(1)each可以用作代词,但every现在只可用作形容词,如可以说each of these books,不可说every of these books,该在every后面加上one。each one也有人用,往往含有“没有遗漏”的意思。
(2)each可以指两个或两个以上中间的“每个”,但every只可指两个以上中间的“每个”,不可指两个中间的“每个”,如可以说each of my hands,不可说every one of my hands。但可以说every one of my fingers。
(3)each通常指固定的若干个中间的“每个”,但every往往指“任何一个”,如Each boy sitting at the table is my brother和Every boy should do his best。
(4)every比each语气重些。在every指固定的若干个中间的“每个”的时候,着重在全体而不在个别的各个,如I know every member of the family着重在“认得全家的人”,I know each member of the family着重在“认得各个人”。
2.each或each…属于单数形式,如Each is good, Each of the books is good和Each book is good。把each或each...当作复数是英美人常有的错误。
Each of the boys has his own mother.
The boys each have their own mothers.
第二句不可改作The boys each have his own mother。
Each of the boys has two apples.
The boys have two apples each.
第二句改作The boys each have two apples也可以,但不很自然。
Each of the boys is clever.
The boys are each of them clever.
第二句改作The boys are each clever或The boys are clever each也可以,但不很自然。
4.each of them, each of us, each of those, each of the books等都可以说,但不可说each of A and B或each of A, B, and C。
5.不可说between each或between each...参见between 1
6.each other和one another可以通用,参见another 8
7.each other的物主代词形式是each other's,不是each others'。但each other's fathers, each other's faces等表达方式里通常用fathers和faces,很少用单数形式。
8.each other不可用作主语,如不可说We know what each other wants,该说We know each what the other wants或Each of us knows what the other wants。假使一共有三个或三个以上的人,该说We know each what the others want或Each of us knows what the others want。
9.注意Each day, each hour, and each minute has its interest里用has和its,不用have和their。
10.Each time (that) I saw her I admired her more里的that可有可无。
1.eager后面接for或after,如He is eager for(或after)themastery of English。也接不定式,如He is eager to master English。但通常不接for或after和动名词,如通常不说He is eager for(或after)mastering English。
2.eager后面可以接以that引导的从句,从句里用should。例如:I am(或was)eager that you should arrive there before ten.
3.eager后面可以接for和宾语和不定式。例如:The girl was eager for her parents to meet the young man who had asked her to marry him.
eagerness是eager的名词,后面接不定式。例如:an(或his等)eagerness to master English
an ear for music(辨别音乐的才能),have a good ear(能够辨别音乐),have a poor ear(不能辨别音乐),have no ear(不懂音乐),give ear to(静听),gain(或have)his(或your等)ear(得到他[或你等]的静听),send him(或you等)away(或off)with a flea in his(或your等)ear(责备或嘲笑他[或你等]而使他[或你等]走开),turn a deaf ear to(不理、不顾),a word in his(或your等)ear(对他[或你等]讲的私下话)
He listened with all his ears. (他倾耳而听。)
He was all ears to hear our discussion. (他静听我们的讨论。)
也可以说He was all ear。
1.early in the morning等表达方式有时被用作名词。例如:Early in the morning is a good time for a walk.
They arrived here early in the morning.
They arrived here in the early morning.
Early next morning we started together.
Next morning early we started together.
3.as early as five o'clock和as early as 1632里不该在five o'clock前面加上at或在1632前面加上in。
4.I was told that he had left the city two days earlier里的earlier作before解。
1.earn有时用作“应该得到”(实际未必得到)解,如He got what he had earned和He did not get what he had earned。
2.earn有时带有双宾语,作“使…得到”解。例如:His writings have earned him many friends. earned后面加上for也可以。
1.in earnest用作形容词短语或状语短语都可以,如He is in earnest和He asked the question in earnest。
2.in real earnest和in good earnest都比in earnest语气重。
He is within ear(-)shot通常是“他在可以听到的距离以内”。偶尔是“他在可以被听到的距离以内”。He is out of ear(-)shot通常是“他在可以听到的距离以外”。偶尔是“他在可以被听到的距离以外”。比较下面每组里的两句:

within ear(-)shot of和out of ear(-)shot of也有两个不同的意思。例如:

上面所举的例子都指人的声音,He is within ear(-)shot和He is out of ear(-)shot等句往往兼指可以听和可以被听到,只能发出声音而没有听觉的东西(例如钟和乐队)不可能within ear(-)shot或out of ear(-)shot,如不可说:
The bell is within ear(-)shot.
The bell is within ear(-)shot of the class.
The band is out of ear(-)shot.
The band is out of ear(-)shot of the people outside the room.
The class is within ear(-)shot of the bell.
The people outside the room are out of ear(-)shot of the band.
of the earth earthy(世俗的、人世的)或of the earth,earthy是习语,注意用earthy,不用earthly。
at ease和at his(或your等)ease在用作形容词短语的时候,都作“没有拘束的”或“自在的”解,如She is at (her) ease in speaking English和He is not quite at (his) ease in society。在用作状语短语的时候,at ease通常作“富裕地”解,如The old couple live at ease。偶尔作“安闲地”解,如They sat side by side and talked at ease。at his(或your等)ease作“安闲地”解,如They sat side by side and talked at their ease。
He is easily the best student in the class.
The Way of All Flesh is easily the most important work of Samuel Butler.
2.可以说He is genuinely shy and blushes easily和The modern reader easily forgets that Shakespeare did not receive a good school education。
1.the East在英国指世界的东部,如中国、日本和印度,在美国通常指美国的东部。在美国称世界的东部通常用the Orient。
2.Far East(远东),Near East(近东)和Middle East(中东)三种表达方式前面都有the。
3.East China(中国的东部、华东),East Europe(欧洲的东部、东欧)等表达方式前面都没有the,但the east of China, the east of Europe等表达方式里都有the。
4.in the east of是“在…的东部”,to the east of是“在…的东方”,就是“比…东”,如Japan lies in the east of Asia和Japan lies to the east of China。east of(east是副词)=to the east of。例如:Japan lies east of China.注意不可在该用to the east of的时候用in the east of。on the east of跟to the east of相同,但有“贴近”的含意。
(1)east wind(东风)和easterly wind都可以说。但eastern wind极不普通,不该用。
(2)除了指风向以外,east, easterly和eastern都不作“从东方来的”解。
(3)说“东门”或“东端”用east,如East Gate和east end。the East End指伦敦东区,港口附近,多工人住宅。
(4)说“向东的”用easterly,如easterly course, easterly voyage和easterly direction。
(5)说“东方的”用eastern,如eastern province, eastern tribe和Eastern civilization。Eastern China, Eastern Europe等表达方式跟East China, East Europe等表达方式相同。
1.Easter(耶稣复活节),Easter day和Easter Sunday三个单词意思相同,前面都没有the。
2.Easter前面用at,Easter day和Easter Sunday前面用on。
参见east 5
参见east 5
1.easy是“容易的”,不是“感觉容易的”,如可以说This is an easy lesson和This lesson is easy to learn。不可说I am easy to learn the lesson或I am easy in learning the lesson。
2.可以说This lesson is easy to learn。也有人说This lesson is easy to be learnt,但很少见,不算正当。同样地,通常说easy to do, easy to solve, easy to understand等,不说easy to be done, easy to be solved, easy to be understood等。
This lesson is easy to be learnt不算正当,但This lesson is easily to be learnt和This lesson is easily learnt都是正常的英语(两句意思相同),不过不及This lesson is easy to learn普通。但This lesson is easily (to be) forgotten却不可改作This lesson is easy to forget。This word is easily (to be) misused也不可改作This word is easy to misuse。注意“忘记”和“误用”都是要不得的。
It is easy to forget this lesson和It is easy to misuse this word却又是正常的英语。
3.easy后面有时接of和表示动作的名词,如easy of access(易于接近),easy of acceptance(易于接受)和easy of accomplishment(易于成功)。
4.take it easy, take things easy和take matters easy三种表达方式都作“从容”或“不紧张”解,习惯用easy,极少用easily。但下面两句里用easily而不用easy,显然因为前面有more或too。例如:
You can't afford to take things more easily.
