论点”。C项的“distort歪曲”符合题意,如:That newspaper accounts of international affairs are sometimes distorted.(那家报纸对国际事件的刊载有时是歪曲事实的。)其他三项“revise修订,校订;contradict反驳,否认;同……矛盾;distract分散(注意力、心思等)”都不正确。
distract [di'strækt] v. 使……分心,使分散注意力,扰乱
【派】distraction, distractingly, distracted
【真题链接】As we have seen, propaganda can appeal to us by arousing our emotions or_____our attention from the real issues at hand.(2004年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. retaining
B. sustaining
C. distracting
D. obscuring
【答案】C。本题空格处是说转移我们的注意力。C项“distracting转移”符合题意,如:My attentions are distracted from my study. (我读书的注意力分散了。)其他三项“retaining保留;sustaining支持;obscuring使不明显”都不正确。
distress [di'stres] n. ①苦恼,痛苦,不舒适
【同】agony, grief, torment, worry, woe
【同】adversity, misfortune, misery v. 使悲痛(苦恼)
【同】grieve, sadden, bother, pain, trouble
【考题精解】He was ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in_____.
A. demand
B. case
C. question
D. distress
【答案】D。distress n. 不幸,危难;忧虑,悲伤,痛苦(如:be in distress危难中的。Dr. Sun was then plunged into great distress.)。be in demand有需求。in case假使;以防万一。in question所说的,正在谈论中的。
district ['distrikt] n. 区域;行政区
【同】region, area, zone, belt
disturb [di'stəːb] vt. 打扰,使烦恼;妨碍
【同】bother, bore, upset, annoy, trouble, interrupt
【习惯用语】disturb the peace扰乱治安
【派】disturber, disturbance
【考题精解】However, at times this balance in nature is_____, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
A. troubled
B. confused
C. disturbed
D. puzzled
【答案】C。disturb vt. 打乱,弄乱;扰乱;打扰,使不安。trouble vt. 使烦恼,使苦恼;麻烦,费神。confuse vt. 使混乱,混淆。puzzle v. (使)迷惑,(使)为难。
disturbance [di'stəːbəns] n. ①扰乱,打扰
【同】interruption, trouble
【同】disorder, confusion, riot
【真题链接】There was a noisy_____at the back of the hall when the speaker began his address.(2003年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. interaction
B. irritation
C. disturbance
D. interruption
ditch [ditʃ] n.(明)沟,沟渠
dive [daiv] vi./n. ①跳水;潜水
【同】jump, leap
【同】plunge, fall
He dived into an alley.
【习惯用语】①make a dive for向……冲去②take a dive突然下降,(市价)暴跌;[美俚]假装被打倒 ③dive in(头朝下)跳进水里;开始吃;猛吃
diverse [dai'vəːs] a. ①不同的
【同】different, dissimilar
【同】various, varied, distinct
【派】diversify, diversification, diversity
【考题精解】The wild life in Africa is extremely_____.
A. variable
B. sufficient
C. diverse
D. distinctive
【答案】C。diverse a. 多种多样的;不同的,相异的(如:John and his brother have diverse interests. There are diverse ways of approaching the problem.)。variable a. 易变的;可变的,变量的。sufficient (for) a. 充足的,足够的。distinctive a. 明显不同的,特别的,突出的。
【真题链接】Sales of mushrooms have hit an all-time high as Britons increasingly turn to the cheap and_____foodstuff for their cooking.(2013年北京大学考博试题)
A. versatile
B. multiple
C. manifold
D. diverse
diversion [dai'vəːʃn] n. 转移,转向,(河流、航线等的)改道
【同】change of direction, change of course
【长难例句】Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside world.
diversity [dai'vəːsəti] n. 差异,多样化,变化
【同】difference, variety
divert [dai'vəːt] vt. ①使转向,使转移
【同】turn aside, distract
【派】diversion, diversify
divide [di'vaid] v. ①划分;分配;隔开
【同】part, split, separate, distribute, partition, cut
15 divided by 3 is 5. 3除15等于5。
Please don't let such a small matter divide us.
