Chapter 1 Basic Tuina Manipulations
1.1 Catapult-plucking manipulation
Catapulting refers to a manipulation performed by holding the affected muscle or tendon with the thumb and other fingers and immediately releasing it to make it catapult back. (Fig.1-1)

Fig.1-1 Catapulting Manipulation
Plucking refers to the finger tips being pressed into the affected area deeply and plucking back and forth. The direction of the movement should be perpendicular to the direction of the tendon and muscle.
The two manipulations can be used separately, together, and combined with kneading manipulation. The catapult-plucking manipulation refers primarily to the plucking technique. This manipulation works on muscle and tendon to relieve spasm. And it can also treat the numbness or pain of the limbs by working on the nerve trunks. During the manipulation, the force varies from slight to heavy, and the movement should be gentle and elastic. Repeat this operation several times as necessary.
Treatment requirements
Find the areas that need treatment and apply the right amount of force into the corresponding level, then pluck the tissues. The direction of the movement should be perpendicular to the direction of the tendon and muscle. The focus position must be driven by upper limb with the fixed metacarpophalangeal joints and interphalangeal joints to help the manipulator avoid injuring their joints. It also can prevent scratches on the patient’s skin. The manipulators should use physics and leverage to gain strength by changing their positions to adapt to the regions being treated.
(1) Plucking manipulation with the thumb
Press the treatment area deeply with the thumb, lower the shoulder, drop the elbow, drive the thumb with upper limb, pluck back and forth perpendicular to the direction of the tendon and muscle. (Fig.1-2)

Fig.1-2 Plucking manipulation with the thumb
(2) Plucking manipulation with overlapping thumbs
The manipulator puts one thumb on the treatment area and overlaps the other thumb on it. Drive the thumbs with upper limbs, and pluck back and forth perpendicular to the direction of the tendon, muscle and stripe. (Fig.1-3)

Fig.1-3 Plucking manipulation with overlapping thumbs
(3) Plucking manipulation with the elbow
Lower shoulders and drop elbow with the wrist joint flexed naturally to about 90°. Press the treatment area deeply with olecranon, and pluck back and forth. Using the rotational motion of the shoulder, pluck left and right perpendicular to the direction of the tendon and muscle. The elbow plucking manipulation can be used together with pointing, kneading, and pressing. It should be performed softly and deeply to penetrate. (Fig.1-4)

Fig.1-4 Plucking manipulation with the elbow
(4) Plucking manipulation with the four fingers
Press the treatment area deeply with the tip or whole surface of your four fingers and support with the thumb naturally. Lower the shoulder, drop the elbow, and drive the four fingers with upper limb. Pluck back and forth perpendicular to the direction of the tendon and muscle. This manipulation can be alternately used with the thumb plucking method to avoid getting tired.(Fig.1-5)

Fig.1-5 Plucking manipulation with four fingers
The main applicable regions
Plucking manipulation with the thumb is mainly applied on the neck, shoulders and limbs. Plucking manipulation with overlapping thumbs is mainly applied on the back and waist. Plucking manipulation with the elbow is applied on the lower back and buttocks of those whose muscles are well developed. Plucking manipulation with four fingers is mainly applied on the neck and shoulders.
The manipulator should pluck back and forth perpendicular to the direction of the tendon, muscle and stripe. The force used should be increased gradually and softly. To avoid further tissue damage, long time plucking of the affected region is prohibited. The practitioner can use it together with vibrating manipulation for the practician so that the force is deep and penetrative enough.