You seem to take matters too easily.
1.eat用作“进餐”解在英国现在不流行,但在美国很流行,如We eat at noon和Does he eat in his sitting-room?
2.They used to eat heartily of what they liked best里用of表示“吃…的一部分”。
3.对人说Eat more marmalade当然不错,但不及说Have more marmalade普通。
4.eat his(或your等)words一般译作“食言”,其实是“声明取消前言”,跟“食言”不同。如假定某人在上星期说将在今天给你什么东西,结果今天并不给你,那是“食言”,但不是eat his words,必须他声明不给你了,才是eat his words。又如假定某人说你坏话,你叫他声明他所说的不对,那便是叫他eat his words,却并不是叫他“食言”,可以说When he was confronted with such clear evidence, Henry was forced to eat his words in public。
eaves原来是单数形式,但现在被用作复数形式,如The eaves have now been finished。另外造出eave作单数形式,但eave远不及eaves普通。
1.现在economic作“经济(学)上的”解,economical作“节约的”解,如economic help(经济援助)和economic point of view(经济观点),economical use(节约的用法)和economical meal(节约的一餐)。Adam Smith's economic doctrine, the economic structure of society, economic independence, economic crisis, economic espionage(经济间谍),economic penetration(经济侵入)等表达方式里必须用economic。
2.economical后面接of。例如:She is economical of her time.
economy是“节约”或“节省”,是抽象名词。例如:The housekeeper is accustomed to economy. an economy是“一件节约的事”,它的复数形式是economies,如He practises a strict economy in paper和She practises several little economies。
edit不可用作“出版”解,如不可说The Foreign Languages Publishing House in Beijing has edited many books,该把edited改作published。edit也不可用作“创作”解,如不可说Shakespeare edited As You Like It,该把edited改作wrote。
1.edition并不是相当于edit的抽象名词,如不可说The edition of his father's letters took him two months,该把edition改作editing。
2.一本书的second edition(第二版)与first edition不一定相同,也不一定不同,third edition与second edition也是这样。假使要表示完全相同,该用second impression(第二次印刷)和third impression。
city editor在英国指“经济栏编辑”,相当于美国英语financial editor,在美国指“本埠新闻编辑”。
editorial作“社论”解主要用在美国,相当于英国的leader或leading article。
educate有时用作“付…的教育费用”解。例如:He educated his sisters after their father's death.
1.He has had a college education里的had不可省去。
2.说“教育法令”和“教育当局”等在英国通常用education,如education act和education authorities。在美国通常用educational。
Our opinion is to the effect that...(我们的意思是…)和His reply is to the effect that...等句子里的to the effect是公文里的陈套语,往往不如省去的好。
1.effective用作“(法令等)被施行的”解是美国用法。例如:The order became effective on 4 April.
2.effective, effectual, efficacious和efficient不同,下面几点该注意:
(1)effective是“很有效的”,用于人和事物都可以,如effective speaker, effective speech和effective measures。
(2)effectual是“达到目的的”,只用于事物或行为,不用于人,如effectual measures, effectual refutation和effectual recommendation。
(3)efficacious是“必然有效的”,但语气比effective轻,用于事物,尤其用于药品,如efficacious plan, efficacious remedy和efficacious drug。efficacy是相当于它的名词,如the efficacy of the medicine。
(4)efficient是“有效率的”、“得力的”或“能胜任的”,用于人、事物和行为都可以,如efficient cook, efficient methods和efficient work。efficiency是相当于它的名词。
参见effective 2
参见effective 2
参见effective 2
1.在用作“努力”解的时候,effort后面接不定式。例如:His effort to reform her at length succeeded.在用作“作品”解的时候effort后面接at和动名词或名词,如This is his effort at depicting the peasants和His maiden effort at authorship was a long tale。
2.an effort是“一次努力”,efforts是“多次努力”,effort是“努力”,是抽象名词。在make后面只用an effort, efforts, every effort, many efforts等,不用effort。在without effort(不费力)或without great effort(不费大力)里只用effort,不用efforts。
但Effort has been made to...(不定式),Special effort has been made to...(不定式)和Effort has been directed to(介词)...都可以说,又make special effort to...(不定式)也可以说。
e. g.
e. g.是拉丁语exempli gratia的简写形式,作“例如…”解,读作for example或for instance,如可以说There are several proper nouns in the lesson, e. g. 'China'。不作“就是…”解,如不可说This is a proper noun, e. g. the name of a particular person or thing。该把e. g.改作i. e.(=that is)。
e. g.印作斜体或正体都可以,后面用逗号或不用逗号也都可以。
egg指“一个一个的蛋”,并不统指“蛋”,如不可说I like egg,该把egg改作eggs。
但可以说You've got some egg on your chin,这句里的some egg指“煮熟的一些蛋”。不过这用法是很少见的。
eight of them是“他们中间的八个”,the eight of them是“他们八个(指全体)”。
1.eighties, twenties, thirties等词都可以指一个人的“从第80年到第89年”,“从第20年到第29年”,“从第30年到第39年”等,如He is somewhere in his eighties和She married in her early twenties。把his和her改作the也可以。
“从第10年到第19年”和“从第1年到第9年”在英语里没有惯用的说法。有人用the tens和the ones,但极不普通,the ones似乎讲不通。his teens, her teens等里的teens指“从13(thirteen)岁到19(nineteen)岁”,就是“从第14年到第20年”。
2.the eighties等都可以指一个世纪的“从第80年到第89年”等,就是“80年代”等,如He was born in the eighties of the nineteenth century和Something important occurred in this city during the nineteen forties。
(2)“10年代”用the tens极少见。“10年代”以前的10年在汉语里似乎没有惯用的说法,英语里说the ones,似乎讲不通。
1.either在用作代词或形容词的时候指“两个中间的任何一个”,如Either of the two will do和You may put the chair on either side of the table。有时也指“两个以上的中间的任何一个”。如Either of the three will do和You may put the ring on either finger of your hand。但这种用法不算正当,该避免,通常该用any或any one。
2.either有时指“两个中间的每一个”(each of the two),如I have two typewriters, but either is out of order now和There is a chair on either side of the table。但这种用法现在不很普通,最好避免,通常该用each。注意这种用法跟1里所讲的不同,There is a chair on either side of the table里的either side等于each side,但You may put the chair on either side of the table里的either side并不等于each side。You may put a chair on either side of the table可能有两个不同的意思:“你可以放一把椅子在这桌子的任何一边(只放一把椅子)。”或“你可以放一把椅子在这桌子的每一边(共放两把椅子)。”这句不明白,该改作You may put a chair on either one or the other side of the table或You may put a chair on each side of the table。
Two of her brothers sat on either side of her. (1.在她的每一边坐着她的弟兄们中间的两个[有四个弟兄坐着]。2.在她的两边坐着她的弟兄们中间的两个[有两个弟兄坐着]。)
Her two brothers sat on either side of her. (她的两个弟兄坐在她的两边。)
第一句不明白,该改作There were two of her brothers sitting on each side of her或There was one of her brothers sitting on each side of her。第二句也不妥当,该改作There was one of her two brothers sitting on each side of her或One of her two brothers sat on one side of her, and the other sat on the other side。第一句假使改作Two of her brothers sat on each side of her和One of her brothers sat on each side of her也不妥当,因为好像说一个人同时可以坐在另一个人的两边。
3.either(代词或形容词)属于单数形式,如Either is good和Either book is good。把它当作复数是英美人常有的错误。
Either he or you are wrong.