【习惯用语】①be divided against itself发生内讧 ②cross [go over] the Great Divide [美]死
【派】divider, division, divisional, divided
division [di'viʒn] n. ①分开;分配;部门;除法
【同】separation, distribution, section, department, branch
divorce [di'vɔːs] n./v. 离婚;(使)分离
【同】separation, breakup, separate, break up
【反】marriage, marry
dizzy ['dizi] a. 头昏眼花的;眩晕的
【同】light-headed, upset
do [duː] v. 做,干;引起,产生;进行;完成;行,合适
【同】perform, fulfill, complete, accomplish, achieve, produce, create, generate, behave, act, be okay
【习惯用语】①be divorced from与……离婚;与……脱离,与……分开 ②divorce oneself from与……离婚;脱离,与……分开
dock [dɔk] n. 码头,船坞
【同】pier, harbor, ferry
【习惯用语】in the dock在被告席上;处于被审判地位
doctor ['dɔktə(r)] n. 医生;博士
【习惯用语】①put the doctor on sb. [废] 欺骗某人 ②under the doctor (for) [口](因患……)正由医生治疗中 ③Who shall decide when doctors disagree [differ]? [谚]大学者们意见分歧时,谁来判定孰是孰非?
【词义辨析】doctor, physician和surgeon
doctrine ['dɔktrin] n. ①教义;主义;教条
【同】belief, creed
【同】theory, principle
【真题链接】The shuttle exploded in the air suddenly and broke into_____at once.(2003年清华大学考博试题)
A. diversity
B. fragments
C. doctrine
D. drought
【答案】B。本句说的是飞机在空中突然爆炸,裂成了碎片。“fragments碎片,断片”是正确的答案。如:She dropped the bowl on the floor and it broke into fragments.(她把碗掉在了地上,碗摔成了碎片)。而“diversity差异,多样性;doctrine教条,学说;drought干旱,缺乏”与句意都不相符。
document ['dɔkjumənt] n. 文件,公文,文献
【同】paper, record, file
【派】documentation, documentary
【考题精解】Let me see all the official_____concerning the sale of this land.
A. articles
B. writings
C. documents
D. licenses
【答案】C。document n. 公文,文件,文献。article n. 文章;论文;条款,条文。writing n. 写作;(pl.)著作,作品。license/licence n. 许可,特许;执照,许可证
documentary ['dɔkju'mentri] a.公文的,文件的
dog [dɔɡ] n. ①狗
He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。
doll [dɔl] n. 玩具娃娃
dollar [`dɔlə(r)] n. ①元,美元
domain [də'mein] n. ①领土,领地
【同】area, field, realm
【同】home, abode, element, environment
dome [dəum] n. 圆屋顶,穹顶
domestic [də'mestik] a. ①国内的;家庭的;驯养的
【同】civil, native, household, family, tame
【反】foreign, wild, untamed
【考题精解】A good newspaper publishes both_____and foreign news.
A. current
B. latest
C. recent
D. domestic
【答案】D。domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家(庭)的,家用的;驯养的。current a. 现时的,当前的。latest a.(late的最高级)最新的,最近的(信息,设备)。recent a. 近来的,新近的,不久前(发生)的。
【真题链接】Much of the news provided by this newspaper is_____, not foreign.(2011年南京师范大学考博试题)
A. domestic
B. devilish
C. unusual
D. civilian
dominant ['dɔminənt] a. ①支配的,统治的,居高临下的
【同】governing, controlling, commanding
【同】outstanding, prevailing
【考题精解】My sister had a very_____nature;we all willingly did what she wanted.
A. extraordinary
B. abnormal
C. bossy
D. dominant
【答案】D。dominant a.(在众多当中)占支配地位的,统治的,占优势的(如:The dominant powers took control of the conference. The dominant influence in her life was her father.)。extraordinary a. 非同寻常的,特别的。abnormal a.(贬)反常的,异常的。bossy a. 爱压人的,爱发号施令的。
dominate ['dɔmineit] vt. ①支配,统治,控制
【同】govern, rule, control, command
vi. 居支配地位,处于最重要的地位
【派】dominator, domination, dominant, predominant
【考题精解】People were surprised to find that Mr.Johnson had the ability to_____everything he was involved in.
