Chapter 3 交通出行
Section 1 乘地铁
224. 你知道最近的地铁站在哪里吗?
Do you know where the nearest subway station is?
A: Do you know where the nearest subway station is? 你知道最近的地铁站在哪里吗?
B: Yes. Go straight down this road and then turn right. It is on the opposite of the hospital. 知道。顺着这条路直走右转。就在医院的对面。
● 不好意思,我也是初来者。Sorry, I am a new comer here, too.
● 恐怕你要乘坐公交车过去。因为地铁站离这里有3条街区远。I am afraid you have to take a bus there. Because it is three blocks away from here.
● 就在你身后的购物中心地下一层。It is on the ground floor of the shopping mall behind you.
● 这附近有地铁站吗? Can I get on the subway near here?
= Is there a subway station nearby?
225. 车票多少钱?
What’s the fare?
fare 票价
A: What’s the fare? 车票多少钱?
B: A single ticket is two dollars. 单程车票是2美元。
226. 换乘地铁还要额外付费吗?
Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?
A: Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains? 换乘地铁还要额外付费吗?
B: No. 不用。
227. 从这里坐地铁去人民广场方便吗?
Is it easy to get to the People’s Square from here by subway?
A: Is it easy to get to the People’s Square from here by subway? 从这里坐地铁去人民广场方便吗?
B: Yes, it is. You can take subway line 1 and get off at People’s Square. 是的,方便。你可以乘坐地铁1号线,然后在人民广场站下车。
● 从这里坐地铁去火车站方便吗? Is it convenient to the railway station from here by subway?
● 我不这样认为。乘坐公交车去会更便捷。I don’t think so. Taking a bus is more convenient.
● 你还可以乘坐公交车去,因为公交车比地铁便宜。You can take a bus as well since it is cheaper than the subway.
228. 从哪里可以看到地铁线路图呢?
Where can I see a subway map?
A: Where can I see a subway map? 从哪里可以看到地铁线路图呢?
B: Go downstairs to the platform and you can see subway maps on the pillar. 下楼到站台上,柱子上就张贴着地铁路线图。
● 车票的背面就有地铁线路图。It is on the back side of your ticket.
● 我也不是很清楚。你可以问一下验票旋转栅门旁边的工作人员。I am not sure. You can ask the staff near the ticket turnstile.
platform 站台
turnstile 旋转栅门
229. 地铁全天候运行吗?
Does the subway operate day and night?
A: Does the subway operate day and night? 地铁全天候运行吗?
B: No, it doesn’t. It operates from 5:45-23:30. 不,不是。从早上5点45分到晚上11点30分运行。
● 到购物中心的末班地铁几点发车? When will the last subway to the shopping mall leave?
● 是的,是全天候运行。但是夜班车的间隔时间较长。Yes, it is. But the interval time of the train will last long at night.
你知道吗 表达日复一日、天天(指不间断)还可以用day in and day out。
230. 这条线是去动物园的吗?
Is this the right line to the zoo?
A: Is this the right line to the zoo? 这条线是去动物园的吗?
B: Yes, it is. 是的。
● 不,不是。你得到对面去乘车。No, it isn’t. You have to go to the other side.
● 不是。你需要换乘2号线,那里会有指示牌。No. You have to transfer to line 2 and you will see a sign there.
● 哪条线去市区? Which line do I take to get to downtown?
231. 你能告诉我怎么使用自动售票机吗?
Can you tell me how to use the ticket vending machine?
vending machine 自动售货机
A: Can you tell me how to use the ticket vending machine? 你能告诉我怎么使用自动售票机吗?
B: Sure. There are several buttons on the left side and you need to press how many tickets you want to buy and then press the confirm button. Then insert coins or bills into the machine and you will see the tickets and change on the bottom of the screen. 好的。左边有一排按钮,你需要选择买几张票并按下确认按钮。之后投入硬币或纸币,车票和找零就会出现在屏幕的下方。
● 对不起,我以前从来没用过它。Sorry, I have never used it before.
● 自动售票机会找零钱吗? Can I get change from the ticket machine?
232. 我该坐哪趟地铁呢?
Which subway should I take?
A: Which subway should I take? 我该坐哪趟地铁呢?
B: Where are you going? 你要去哪儿?
233. 地铁多长时间来一趟?
How often does the subway come?
A: How often does the subway come? 地铁多长时间来一趟?
B: About once every five minutes. The first subway is coming. 大约每5分钟一趟。首班地铁就要来了。
234. 到中央公园的末班地铁几点发车?
When will the last subway to Central Park leave?
A: When will the last subway to Central Park leave? 到中央公园的末班地铁几点发车?
B: I’m not sure. You can go to check the schedule over there. 我也不确定。你可以去查查那边的时刻表。
235. 哪个站是换乘站?
Which is the transfer station?
transfer station 换乘站
A: Which is the transfer station? 哪个站是换乘站?
B: Fifth Street Station. 第五大道。
236. 你可以在第五大道站换乘。
You can change at Fifth Street Station.
A: I want to go to Times Square. How do I change? 我想去时代广场。我该如何换乘?
B: You can change at Fifth Street Station. 你可以在第五大道站换乘。
change 换乘
237. 我下车后该怎么出站?
How can I get out of the station after getting off the subway?
A: How can I get out of the station after getting off the subway?
B: That’s easy. Just follow the other people.
238. 到图书馆应该走哪个出口?
Which exit should I take to go to the library?
A: Which exit should I take to go to the library? 到图书馆应该走哪个出口?
B: Exit A. A出口。
● 到图书馆应该走哪个出口? Where do I exit to get to the library?
● 哪个出口离图书馆最近? Which exit is the closest to the library?
● 我认为是B出口。但你最好询问工作人员确认一下。
I think it is exit B. But you’d better ask the staff to confirm.
● 我下地铁后该怎么出站?
How can I get out of the station after getting off the subway?
Buy Tickets
Dad: My boy, here is some money for the tickets.
Son: OK, it’s my pleasure. How many tickets?
Dad: Two tickets for two people.
Son: But I am only half a person as you and they charge both of us the same price for the tickets.
Dad: They may unless we get a half-price ticket for you.
Son: Dad, it makes no sense.
Dad: You may ask if you can take a half-price ticket.
(a while later)
Son: Yeah, I make certain. A half-price ticket cuts us one point five dollar.
Dad: Oh, cool. I need to check if we need to change from the Loop line to the Line 1?
Son: Yes, we’ll take the Loop line and then change to Line 1 at the L.A station.
Dad: Oh, so cool, superboy. Do we need to take buses to the Wal-Mart Supermarket after we get off the subway?
Son: No, firstly, I am superman. Secondly, we don’t need to change.
Dad: OK, you are the guide.
Son: Ha, am I cool? I’ve got all the messages we need.
Dad: Will we miss this time?
Son: I am not like you. I am like mother, and I am a smart superman.
Dad: OK, let’s go.
儿子:哈,我很酷吧? 我把我们需要的所有信息都搜集到了。
1. Dad, it makes no sense.
如果觉得某事没意义或讲不通时,就可以说It doesn’t make sense. 或It makes no sense. 相反,如果说某事有道理、讲得通、有意义时,就可以说It makes sense.
2. Do we need to take buses to the Wal-Mart Supermarket after we get off the subway?
Get off the subway在此处是下地铁的意思,此外与get off相关的常用表达还有:
get off on the right foot 开门红
get off on the wrong foot 一开始就很不顺利
get off the mark 起跑
get off my case别再唠叨了
get off my back少跟我啰唆