Either you or he is worng.
Either the father or the sons are wrong.
Either the sons or the father is wrong.
Either he is wrong, or you are.
Either you are wrong, or he is.
Either the father is wrong, or the sons are.
Either the sons are wrong, or the father is.
5.在1里讲过,把代词或形容词either用来指“两个以上的中间的任何一个”是不正当的。但把either(副词或连接词)...or...用于两个以上是正当的,如Either you, (or) your brother, or your sister will do和You may write the application either in Chinese, (or) in Russian, (or) in English, or in French。

Do you want tea or coffee? (1.你要茶,还是要咖啡?[你要哪一种?]2.你要茶或咖啡么?)
Do you want either tea or coffee? (你要茶或咖啡么?)
7.either...or...跟both...and...受同样的规则的限制,如可以说either boys or girls,也可以说either with boys or with girls和with either boys or girls,但最好不说either with boys or girls。参见both 4
If you do not go to see him, I shall not either.
You will not go to see him, and I shall not either.
I do not want this, or that, or the third one either.
He is not clever or handsome either.
John, or Henry either, might have done it.
eke out的正确意思是“补充(进款等)”。例如:In those days he had to eke out his income with odd jobs.但也往往用作“勉强维持”解。例如:How did he eke out his livelihood?
1.elapse用作名词现在很不普通,如通常不说the elapse of half a year,最好把elapse改作lapse。
2.The three years elapsed since they met have greatly changed her appearance里的elapsed是不及物动词的过去分词用作形容词。
在英国说“哥哥”用elder brother,说“姐姐”用elder sister,不用older brother和older sister。older brother指“比较另一个brother年长些的一个”(不一定是自己的哥哥,也许是自己的弟弟),older sister指“比较另一个sister年长些的一个”(不一定是自己的姐姐,也许是自己的妹妹)。但在美国说“哥哥”往往用older brother,说“姐姐”往往用older sister。
elderly是形容词不是副词,作“上了年纪的”或“中年以上的”解。例如:an elderly man
eldest和oldest的不同,相当于elder和older的不同。美国的oldest brother和oldest son等于英国的eldest brother和eldest son。参见elder
1.elect to...(不定式)作“决定…”解。例如:At length he elected to try again.有时用动名词。例如:At length he elected trying again.
They elected him mayor.
They elected him to be mayor.
They elected him to the mayoralty.
很少说They elected him as mayor。
3.elect后面可以接指被选而任职者的词。例如:They are going to elect a new mayor.
4.elect往往用作形容词,用在职务名称的后面,作“新当选而尚未就职的”解。如president-elect, mayor-elect, representative-elect和chairman-elect。
elective用作“选修的”(如an elective subject)或“选修课程”(名词)解是美国英语,相当于英国的optional和optional subject。
1.electric现在比electrical流行,如electric current, electric light, electric battery, electric spark, electric shock, electric bell, electric chair(电刑用的电椅)等里的electric不可改作electrical。用在譬喻里electric现在比electrical普通。例如:His speech produced an electric effect on the audience. electrical现在只用作“电学的”解,如electrical book(电学书),electrical engineering和electrical engineer。
“积极分子”和“落后分子”等表达方式里的“分子”假使指两个人或两个人以上,用elements,如activist elements, progressive elements和backward elements。假使只指一个人,不可用element,“积极分子”是activist,“进步分子”是progressive,“落后分子”是backward person。elements前面不可加上two, three, some, many等词。
be eloquent of作“充分表示出”解,如His letters are eloquent of his personality和The building is eloquent of the culture of China。
1.else后面通常接than,但也可以接but。nothing else than和nothing else but都作“仅有”、“只是”解。用了but最好把else删去。
2.anybody's else, someone's else等不及anybody else's, someone else's等普通。who else's和whose else都可以说,在美国现在多用who else's。
3.不可说some way else, any book else, every city else等。
关于an embarrassed silence(一阵尴尬的沉默)等,参见much 3 (5) E
She embraced her baby是“她把她的婴儿抱了一抱”。是一时的动作,跟She held her baby in her arms(她怀抱着她的婴儿)不同。
embroider用作“在织物上绣…”和“在…上剌绣”解都可以,如embroider a handkerchief with a flower和embroider a flower on a handkerchief。
emergence现在跟emergency不同,只作“出现”或“发生”解。例如:Gradual processes of growth (quantitative changes) lead to the emergence of something new, of a new stage of development (qualitative changes).
emergency有时用作“紧急事件”解,有时用作“紧急”(抽象名词)解,如in case of an emergency和in case of emergency。
eminent只指某人活着的时候的“出众”或“卓越”,不指身后的名誉,如可以说李白是唐朝的eminent poet,却不可说他现在还eminent。可以说他现在还famous。
emotion(单数形式)指“情感的兴奋”。例如:I cannot see this without emotion. the emotions(复数形式)指(喜、怒、哀、乐等)情绪,和“理智”相反。例如:The book appeals to the emotions rather thanto the reason.在不跟the reason相对的时候,emotion(单数形式,前面没有the)也统指“情绪”。例如:This book appeals to emotion.
2.说“某某皇帝”习惯用the,如the Emperor Qian Long(乾隆)和the Emperor Nero(罗马皇帝尼祿)。
括弧里的Emphasis added的意思是“原文并没有斜体部分(或下面划线的字),这里的斜体(或划线)是我加上去的。”例如:Equal pay for equal work (Emphasis added).
1.emphasize可以用以that引导的从句作宾语。例如:The speaker emphasizes that hard work is of greater value than genius.
emphatic后面有时接以that引导的从句。例如:He was emphatic that his son should call him at five o'clock.
in his employ(被他雇用的),in the employ of...(被…雇用的)等表达方式里的employ改作employment也可以,但用employ普通些。但seek employment(求职),out of employment(失业)等表达方式里的employment不可改作employ。
2.说“某某女皇”或“某某皇后”习惯用the,如the Empress Wu(武则天)和the Empress Maria Fedorovna(玛丽亚·费奥多罗夫娜皇后)。
enable后面习惯接宾语和不定式,作“使有能力、使能够”解。例如:His perfect health enables him to work hard.用作“使…可能”或“使…便利”解现在极不普通,该避免,如最好不说His perfect health enables his hard work。
1.Enclosed is...作“附…在这封信里”解,比...is enclosed用得多。
2.enclose和herewith连用在信函里很普通,如I am enclosing a cheque herewith和Enclosed herewith is a price list。但很多人以为herewith是多余的。
3.Enclosed please find..., Please find enclosed...和Enclosed you will find...都是商业信函里的陈套语,在一般通信里该避免。
4.说“把一封信附在另一封信里”用with或in都可以。例如:He enclosed your letter with(或in)his own.
5.He enclosed his photograph和His letter enclosed his photograph都可以说。
6.I(或We)enclose跟I am(或We are)enclosing意思相同。例如:I enclose his recent letter.
7.enclose往往有双宾语。例如:I enclose you a list of new books.
8.the enclosed指“所附的东西”,就是“附件”。例如:The enclosed will no doubt interest you.