A. prevail
B. dominate
C. preside
D. instruct
【答案】B。dominate vt. 支配,统治,控制;在……中居首要地位;(高山、高大建筑物)耸立于,俯视(周围较低的同类)(如:The strong usually dominate over the weak. A great man can dominate[over]others by force of character. The skyscraper dominates the city.)。prevail (over) vi. 占上风;盛行,风行。preside vi. 主持,主管。instruct vt. 教育,指导;指示,命令,通知。
【真题链接】His desire to_____other people has caused trouble in his family.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. please
B. dominate
C. force
D. urge
【答案】B。本题空格处是说支配其他人。B项的“dominate支配”符合题意。如:A great man can dominate others by force of character.(伟人能以人格的力量支配他人。)其他三项“please取悦;force强迫;urge催促”都不正确。
donate [dəu'neit] v. 捐赠,馈赠
【同】give, grant, present, contribute
【派】donation, donor
donkey ['dɔŋki] n. 驴;笨蛋
【习惯用语】①(as) stubborn as a donkey [mule]犟如驴,非常固执 ②as stupid as a donkey驴一样的愚蠢,失策 ③If a donkey bray at you, don't bray at him. [谚]别和蠢人一般见识。
donor ['dəunə(r)] n. 捐献者,馈赠者
doom [duːm] n. ①命运,厄运
【同】disaster, tragedy, misfortune, calamity
【反】fortune, luck
【同】doomsday, end
vt. ①命定(be~ed to注定…)
【同】condemn, damn, censure
door [dɔː(r)] n. ①门
【同】entrance, gate
Will you wait at the door? 你在门口等好吗?
a door to success成功之道
【习惯用语】①answer the door应门;开门②at death's door垂死;濒临死亡 ③by the back door走后门;耍手段
doorway ['dɔːwei] n. 门口,出入口
【同】door, gateway, entrance
dormitory ['dɔːmətri](缩dorm)n.(集体)宿舍
dose [dəus] n. ①剂量,一服(药)(=dosage)
【同】portion, prescription
a dose of hard work一份苦差事
dot [dɔt] n. 点,小数点
【同】spot, point, period
vt. ①打点于,点缀
【同】hit, strike
double ['dʌbl] a. 双倍的;双重的;双人的
【同】twofold, paired
v. 加倍,翻一翻
【习惯用语】①at the double(军人)跑步走②double or quits押双倍;加倍 ③on the double赶快;跑步
doubt [daut] v./n. 怀疑,疑问,不相信
【同】suspect, distrust, question
【反】trust, believe, belief
【习惯用语】without doubt必定;无疑
【派】doubtable, doubtless, doubter, indubitable, undoubted
【考题精解】He said that very clearly so that nobody was in any_____about what was meant.
