“Why do you value her that much?”(你为什么觉得她这么重要。)
“I mean everyone has their weakness. Mine is in areas like communication, empathy, and organization.“(依我看来,所有人都有缺点。我的缺点就是像交流,理解他人,和自我管理能力)这时候,烤箱的声音响了。袁子杰拿出了手套,把烤箱里的烤鸡拿了出来。
“Cajun rice with roasted chicken.“(印第安饭配烤鸡。)
袁子杰吃了一口,“The flavor of the chicken is there, the chicken is pretty good. I might need to adjust some recipes tomorrow.”(鸡肉味道很浓,这个鸡还不错。我明天需要改一改菜谱。)
“I really really like this.“(我真的很喜欢。)
“Ok, I will do the dishes and let's go home. Where do you live?“(好的,我把碗和锅子洗了。你住哪里?)
“Cool, I live there too.“(好的,我也住那里。)
“Let's go.“(我们走吧!)袁子杰锁了门,从后门和Anna一起走了出去。
“Ok, see you soon. I need to go to bed.”(好的,马上见,我要睡觉了)袁子杰对Anna说。
“Do you want to know the surprise? Now or never.“(你想要知道那个惊喜吗?要么现在要么永远不要。)
袁子杰直接关上了门,闷头就睡。Anna看着被关上的门,不爽的嘀咕着,“How can he reject an offer from a girl?”(钢铁直男,怎么可以拒绝一个女生的请求呢?)
她发短信给林悦欣,吐槽了一番。林悦欣尽然还没睡,“That's why I sort of gave up on trying to be his girlfriend. He is not romantic at all.”(这就是为什么我放弃了当他女朋友的想法。他实在一点都不浪漫。)
Anna回复到,“Alex seems like he found someone that is really important to him. He is going to visit her in the states. I am surprised.”(袁子杰找到了一个对他他很重要的人。他会去美国见她,我有点惊讶。)
“I more or less know who it is. He mentioned it via text. I am not surprised that it is her.“(我大概知道是谁的。他和我短信的时候提了一嘴。如果是她,我不是很惊讶。)
“Oh well, thanks. I feel a lot better.“(好的谢谢。我感觉好多了。)
“What did you plan to give him?“(你准备给他什么?)
“A ring. To tell everyone that he is mine.”(一个戒指。告诉全世界他是我的。)
“Ok. Do you think he will except it?“(好的,你觉得他会接受吗?)
“I mean why should I back off if I haven't tried.”(当我还没尝试,我为什么要退缩呢?)
“I think this is the difference between you and me. Good luck.“(我想,这就是你和我的区别吧。祝你好运。)