9.Stamped addressed envelope enclosed.=A stamped addressed envelope is enclosed.
Encyclopaedia Britannica(大英百科全书)和Encyclopaedia Americana前面有the。
bring...to an end, bring an end to, put an end to, make an end of(都作“使…停止”解),come to an end(停止)
注意:1.各种表达方式里都用an不用the。2. bring...to an end比bring an end to普通。3.put an end to不可改作put...to an end。
2.at an end作“完毕了的”解,是形容词短语。例如:The conference is now at an end. in the end作“最后地”解,是状语短语。例如:In the end we reached an agreement.偶尔也有人用at the end (=in the end)。
3.make both ends meet是习语,作“量入为出”解,近二三十年来很多人把both省去,用make ends meet。偶尔也有人用make the two ends meet。
4.在end用作“目的”解的时候,说“达到目的”通常用accomplish, attain, effect或gain。
5.The story has a happy end里用end不及用ending普通。
6.an end to that state of things和the successful end to the war等表达方式里的to改作of也可以。
7.There is no end to his energy和There seems to be no end to those recollections等句子里用to比用of普通。但Joseph must have had no end of trouble里用of比用to普通。There are no end of such stories(这种故事是多得讲不完的)里必须用of(注意用are)。
8.no end有时用作状语短语,作“无穷”解。例如:It's no end good of you to say so. The joke made me laugh no end.和That would help us no end.
9.at this end(在我[们]这方面)和at your end(在你[们]那方面)是商业信函和报纸里的惯用语。
10.the final end里的final是多余的。
George got in with the wrong crowd of boys and ended up a petty criminal.
They had been enemies for years, but ended up the best of friends.
Henry worked all day and went out every night, and at last ended up by(或will)a nervous breakdown.
12.the week ending (on) 4 September和the week ended (on) 4 September都是“9月4日终止的那一星期”。有人说指将来该用第一种形式,指过去该用第二种形式,如We shall spend the week ending (on) 4 September in the country和We spent the week ended (on) 4 September in the country。事实上指将来固然一定用第一种形式,指过去也可以用第一式。
The play ends(不用is ended)at eleven o'clock.
The term will end(不用be ended)early in July.
The story ends(不用is ended)with a celebration meeting.
Their estrangement ended(不用was ended)as a result of an explanation.
endear作“使…被人爱”解,在那指“人”的词的前面习惯用to。例如:His readiness to help endears him to all he meets.
2.endeavour(动词)后面接不定式。例如:I shall endeavour to master English and French.把endeavour看作不及物动词或及物动词都讲得通。
3.endeavour(名词)后面接不定式或at和动名词。例如:All his endeavours to effect a compromise(或at effecting a compromise)were vain.
4.把endeavour用在被动语态,该注意勿犯双重被动的毛病,如He endeavoured to effect a compromise是对的,但A compromise was endeavoured (by him) to be effected却不对,该改作An endeavour was made to effect a compromise。
2.endorse the cheque on the back里的on the back是多余的,endorse on the back of the cheque里的on the back of也是多余的。
endure(忍耐)后面接动名词或不定式都可以。例如:I cannot endure thinking(或to think)that I shall never see him again.
1.enemy是“仇者”,不是“被仇者”,如my enemy是“仇我者”,未必是“被我仇者”,也许实际是“被我爱者”。
2.an enemy总是指一个人。the enemy往往是“敌军”。例如:The enemy were soon driven out of the country.
说“精力”往往用复数形式energies。例如:He applies all his energies to his work.和His comrades used to warn him against wasting his time and energies on cheap literature.
enforce him to do it, enforce the country into peace等表达方式里的enforce(作“强迫”解)现在不普通,该改作force。
1.engage是“使…订婚”,不是“跟…订婚”,说“跟…订婚”通常用被动语态。例如:When did he become engaged to her?注意engaged后面用to。He engaged himself to her也可以说。注意不可说He engaged her,这句作“他雇用(或聘请)她”解。
2.He was engaged to be married to her和They were engaged to be married都合乎习惯。

但对于一时的行为,be engaged in和engage in颇有不同。如He is engaged in a game of tennis是“他现在从事于打网球。”He engages in a game of tennis似乎讲不通,He engages in a game of tennis every morning才对。He often(或sometimes,或seldom,或never)engages in a game of tennis也可以说。
1.engagement(订婚)后面接to和指对方的词,如his engagement to Miss Hood。
2.long engagement是“长时期的订婚”,就是“从订婚到结婚的一段长时期”,short engagement是“短时期的订婚”。
3.engagement(约会)后面接at和时刻。例如:I have an engagement at half past five.假使后面不说明时刻而说明日期或上午或下午等,用for而不用at,如an engagement for 7 April和an engagement for tomorrow morning。
4.engagement(约定)后面可以接不定式。例如:I have an engagement to spend the holidays with them.
England是Britain的一部分,参见Britain。但英美人往往把England用来指(Great)Britain, United Kingdom或者更广一些。如England expects that every man will do his duty和Who is the present queen of England?两句里的England都不是指狭义的England。
1.English往往用作British解,如English history, English literature, English traditions等表达方式里的English都不是指狭义的England。
2.English是“英语”,the English是“英国民族”,有时是“英军”。可以用many English指“许多英国人”,但不很普通。
3.Old English, Middle English, Modern English, present-day English等表达方式里都没有the。Old English是1100年或1150年以前的英语,Middle English是1100年或1150年到1500年的英语,Modern English是1500年到现在的英语,这三个名称是术语,都用大写字母开首。older English(older不用大写字母开首)指比较旧些的英语,modern English(modern不用大写字母开首)指现代的英语,present-day English也指现代的英语,这三种表达方式都不是术语。注意:1.older English不过比modern English或present-day English旧些罢了,比Old English和Middle English新得多。2.modern English和Modern English大不相同。3.modern English和present-day English相同,但用了modern着重在“跟旧时不同”的意思,用了present-day着重在“当代流行”的意思。也得注意present-day English有时也指从1650年到现在的英语。
4.the king's English指纯正的英语。在英国女王在位的时候叫做the queen's English, speak the king's(或King's)English往往指“说大致尚好的英语”。即使在女王在位的时候,也往往用king's(通常不用King's)而不用queen's。
5.Englishman不可写作English man,但every English man and woman和English men and women里的English man和English men不错。
1.参见England和English 1
2.Englishman不可写作English man。参见English 5
3.Englishman指男子不指女子,指女子该用Englishwoman(或English woman),但Englishmen往往统指英国人。
有人用English woman和English women而不用Englishwoman和Englishwomen。
1.enjoin(命令)后面接宾语和不定式现在不及在宾语的前面加上on或upon的普通,如They have enjoined (up)on us to go ahead里的on或upon最好不省去。就语法讲,to go是enjoined的宾语,正如They have enjoined diligence (up)on us里的diligence是enjoined的宾语。
2.enjoin用作“禁止”解是美国英语。例如:The law enjoins such acts.和The law enjoins them from doing it.
1.enjoy后面接动名词,不接不定式,如I enjoy hunting for new idioms里的hunting不可改作to hunt。
We enjoyed the holidays.
We enjoyed ourselves during the holidays.
He was fool enough to believe what the cheat said.
He was gentleman enough to help her.
He was scholar enough to read the inscription.
He was not blunderer enough to repeat his mistake.