A. wonder
B. doubt
C. question
D. consideration
【答案】B。be in doubt about对……有怀疑。be in question有问题(没有in wonder/consideration about sth. 的说法)。
【真题链接】I_____that you and Jim and Bill have all finished this work.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)
A. doubt
B. show
C. display
D. suspect
doubtful ['dautfl] a. 怀疑的,可疑的;难料的,不确定的;拿不准的
【同】sure, certain
【考题精解】I hope their plan will work, but they themselves are very_____that it will.A. doubtful
B. suspicious
C. certain
D. confident
【答案】A。doubtful (of/about) a. 怀疑的,可疑的;难以预测的,未定的(句型:be doubtful of/about sb./sb's intentions/of success;doubtful whether…/that…)。suspicious (of/about) a. 猜疑的,疑心的;可疑的。certain (of) a. 肯定的,必然的;确定的,无疑的。confident (of/in) a.(表语或定语)确信的,自信的(句型:confident of/in sth.;confident of+动词ing形式;confident that…)。
【真题链接 1】Tim is dubious about diet pills which advertise quick weight loss.(2003年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. anxious
B. pessimistic
C. doubtful
D. ignorant
【答案】C。本题中,dubious的意思是“可疑的,不确定的”。C项“doubtful怀疑的”符合题意,如:be (feel) doubtful of (about) the data(怀疑那些数据)。其他三项“anxious担忧的;pessimistic悲观的;ignorant无知的”都不正确。
【真题链接 2】He will_____resign in view of the complete failure of the research project.(2011年四川大学考博试题)
A. doubtfully
B. adequately
C. presumably
D. reasonably
dough [dəu] n. ①生面团
【同】cash, currency
dove [dʌv] n. 鸽
down [daun] ad. ①向下,在下面
Sit down, please. 请坐。
down in London南下去伦敦
prep. 沿……向下,顺……而下
【考题精解】Although the family trusted her, she let them_____badly.
A. off
B. out
C. down
D. alone
【答案】C。let…down辜负,使失望,做对不起……的事;放下,降低(如:He let the team down by not trying hard enough. Our friends let us down badly during the last crisis.)。let off排放;放过(某人的过失不惩罚),宽恕。let out放走,释放;发出。let alone不打扰,不惊动;更别提。
downstairs ['daun'stɛəz] ad. 在楼下,往楼下
a. 楼下的
downtown ['daun'taun] ad. 在(或往)城市的商业区
downward(s) ['daunwəd(z)] a./ad. 向下的(地),下行的(地)
doze [dəuz] v./n. 打盹
【同】nap, slumber
dozen ['dʌzn] n. 一打,十二个
【习惯用语】dozens of许多There were dozens of people there. 那里有许多人。
drag [dræɡ] v. ①拖,曳
【同】pull, draw, haul, push
to walk with dragging feet踯躅而行
They dragged the river for the missing child.
【习惯用语】①have a drag with sb. [美俚] 与某人有交情 ②main drag [美俚](一个城市的)主要街道 ③take a drag on [at, from] 吸一口(香烟);喝一口(酒)
【考题精解】Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will_____down the economy.
A. put
B. settle
C. drag
D. knock
【答案】C。drag vt. 拖,拉。put down记下,放下;镇压,平定。settle down平静下来,静下心来(to);定居,过安定的生活。knock down击倒,撞倒。
dragon ['dræɡən] n. 龙
drain [drein] n. 排水管(沟);消耗
【同】duct, channel, pipe, consumption, expense
v. 排(水),放(水)
drama ['drɑːmə] n. 戏剧;戏剧性事件;戏剧作品
【习惯用语】①cloak-and-dagger[cloak-and-sword] drama《披风与剑》(一种充满惊险场面的浪漫剧,描写间谍密探或反间谍密探的戏)②closet drama适于阅读而不适于上演的剧本
【派】dramatic, dramatically
dramatic [drə'mætik] a. 戏剧性的;引人注目的;戏剧的;有关戏剧的
【同】theatrical, sensational, remarkable, impressive
【长难例句】Discoveries in science and technology are thought by“untaught minds”to come in blinding flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents.
drastic ['dræstik] a. ①严厉的,极端的
【真题链接】The government decided to take a_____action to strengthen the market management.(2007年清华大学考博试题)
A. diverse
B. durable
C. epidemic
D. drastic
draw [drɔː] v. 绘,画;拖,拉;吸引;引出;提取;推断出;来临
【同】pull, drag, cause, lead to, paint, approach, near n. 平局,不分胜负
【习惯用语】①a sure draw肯定可以搜出狐狸的地方;可引起议论之处②be quick [slow] on the draw拔枪迅速[迟缓];[美俚] 反应敏捷[迟钝]③beat to the draw先拔枪[剑],先下手
【词义辨析】draw, pull和drag
【考题精解】Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to_____some money.
