第7章 Whistling of Birds——D. H. Lawrence
D. H.劳伦斯,20世纪英国著名小说家、散文家。《鸟语啁啾》发表于第一次世界大战刚结束不久的1919年。文章中的景物充满象征意味:严酷天气中冻死的鸟儿让人联想到在第一次世界大战中失去生命的士兵。沉浸在战争所带来的创伤和痛苦中不能自拔的人们需要像鸣唱的鸟儿一样,摆脱梦魇,拥抱未来。
There is another world. The winter is gone. There is a new world of spring. The voice of the turtle is heard in the land. But the flesh shrinks from so sudden a transition. Surely the call ispremature, while the clods are still frozen, and the ground is littered with the remains of wings! Yet we have no choice. In the bottoms of impenetrable blackthorn, each evening and morning now, out flickers a whistling of birds.
Where does it come from, the song? After so long a cruelty, how can they make it up so quickly? But it bubbles through them, they are like little well-heads, little fountainheads whence the spring trickles and bubbles forth. It is not of their own doing. In their throats the new life distils itself into sound. It is the spring of the silvery sap of a new summer, gurgling itself forth.
All the time, whilst the earth lay choked and killed and winter-mortified, the deep undersprings were quiet. They only wait for theponderous encumbranceof the old order to give way, yield in the thaw, and there they are, a silver realm at once. Under the surge of ruin,unmitigatedwinter, lies the silver potentially of all blossom. One day the black tide must spend itself and fade back. Then all—suddenly appears the crocus, hovering triumphant in the rear, and we know the order has changed, there is a new regime, sound of a new Vive! Vive!
Even whilst we stare at the ragged horror of birds scattered broadcast, part-eaten, the soft uneven cooing of the pigeon ripples from the outhouses, and there is a faint silver whistling in the bushes come twilight. No matter, we stand and stare at the torn and unsightly ruins of life, we watch the weary,mutilatedcolumns of winter retreating under our eyes. Yet in our ears are the silver vivid bugles of a new creation advancing on us from behind, we hear the rolling of the soft and happy drums of the doves.
We may not choose the world. We have hardly any choice for ourselves. We follow with our eyes the bloody and horrid line of march if this extreme winter, as it passes away. But we cannot hold back the spring. We cannot make the birds silent, prevent the bubbling of wood-pigeons. We cannot stay the fine world of silver-fecund creation from gathering itself and taking place upon us. Whether we will or not, the daphne tree will soon be giving off perfume, the lambs dancing on two feet, the celandines will twinkle all over the ground, there will be a new heaven and new earth.
premature adj. 不成熟的
ponderous adj. 笨重的,沉闷的
encumbrance n. 累赘
unmitigated adj. 严厉的
mutilate v. 毁坏
We may not choose the world. We have hardly any choice for ourselves. We follow with our eyes the bloody and horrid line of march if this extreme winter, as it passes away. But we cannot hold back the spring. We cannot make the birds silent, prevent the bubbling of wood-pigeons. We cannot stay the fine world of silver-fecund creation from gathering itself and taking place upon us. Whether we will or not, the daphne tree will soon be giving off perfume, the lambs dancing on two feet, the celandines will twinkle all over the ground, there will be a new heaven and new earth.我们无法选择世界,我们几乎没什么可为自己选择的。我们只能随着这极冷的冬天里血腥恐怖的脚步前行。但是我们无法阻挡这春天,无法令鸟儿沉寂,无法扼杀林中鸽子的鸣啭。我们不能让这个富有创造力的美好的世界停转,它不可阻挡地振作着自己,来到了我们身边。不管我们愿不愿意,月桂树很快就要散发出芬芳,羊儿很快就要立起双脚跳舞,白苣菜会遍地闪烁点点光亮,那将是一个新天地。