2.enough用在它所修饰的名词的前面或后面都可以,如We have enough manpower和We have manpower enough。但enough在用作副词的时候几乎总用在它所修饰的词的后面,如He is clever enough和He writes well enough。She is a good-tempered enough girl和She is a good-tempered girl enough两句里的enough的作用不同:在第一句里enough修饰good-tempered,在第二句里enough修饰good-tempered girl。
I am glad to see you.
We are strong enough to be able to resist aggression.
第一句里没有enough,第二句里有enough,就语法讲,to see修饰形容词glad, to be able to resist aggression修饰副词enough。第二句里的enough不可省去。
初学者往往在该在形容词和不定式的中间用enough的场合不用enough。哪里该用enough,哪里不该用enough,有下面的一条规则:可以用so...as to...(不定式)的场合该用enough,不可用so...as to...(不定式)的场合不该用enough。如We are so strong as to be able to resist aggression是可以说的,所以该用enough。I am so glad as to see you是不可说的,所以不该用enough。注意不可说...enough as to...(不定式),如不可说We are strong enough as to be able to resist aggression。

但注意:第一组第二句里的to accept并不修饰enough,却是修饰ready, ready enough作very ready解,enough跟to accept并没有关系。第二组第一句是“他有这样的一个儿子是幸运的”。第二组第二句是“他幸而有这样的一个儿子”。两句的意思不同。注意下面每组里的两句意思不同。

bad, brave, careless, clever, courageous, cruel, dangerous, foolish, good, high, honest, imprudent, large, long, low, old, old-fashioned, patient, poor, prudent, rich, sensible, shrewd, silly, strong, tall, weak, well, wide, wise, young

5.I cannot see enough of you是“我跟你见面愈多愈好”。参见can 7
2.Please enrol(l) me as a member里的enrol(l)是及物动词,I will enrol(l)里的enrol(l)是不及物动词。下面三句意思相同:
He has enrolled himself in English.
He has enrolled in English.
He has been enrolled in English.

3.参见assure 3
1.enter the room(或house等)和enter into the room(或house等)没有什么区别,通常不用into。
2.The boy entered the school last week是“这个男孩在上星期入学”。The boy was entered at the school last week是“这个男孩上星期被送入学”。
3.剧本里的Enter Othello(Othello上)等表达方式里的enter是不及物动词,习惯用Enter,不用Enters。等于Let...enter。
We shall entertain a party at dinner tomorrow.
Dr Fine was entertained at a banquet.
They are entertaining a guest at supper.
enthusiasm后面可以接不定式。例如:his enthusiasm to join the Pupils' Association。
enthusiastic后面可接不定式。例如:She is enthusiastic to take part in the contest.
The poem is printed entire和The book may be easily read entire两句里的entire都合乎习惯。改作entirely也可以,但不很自然。
entitle(使…有…的权利)的宾语后面接to和名词或接不定式,如Your attainments entitle you to high respect和Your attainments entitle you to enjoy high respect。偶尔也接to和动名词。例如:Your attainments entitle you to enjoying high respect.
entrance(入口)后面接to或of都可以,如at the entrance to(或of)the building(或house, garden, library, cave, tunnel等)。

2.entrust现在不用作“信任”解,如不可说We entrust you,该把entrust改作trust。也不可在entrust后面接宾语和不定式,如不可说They have entrusted me to finish the work within a week,该把entrusted改作commissioned, charged等词。
1.envious of his success和envious of him for his success都作“忌妒(或羡慕)他的成功”解。
2.be envious of不及envy普通,如Don't be envious of your neighbours不及Don't envy your neighbours普通。
3.可以说I am envious of your success。参见envy 3
environment(环境)习惯用单数形式,不用复数形式,如可以说My house stands in a pleasant environment,不说My house stands in pleasant environments。但surroundings不可改作a...surrounding。
1.对于人envy(名词)后面接of,对于事物后面接of或at,如his envy of his brother和his envy of(或at)his brother's success。
2.I envy his success和I envy him his success两句意思相同。第二句里的his success假使改用动名词,在动名词前面必须加上for。例如:I envy him for having read Homer in the original.
I envy you. I envy your success.
I envy you your success.
I envy you for having read Homer in the original.
4.I envy you your success是“我羡慕你的成功。”I don't envy you your trouble的含意是“我真侥倖,我没有像你那样的麻烦。”I don't envy you, being stuck in the city year in year out和He is ill again, and I don't envy him里的I don't envy有相似的意思。
1.enqual在作“胜任”解的时候后面接to和动名词,不接不定式,如I am equal to performing this duty里的performing不可改作perform。
2.My respect for your intelligence is only equalled by my admiration for your integrity的含意是“我敬佩你的聪明跟羡慕你的正直在程度上是相同的”。
1.equally现在后面接with,不接as,如I like it equally with you里的with不该改作as。
2.This is equally as important as that里的equally该删去。This is important, that is equally as important里的as该删去。删去equally而保存as也可以,但语气轻些。
vernal equinox(春分)和autumnal equinox(秋分)前面都有the。
equip是“装备或配备”,它的宾语不该是指被装备或被配备的东西的词,如可以说equip the army with arms,不可说equip arms to the army。
偶尔用复数形式equipments指各种设备,如The soldiers were sitting on their equipments和We have not yet got all the necessary equipments for the expedition。但不可在equipments前面加上two, some, several等词。
equivalent(相同的)后面接to和动名词,不可接不定式,如That would be equivalent to teaching him not to meddle in my affairs里的teaching不可改作teach。
go errands, run errands, go on errands和run on errands都作“被派出去干事(送信、买东西等)”解,指经常的事,说一次该用an errand。
in error(错误)用作形容词短语或状语短语都可以,如You are in error about the spelling和You have written 'in' for 'inn' in error。可以说You are in error in assuming that they are still there。
The mistake escaped my notice. (那错误不曾被我注意到。)
The mistake escaped me. (那错误不曾被我注意到。)
The name escaped my memory. (那名字被我忘掉。)
The name escaped me. (那名字被我忘掉。)
2.escape me(或you等)除了作“不被我(或你等)注意到”和“被我(或你等)忘掉”解以外,有时也作“被我(或你等)忽然说出”解,如That word never escapes me(我永不忽然说出那个字)和I heard a groan escape her(我听到她忽然发出呻吟声)。在用作这个解时,escape后面不接me, you等词而接my lips, your lips等表达方式也可以。例如:Never let that word escape your lips.注意用lips,不用mouth或tongue。
3.escaped(不及物动词的过去分词)有时用作形容词,作“已逃走的”解。例如:James looks like an escaped prisoner.
4.escape(动词)后面可以接动名词。例如:He was thankful to escape being caught.
1.especial是“特别的”或“非同寻常的(not ordinary)”,special是“专门的”或“特设的(not general)”,如My especial friend is Mr J. B. Parkman和I made a special trip to see him。但习惯上special比especial普通得多,竟可以说在不论什么场合可以用special而不用especial。
2.especially和specially的不同,相当于especial和special的不同,如It is especially hot today和We went there specially to see him。习惯上两个单词分得很清楚,不可混用,注意下面的各句:
Conditions are especially(不用specially)encouraging.
All contributions, especially(不用specially)those from school teachers, will be welcome.
A committee has been specially(不用especially)appointed to look into the matter.
The essays have been specially(不用especially)selected for the book.
Though the weather was especially unfavourable, they came specially for the meeting.
He is sorry you don't like what he has done, especially as he did it specially for you.
All contributions, especially those from school teachers, will be welcome.
All contributions, more especially those from school teachers, will be welcome.
All contributions, and especially those from school teachers, will be welcome.