A. pull
B. draw
C. pick
D. gain
【答案】B。draw (out) vt. 取出,提取(银行存款);拔出;引起,吸引:推断出(其他三个动词不合句意)。
drawer ['drɔː(r)] n. ①绘图员,描图员
【同】locker, closet
③(pl.) 内裤
【习惯用语】①bottom drawer(少女为自己准备的)嫁妆 ②from [out of] the top drawer出身名门望族(通常用于否定句)③refer to drawer【商】请询问出票人,请与出票人接洽
dread [dred] v./n. 害怕,恐惧
【习惯用语】①in dread of one's life害怕遭到杀害 ②in dread of sb.[sth.] 害怕某人[某事]
dream [driːm] n. 做梦,幻想,梦想,愿望
v. 做梦,梦见;幻想
【同】fancy, fantasize
【习惯用语】①beyond sb.'s dream超过某人的期望 ②be [live, go about] in a dream像做梦一样;梦一样的过日子 ③go to one's dreams进入梦乡
【长难例句】One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the ret sets in early.
dreary ['driəri] a. 沉闷的,枯燥的,无味的,令人沮丧的
【同】dull, boring, tedious, gloomy, uninteresting
【反】interesting, exciting
dress [dres] n. 服装;女服
v. 穿衣,打扮
【同】clothe, beautify
【习惯用语】dressed to kill穿着极炫目的衣服吸引异性
drift [drift] v./n. ①漂流
【同】float, wash, flow
【考题精解】The engine has broken down and the boat is_____.
A. drifting
B. floating
C. buoyant
D. fluctuating
【答案】A。drift vi. 漂流。float vi. 漂浮。buoyant a. 有浮力的;神采奕奕的。fluctuating a. 起伏的,波动中的。
drill [dril] n. 钻孔;钻头;操练
【同】training, exercises
v. 钻孔;操练
They drilled boulders for inserting dynamite.
drink [driŋk] v. 喝,饮;饮酒
【同】sip, take in
n. 饮料;酒
【同】beverage, refreshment, liquor
The parched soil drank in the rain.
【派】drunk, drunken, drunkard, drinking
drip [drip] vi. 滴下,漏水
【同】drop, leak
n. 水滴
【考题精解】The rain came through the roof and_____from the ceiling.
A. dropped
B. dripped
C. draped
D. fell
【答案】B。drip vi. 滴下;(一滴一滴地)漏水。drop v. 投下;落下,下降。drape vi.(旗、布等)成褶皱状下垂。fall vi. 落下,降落;跌倒;下降。
【真题链接】I couldn't sleep last night because the tap in the bathroom was_____.(2007年中南大学考博试题)
A. spilling
B. dripping
C. draining
D. dropping
【答案】B。动词辨析题。句子的意思是浴室水龙头的滴水声使我昨夜无法入眠。spill意为“涌出,溢出”;drip意为“滴落,滴下”,如:Water is dripping from that leaky faucet.(水正从漏水的笼头滴下来。)drain意为“排水”。drop意为“滴下,落下”。注意区分drop和drip, drop不管是作动词还是名词,都有“滴下,落下”的意思,可以指任何物体,不限于液体,而drip指水滴,只能用于液体。因此B项是正确答案。
drive [draiv] v. 驱,赶;开车;迫使
【同】ride, steer, navigate, wheel, force, push, impel, oblige
n. 驾驶,驱车旅行;干劲
【同】ride, tour
【考题精解】None of us understood what the lecturer was_____at.