All contributions, and more especially those from school teachers, will be welcome.
and more especially比较最不普通。
2.Esq.用在姓名的后面,姓名后可以不用逗号,也可以用逗号,如Henry Webb Esq.和Henry Webb, Esq.。用了Esq.不可再用Mr,如不可用Mr Henry Webb Esq.或Mr Henry Webb, Esq.。注意用了Esq.必须用名或名的开首字母,不可只用姓,如可以用Henry Webb Esq.和H. Webb Esq.,不可用Webb Esq.。
3.在英国通常用Esq.称一般“上等人”,用Mr称小商人,也有人在为了业务(如付账)而写信给小商人的时候用Mr,但在为了非业务的事而写信给他的时候用Esq.。在美国通常用Mr,少用Esq.,两个单词没有多大区别。注意即使在英国也不用Esq.,在信函的称呼里绝对不可用Dear Henry Webb Esq.,该改作Dear Mr Webb。
1.essay在一般英汉词典里注作“论说文”,其实不一定有“论”或“说”的性质,记叙文也是,也有人把essay译作“散文”,其实“散文”是prose(跟verse相对),散文不一定是essay(如short story不是essay),essay也不一定用散文写(如Pope的Essay on Criticism是诗而不是散文)。
2.an essay on...是“论述…的一篇文章”,an essay in...是…方面(或性质)的一篇文章,如an essay on economic theory和an essay in economic theory。18世纪英国诗人Alexander Pope的Essay on Criticism是论述文学批评的,19世纪英国文学批评家Matthew Arnold的Essays in Criticism的本身是文学批评论文集。
It is essential that the change should be made.
It is essential that the change be(不用is)made.
It was essential that the change should be made.
It was essential that the change be(不用was)made.
establish(建立)是一时的动作,所以不可说We have established the school for ten years,该说We established the school ten years ago或It is ten years since we established the school。但可以说The school has been established for ten years。
1.esteem(把…看作)后面接宾语和表语,如I esteem her very happy和I shall esteem it a favour。在那宾语后面加上as也可以。
2.your esteemed letter, your esteemed favour, your esteemed inquiry, your esteemed order等是商业信函里的陈套语,在一般通信里该避免。
We must make an estimation(最好改作estimate)of our resources.
In our estimation(最好改作opinion)self-criticism is as important as criticism.
The various achievements of China are universally held in high estimation. (最好改作esteem)
1.etc.是拉丁语et cetera或etcetera的简写形式,作and the rest, and so forth或and so on解,也可以写作&c. (et作and解)。etc.既然包括and的意思,所以不可用and在它的前面,and etc.是错误的。
3.严格说来,etc.作and the rest解,不作or the rest解,但习惯上也用作or the rest解。例如:Each of the articles is written in Russian, English, French, German, etc.
4.etc.也可以指人。例如:The party included Mr Cowper, Mr Williams, Mr Hobson, etc.
5.在引文不完全的时候也可以用etc.,习惯用在引号的里面。例如:He used to say 'Where there is a will etc.'(=He used to say 'Where there is a will there is a way'.)也有用在引号以外的。例如:He used to say 'Where there is a will' etc.
6.etc., etc.比单用etc.语气强,它的意思是“还有许许多多”。也有人用etc., etc., etc.。
7.etc.有人读作and so forth。
2.ethics是“伦理学”或“道德准则”。用在第一个意思当作单数或复数都可以。例如:Ethics is(或are)a social science.用在第二个意思总是当作复数。例如:Social ethics, medical ethics等。ethic是一种“道德体系”,如the socialist ethic。
1.evacuate通常有三个意思:1.(居民等)从(地方)撤退,如The inhabitants evacuated the city last week。2.“使居民等从(地方)撤退”,如An order has been issued to evacuate the city within a week。3.“使(居民等)撤退”,如An order has been issued to evacuate the inhabitants within a week。
2.evacuate有时用作不及物动词,作“撤退”或“办理撤退事宜”解,如The inhabitants have begun to evacuate和The officer has entered the city to evacuate。
3.说“撤退到什么地方”,evacuate(不论及物动词或不及物动词)后面可以接to或into,如An order has been issued to evacuate the inhabitants to the seaside和They soon evacuated into the country。
evade后面接动名词。例如:She tried to evade answering my question.
1.even是副词,不是连接词,如不可说Even you try again, you may not succeed。该在Even后面加上if。
Even I have not heard of him for a year. (即使我也一年没有听到他的消息了。)
I have not even heard of him for a year. (我一年来竟然也没有听到他的消息。)
I have not heard of him even for a year. (我没有听到他的消息竟然有一年了。)
1.复数形式evenings有时用作副词,作“在每天晚上”解,主要是美国用法。例如:She reads the newspapers evenings.
2.in the evening里有the,但at evening里没有the。at evening作“在傍晚”解。
3.in the evening有时指经常的事,有时指一次的事,in the evenings一定指经常的事。例如:
He seldom goes out in the evening. (经常)
He is at home today, but will go out in the evening. (一次)
He seldom goes out in the evenings. (经常)
4.往往把中午到傍晚的一段时间看作evening,如four o'clock in the evening。这用法在美国南方尤其普通。
1.event指重大的事,如出生、毕业、结婚、死亡、战争和选举都是,但喝茶、看电影、游园、失窃、遇雨和借伞都不是。但复数形式events往往指某一时期发生的一切大小事件,如the events of the average day。
2.注意in the event of(假使有…发生)里有the, in the event that...(假使有…发生)里也有the。
3.at all events(不论怎样)和in any event(不论怎样)都是习语,不可作at any event或in all events。
1.for ever(永久地)和forever相同。在英国通常作for ever,在美国通常作forever。
有人说for ever是“永久”或“终身”,forever是“时常”,如I shall love my work for ever里用for ever,但You are forever asking silly questions(你老是提愚蠢的问题)里用forever。但事实上没有这区别。关于第二句,参见always 1, 2, 3
Honesty ever pays.
I have ever been of opinion that honesty pays.
Shakespeare will ever be regarded as a great poet.
Helen is ever complaining of something or other.
3.ever用在过去时态或完成时态的疑问句里都可以,如Did you ever see such a grand parade?和Have you ever seen such a grand parade?都可以说。但第一句情感多于理智,往往用作修辞疑问句,如假使是真的提问(要对方回答),通常说Have you ever seen such a grand parade?但假使含有“你当然不曾见过”的意思,只可说Did you ever see such a grand parade? Did you ever?是习语,作“你曾经见过或听到过这种事吗”解,含有“你当然不曾”的意思,是用以表示惊奇的。

上面四句里的is假使改作了was,那heard或have heard不用改,改作had heard也可以,但不很普通。
What ever do you want? Who ever wants this?
Which ever do you mean? When ever will he start?
Where ever does she live? Why ever are you laughing?
How ever has he done it?
这样用法的ever,只用在疑问句里,主要是英国口语。注意what ever, who ever等不该写作whatever, whoever等。
上面所举各例句里的what, who等词都跟ever相连,但偶尔也有不相连的。例如:What do you ever want?
What do you ever want? (1.你到底要什么?2.你可能在任何时候要什么?)
Who ever wants this? (1.到底谁要这个?2.谁在任何时候会要这个?)
I do not remember ever having seen him before.
I do not remember having ever seen him before.
也可以说I do not remember ever to have seen him before,但似乎不说I do not remember to have ever seen him before。
I do not seem ever to have seen him before.
I do not seem to have ever seen him before.
Do you expect(或hope,或intend)ever to see him again?
Do you ever expect(或hope,或intend)to see him again?