A. accounting
B. explaining
C. driving
D. working
【答案】C。drive/get at想说明(……问题),是……意思(注:该短语一般与what连用,并且要用进行时态,如:What on earth are you driving at? I don't know whether you see what I'm driving at. What was his speech driving at?)。account (for) vi. 解释,说明(原因)。explain vt. 解释。work at从事于,致力于,学习,研究,设法解决。
【真题链接】The terrible noise is_____me mad.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)
A. turning
B. setting
C. driving
D. putting
【答案】C。本题是说“这可怕的噪声使我发疯”。短语drive sb. mad的意思是“使某人发疯”。因此正确答案为C。
driver ['draivə(r)] n. ①驾驶员,司机
【同】motorist, operator
【习惯用语】①back-seat driver坐在汽车后座对司机指手画脚的乘客;爱管闲事的人,干涉与自己职责无关的事情的人;越俎代庖的人②Sunday driver不常开车的生手
drizzle ['drizl] vi. 下毛毛雨
n. 毛毛雨
【同】light rain
drop [drɔp] v. 投下,滴落;下降;降低
【同】fall, decline
n. 滴;下降;微量
【同】fall, decline, reduction, decrease, bit, little
【习惯用语】get the drop on sb. 先发制人
drought [draut] n. 干旱,旱灾
drown [draun] v. ①淹死;淹没
【同】flood, overflow, immerse, submerge
He drowned himself in work. 他埋头工作。
【习惯用语】①drown oneself in埋头于
②drown out淹没;压过(另一声音);(水)把……赶出
【真题链接】In the airport, I could hear nothing except the roar of aircraft engines which_____all other sounds.(2002年3月中国科学院考博试题)
A. dwarfed
B. diminished
C. drowned
D. devastated
【答案】C。本题空格处是说飞机发动机的声音掩盖了所有其他的声音。C项的“drown(噪声)掩盖”符合题意,如:The cheers of the audience drowned the professor's voice.(听众的欢呼声淹没了这位教授的声音。)其他三项“dwarf使相形见绌;diminish减少,缩小;devastate毁灭,破坏”都不正确。
drug [drʌɡ] n. 药物;( pl. ) 麻醉药;毒品
【同】medicine, pill
vt. 用药麻醉
【习惯用语】①hard drug [口](会在生理和心理上)致瘾的麻醉品 ②on drugs吸毒
③truth drug [serum] 吐实药,坦白剂
【长难例句】Our research has focused on a drug which is so powerful as to be able to change brain chemistry.
drum [drʌm] n. 鼓;圆筒;鼓声;鼓状物
drunk [drʌŋk] a.(酒)醉的;陶醉
【习惯用语】①as drunk as a lord [a fish, a sow, a fiddler, a piper, an owl, the devil] 酩酊大醉②be on a drunk喝醉③blind [dead] drunk烂醉
dry [drai] a. 干的,干燥的;干旱的
【同】wet, moist, humid
v. 使干,晒干
【习惯用语】①(as) dry as a bone [limekiln, chip]干极了口渴极了(as) ②dry as a mummy干极了,十分干燥 ③do a dry(演员)记不起台词
dual ['djuːəl] a. 双的,二重的,二元的
【同】double, twin, twofold, coupled
【真题链接】The United States court system is characterized by_____hierarchies: there are both state and federal courts.(2004年武汉大学考博试题)
A. double
B. complex
C. simple
D. dual
dubious ['djuːbiəs] a. ①有问题的,靠不住的
【同】suspect, untrustworthy, questionable
【同】doubtful, uncertain, unsure, questioning, hesitant, suspicious
【真题链接 1】Since most doctors are_____about effectiveness of the new medicine, they seldom recommend it to their patients.(2003年南京大学考博试题)
A. anxious
B. dubious
C. cynical
D. innocent
duck [dʌk] n. ①鸭;鸭肉
She's a sweet old duck. 她是个可爱的老太婆。
duct [dʌkt] n. 管,导管,管道
dull [dʌl] a. ①枯燥的;沉闷的;迟钝的
【同】boring, slow, stupid
【反】interesting, exciting, bright, clever, brilliant, intelligent
【同】cloudy, gloomy
a dull brown color暗棕色
【习惯用语】(as) dull as ditch-water [口] 非常沉闷乏味
【派】dullard, dully
【考题精解】Jim isn't _____, but he did badly in the final exams last semester.