9.This is the most terrible storm ever和These children are the most inquisitive ever等句子里的ever等于that ever was(或were),是口语用法。
We must work as hard as ever we can.
We must work as hard as we ever can.
11.seldom if ever是习语,直译作“难得地,假使在任何时候地”,就是“难得地”或“绝无仅有”的意思。例如:She seldom if ever goes to the pictures.注意seldom if ever和seldom or never意思相同,不可把两种表达方式混用而用seldom if never或seldom or ever。
12.Yours ever(或Ever yours)用作知己朋友之间的信函里的信尾客套语。
13.Don't ever do it是口语,在文字里该作Never do it。Not having seen him ever, I did not know who he was里的Not having seen him ever也是口语,最好改作Never having seen him。
14.not...for ever并不等于never,如I shall not do it for ever是“我将并不永远做它”。I shall never do it是“我将永远不做它”。
15.ever so(很)很普通,如I am ever so delighted to see you和We live ever so quietly。偶尔也有ever such。例如:Your brother and I used to be ever such chums.
everlastingly用在进行时态里跟always用在进行时态里相仿,语气重些,参见always 1, 2, 3
1.Every man is not honest是“并不每个人都是诚实的”。就是说“有些人诚实,有些人不诚实”。并不是“每个人都是不诚实的”。
2.关于every和any的不同,参见any 1。关于every和each的不同,参见each 1
3.every...and every...或every...and...属于单数形式,如Every man and every woman is admitted和Every man and woman is admitted。

现在every three days和every six trees等表达方式比every third day和every sixth tree等表达方式普通些。在口语里通常用every other day(每隔一天),不用every second day。
5.every有时用在抽象名词前面,作“完全的”解。例如:I wish you every success. He has every confidence in you.和I owe every gratitude to my parents.
6.every可以用在my, your, his, her等词的后面。例如:my every wish, your every action, his every movement, her every thought
7.I read every day和Do you see him every week?里在every day前面不可加上on,在every week前面不可加上in。
8.Every time (that) I saw him I admired him more里的that通常省去。
1.everybody不可写作every body。
2.everybody比everyone通俗些,口语里多用everybody。Hullo, everybody. Come on, everybody. Stop talking and listen to me, everybody. Everybody, stand up! Don't everybody talk at once!等句子里的everybody不可改作everyone。
3.everybody属于单数形式。例如:Everybody is here.把everybody当作复数是英美人常有的错误。
下面两句里的everybody用得不很合理,最好改作all the people:
Everybody went to the show, myself included.
He questioned everybody - the neighbours, the tradespeople, the postmaster, etc.
4.Everybody cannot do it是“不是每个人都能够做这个”。并不是“每个人都不能够做这个”。参见every 1
5.关于everybody和anybody的不同,参见any 1
everyday是形容词,不可写作every day,如everyday English和everyday life。every day是状语短语,不可写作everyday,如He comes every day和I study English every day。Every day counts里的Every day也不可改作Everyday。
1.everyone作“每人”解,不作“每个”解。说“每个”该用every one,如every one of us和every one of these。把every one用作“每人”解也可以,但现在不很普通。
2.用了everyone,不可用one, one's等词代它,如不可说Everyone should do one's best,该把one's改作his。
3.everyone属于单数形式。例如:Everyone has signed already.把everyone当作复数是英美人常有的错误。
4.Everyone cannot do it是“并不每个人都能够做这个”。不是“每个人都不能够做这个”。参见every 1
5.everyone和anyone不同,every one和any one也不同。参见any 1
1.everything不可写作every thing。
2.Everythiing is not right是“并不每件事都好”。并不是“每件事都不好”。参见every 1
3.关于everything和anything的不同,参见any 1
4.下面两句里的everything用得不合理,最好改作all things:
We must consider everything about him, his dialect included.
We must consider everything about him - his political awareness, his cultural level, his health, and even his dialect.
1.everywhere不可写作every where。
2.Everywhere I went, I found the same encouraging state of things里的Everywhere是口语用法,在正式文字里该改作Wherever。
3.everywhere有时用作名词,如Everywhere is frozen和Everywhere is covered with snow。
4.This plant is not to be found everywhere是“这植物不是到处找得到的。”并不是“这植物是到处找不到的。”参见every 1
5.关于everywhere和anywhere的不同,参见any 1
evidence(名词)后面可以接以that引导的从句。例如:There is ample evidence that interplanetary travel(星际旅行)will soon be a reality.
evil统指“祸害”,如do evil(作恶)。an evil是“一个祸害”。evils是“多个祸害”。例如:Wipe out the social evils!
Its importance cannot be exaggerated是“它是极重要的。”参见can 7
1.说“某科考试”在指学科的词前面用in或on都可以,如examination in(或on)English grammar和examination in(或on)mathematics。用in比用on普通。
Have you entered for the examination? (你已经报名应考了吗?)
Have you sat for the examination? (你已经应考了吗?)
3.examination paper在英国是“考试题纸”,在美国是“考卷”,相当于英国的script。在美国说“考试题”用examination questions。
说“考试(学生等)”在指学科的词前面用in或on都可以。例如:The candidates will be examined in(或on)Chinese, English, and mathematics.
关于an exasperated voice(被激怒的语声)等,参见much 3 (5) E
现在exceedingly和excessively不同:exceedingly是“很”,excessively是“太”。如可以说I am exceedingly obliged to you和I am sorry I was excessively annoyed。
excel后面接in和动名词,不接不定式,如She excels (her sisters) in singing popular songs里的in singing不可改用to sing。
excellent是“极好的”,具有肯定意义,表示说话者的强烈意见。只能用在肯定句里,不能用在否定、条件、疑问等句子里。如可以说This is an excellent book。但不可说:
This book is not excellent.
Is this an excellent book?
If this is an excellent book, I should like to read it.
Can you recommend an excellent book?
I want to read some excellent books.
参见most 4
He has always been in good health except in the past few days.
He has always been in good health except quite recently.
He has always been in good health except that he has had a slight headache in the past few days.
He has always been in good health except when he had a slight headache.
3.except for作“除了…外”解。例如:The essay is well written except for a few mistakes in the last paragraph.这句里的for不可省去,下面各句里的for也不可省去:
The boy was unhurt except for a few scratches.
The room was deserted except for a little girl.
The wall was bare except for some posters.
He went abroad and did not return to his country except for a short visit.
4.There is a pen on the table except a pencil里用except是错的,该改作besides。There is nothing on the table except a pencil里的except用得不错,但也可以改作besides。There is no pen on the table except a pencil里用except是错的,该把全句改作There is a pencil on the table, but there is no pen。
excepting用作介词现在只用在not或always的后面。例如:All my brothers are married, not excepting the youngest.和All my brothers come here every day, always excepting the youngest.
1.exception后面接to。例如:There is an exception to this rule.
2.the exception和the rule(习惯)相对。例如:In this village, early marriage used to be the rule, not the exception.
3.without exception或without any exception比without an exception普通。
exceptionable是“可以指摘的”或“不很好的”,exceptional是“非常的”。例如:He was admitted for his exceptional talent.和There is nothing exceptionable in his conduct.
1.可以说They(指两个人)exchanged caps(他们俩交换帽子),也可以说They exchanged gifts(或compliments, glances, smiles等)。对于行动,有时用单数形式。例如:They exchanged a compliment(或a glance,或a smile).
2.in exchange for用在give和get或receive后面都可以。例如:I should like to give my pen in exchange for yours.和I should like to get(或receive)your pen in exchange for mine.
3.mutual exchange, exchange mutually, exchange with each other(或one another)和exchange together该避免,单用exchange够了。
Your remark excited jealousy in him.