A. gloomy
B. dull
C. awkward
D. tedious
【答案】B。dull a.(人)迟钝的,愚钝的;(刀具)钝的;(故事)枯燥的;(色彩)不鲜艳的。gloomy a. 黑暗的,昏暗的;(天气)阴沉的;令人沮丧的。awkward a. 粗笨的,笨拙的;尴尬的,棘手的;(工具)使用不便的。tedious a.(演说、故事等)乏味的,单调的,冗长的。
dumb [dʌm] a. 哑的;沉默的;傻乎乎的;笨的
【同】mute, silent
【习惯用语】①(as) dumb as an oyster [an ox, a fish] 很少讲话,沉默不语 ②strike sb. dumb [speechless] 使某人哑口无言,使某人惊讶得目瞪口呆
duplicate ['djuːplikeit] vt. ①复制,复写
【同】copy, repeat, reproduce, double
n. 复制品,副本
【同】copy, reproduce, xerox
【真题链接】His production techniques are elaborate and near legendary, but even if they could be_____, it wouldn't be the same for any other people.(2002年复旦大学考博试题)
A. resembled
B. approximated
C. duplicated
D. undertaken
【答案】C。本题中,C项的“duplicate复制”符合题意。如:He duplicated his former mistakes. (他又犯了和以前一样的错误。)其他三项“resemble像,类似;approximate接近,近似;undertake承担”都不正确。
durable ['djuərəbl ] a. 耐久的,持久的
【同】lasting, permanent
【反】temporary, impermanent
【派】duration, endurable
【词义辨析】durable, enduring, lasting和permanent durable:对破坏性因素或损耗有抗御力,通常指具有超过其他同类事物的,持久的。enduring:能承受时间与环境的考验。lasting:拥有一种令人惊讶的无限持续的能力。permanent:强调停留于相同的情况或地位中没有改变,也不可能改变。
【考题精解】Even though leather gloves are much more expensive, they are more_____than vinyl.
A. resistant
B. persistent
C. permanent
D. durable
【答案】D。durable a. 持久的,经久耐用的 (a durable peace/friendship/material)。resistant (to) a. 抵抗的,抗……的,耐……的(如:Tin is resistant to corrosion.)。persistent a. 持续的,顽强存在的;坚持不懈的,执意的。permanent a. 永久(性)的,固定的。
duration [djuə'reiʃn] n. ①持久;持续时间
【同】period, length, interval, extent
【习惯用语】①for the duration在整段时间内,(指战争等)在整个非常时期内 ②for the Duration [俚]战争未结束期间(尤指第二次世界大战)
【考题精解】He will remain in hospital for the_____of the school year.
A. extension
B. time
C. duration
D. era
【答案】C。duration n. 持续,持久,持续时间(如:The duration of the examination is two hours. For the duration of the strike we will remain closed.)。extension n. 伸展,延长,扩大;延长部分,扩大部分。era n. 时代,纪元。
during ['djuəriŋ] prep.在……期间,在……时候
【同】in the course of
dusk [dʌsk] n. 黄昏,傍晚
【同】nightfall, evening
dust [dʌst] n. ①灰尘,废品
【同】dirt, ashes
gold dust金粉
v. 去掉灰尘
【同】clean, polish, wipe
【习惯用语】throw dust in sb.'s eyes欺骗某人
dwarf [dwɔːf] n. ①矮子
【同】midget, runt, shrimp
a. 矮小的
【同】dwarfish, little, scrubby, short
dwell [dwel] vi. 居住
【同】reside, inhibit
【派】dwelling, dweller
dwelling ['dweliŋ] n. 住处,寓所
dwindle [windl] vi. 渐渐减少,变小 vt. 使减少,使变小
dye [dai] vt. 染色
【同】colour, tint
n. 染色;染料
【习惯用语】①of the blackest [deepest] dye穷凶极恶的,彻头彻尾的 ②be dyed in (the) grain [in the wool] 染透;[喻]造成不可改变的结果,十足的
dynamic [dai'næmik] a. ①有生气的,能活动的,有力的,精力充沛的
【同】energetic, spirited, vigorous, active, powerful, forceful
dynasty ['dinəsti] n. ①朝代,王朝②部落
【同】race, nation, people, clan, family