Your remark excited him to jealousy.
2.关于an excited shout(激动的喊声)等,参见much 3 (5) E
exclamation point(感叹号)是美国英语,相当于英国英语note of exclamation, mark of exclamation或exclamation mark。
1.exclusive of...是“…不计算在内的”。例如:He paid me ¥ 200, exclusive of expenses. (除了开支以外,他还给了我二百元)。exclusive to...是“…所专有的”。例如:Special articles exclusive to the magazine are included in every issue. (每期刊登专为本杂志写的专论。)
2.exclusive在美国往往作“优等的”或“高贵的”解,如exclusive restaurant, exclusive school和exclusive gown。

2.excuse(名词)后面可以接以that引导的从句。例如:He left us with the excuse that he had a meeting to attend.
3.Such conduct does not admit of excuse里的excuse是抽象名词。
He excused my not calling.
He excused my calling.
He excused me from calling.
5.Excuse me for being late和Excuse my being late两句意思相同。
6.不可说Excuse me, for I have not answered your letter。该改作Excuse me for not having answered your letter。
7.He excused himself to us and went away里的excused himself to us等于said 'Excuse me' to us。
8.Excuse me, but are you going to the party?里的but不可改作其他词。
1.exercise统指“运动”。例如:We take exercise every morning. We take several forms of exercise every morning.和Walking is good exercise. an(或a...)exercise是“一种运动”。例如:Walking is a good exercise. exercises是“各种运动”。例如:Walking and riding are good exercises.
2.exercise在用作“习题”解的时候,后面接in和科目名称,或on或in和科目的部分的名称,如an exercise in English grammar和an exercise on(或in)the construction of conditional sentences。
3.graduation(或graduating)exercises(毕业典礼),inauguration exercises(就职典礼或开幕典礼)等是美国英语,exercises相当于英国的ceremony或ceremonies。
4.take exercise和exercise用作不及物动词都作“体操”或“运动”解,不指一般的“作练习”。
5.不可说We exercise in boxing once a week,该说We are exercised in boxing once a week。
exist有时有“仅能活命(不能好好生活)”的意思。例如:Some people in some poor countries receive wages that allow them to exist but not to live.
1.expect所指的也许是极不愿意被实现的事,例如:We have planned a picnic for this afternoon, but I expect a storm.和He expected his father, whom he loved deeply, to die before dark.
2.expect后面接不定式,不接动名词,如可以说I expect to see them tomorrow,不可说I expect seeing them tomorrow。参见anticipate 1
3.expect是及物动词,后面不可加for,如They have been expecting the conference for months里不可在expecting后面加上for。
I expect you to do your duty. (1.我期待你尽你的责任。2.我要你尽你的责任。)
I expect that you will do your duty. (1.我期待你尽你的责任。2.我要你尽你的责任。)
往往必须看了上下文才能看出是哪一个意思。但I expect that you shall do your duty只作“我要你尽你的责任”解。
5.expect往往用作“以为”或“料想”解,如I expect you met her yesterday和The student, we expect, has improved a great deal since he entered the college。这种用法在口语里很普通。
6.注意下面各句里的tomorrow, soon, next Sunday和Some time next month并不修饰expect:
I expect him tomorrow.
I expect a letter from him soon.
I expect a visit from him next Sunday.
She expects her confinement some time next month.
I expect him to come tomorrow.
I expect a letter from him to come soon.
I expect a visit from him to take place next Sunday.
She expects her confinement to take place some time next month.
7.假定你去看一个朋友,他家里的人开门,你对他说要见你的朋友,他问你Are you expected?他的意思是“(你跟他约好)他知道你要来看他吗?”
8.expect it of him比expect it from him普通。
expectancy是相当于形容词expectant的名词,expectation是相当于动词expect的名词,如I am looking forward to the event with expectancy和I am tidying up my room in the expectation that some friends will call this evening。
expectation习惯上往往用复数形式,例如:He has failed to come up to her expectations. We entertain great expectations of him.和His expectations are not likely to be disappointed.
expenditure在用作“用款”解的时候可以有复数形式,如receipts and expenditures。
1.说“(做某事的)经费”习惯用复数形式,如travelling expenses和development expenses。
2.at the expense of后面接的词通常是表示被损失或耗费的东西。例如:He walked the whole distance at the expense of his health.但有时也接表示被经历的事物的词。例如:He walked the whole distance at the expense of much weariness. cost 1里的各例句里的cost改作expense也可以。
expensive作“高价的”解,如expensive clothes。但不可形容price,如不可说The price is too expensive,该把expensive改作high。
1.说“有某种经验”通常用完成时态。例如:I have had much experience of country life.
2.experience和动名词的中间用of或in都可以,如experience of teaching和experience in teaching。long experience, many years' experience等后面通常接of, many years of experience等后面通常接in,have had experience后面通常接of,gain experience后面通常接in。例如:
His long experience of teaching foreign languages is a great asset.
Many years' experience of teaching foreign languages qualifies him for this post.
Many years of experience in teaching foreign languages qualifies him for this post.
He has had much experience of teaching foreign languages.
He hopes to gain experience in foreign languages.
3.a very experienced teacher里用very比用much或very much普通。
1.make an experiment比try an experiment好。
2.experiment有时用作抽象名词,作“试验”解,如a great deal of experiment和ten years of study and experiment。这两种表达方式里的experiment可以改作experimentation,但通常用experiment。
3.experiment通常是不及物动词,后面接on或with。例如:The students are experimenting on(或with)a piece of metal.
expert在用作形容词的时候后面接at或in,如He is expert at(或in)metallurgy。在用作名词时后面接on, at或in。例如:He is an expert on(或at,或in)skin diseases.
1.explain用在以that引导的从句前面作“说…(作为说明)”解,并没有“说出…的原因”的意思,如He explained that he could not come是“他说他不能来”。不是“他说出他不能来的原因”。
2.explain不可有双宾语,如不可说He explained me all those words或He explained me that he could not come。这两句都该在me前面加上to。
1.exploit others(剥削别人)和exploit the labour of others都可以说。
2.相当于exploit的形容词是exploitative,如exploitative system(剥削制度)。
1.He expressed himself as satisfied等句子里的as用的多,不用的少。
2.express company(快递公司)是美国英语,相当于英国的carrier或firm of carriers。express在美国有时用作“快递事业”、“快递公司”或“由快递公司运(货)”解。
1.extend在用作accord或give解的时候往往有双宾语。例如:They extended him a warm welcome.
2.extended在美国往往用作“长的”或“广泛的”解,如an extended list of new publications, an extended tour和an extended discussion。
to any extent, to some extent, to what extent, to a great extent, to a surprising extent, to the utmost extent, to a certain extent, to the same extent, to such an extent that..., to the extent of(或that...)
He grew more and more absorbed in his work, to such an extent that he almost forgot his meals.
He grew more and more absorbed in his work, to the extent that he almost forgot his meals.
a man of English extraction(英国出身的),of foreign extraction, a family of ancient extraction(出身古老的家族)等表达方式里没有a或the。
as far as the eye can reach(在视线以内),have an eye for(有…的鉴别力),have an eye to(照看、觊觎),keep an eye on(注视、留心),with an eye to(着眼于、试图),with a...eye(…地看待),in the eye of(从…的观点看来)
There was a happy look in his eye.
The old man fixed me with his glittering eye.
She came to the door and her eye peeped in.
2.He was all eyes和He was all eye都作“他很注意地看”解。第一句里的all不可改作both。He stared at us with all his eyes里的all也不可改作both。