7. 用名词表动作
“你不能再迟疑了。”译成英文“You cannot hesitate any more.”并不为错,但有人说不如译作“No more hesitating for you.”。分明是一个动作,为什么要译成名词呢?
He had given up school without the knowledge of his parents.(他的父母不知道他已辍学。)〔His parents did not know that he had given up school.〕
We were greatly disappointed at her absence.(她没有去,使我们大为失望。)〔We were greatly disappointed to find that she was absent.〕
He is content in spite of his great poverty.(他虽则很穷,却是满足的。)〔Though he is very poor,he is content.〕
We informed him of their refusal to help.(我们已告诉了他说他们拒绝援助。)〔We informed him that they(had)refused to help.〕
英文采用名词也许是因为实字份量较重的缘故,凡喜怒哀惧爱恶欲七情,无一不用名词来表现。就是日常的动作,分明有动词的,他们不用动词,偏要用名词,如“演说”,不说speak,而说make a speech;“散步”不说walk,而说take a walk;“款待”不说entertain,而说give an entertainment;“抽烟”不说smoke,而说have a smoke;“访问”不说visit,而说pay a visit。诸如此类,不胜枚举。
表惊奇的叹声常用“My eye!”;
惊讶则用“My goodness!”;
失败则用“Oh,my aching back!”;
感谢上苍时说“Bless my stars!”;
愿获天佑时说“Bless my soul!”。
早上见面说“Good Morning.”;
临别说“Good Luck!”;
In spite of the love of the parents for their child and their fears for her safe-ty,they both knew that their beautiful daughter was an incredibly stupid,dull little girl.(尽管父母疼爱他们的孩子,担心她的安全,他们都知道他们那个美丽的女儿是一个极其愚笨的小女孩。)
One baby after another. Six children half frozen huddled in one bed. No fire in the stove.(小孩接连生出。六个孩子挤在一张床上,冻得半死。火炉里没有火。)
Shame on you!(可耻!好羞耻!)
No questions!(不要多问!)
The very sight of you makes me sick.(一见到你我就要作呕。)
The crowd makes me self conscious.(看见那么多的人,就使我不自在。)
In a rage he tore the letter into pieces.(大怒之下,他把那信扯得粉碎。)
Stop talking.(不要再说了。)
In my joy at the news,I forgot all about the matter.(我听到那消息很是高兴,所以把那事情完全忘记了。)
Have pity on a poor old man.(哀怜贫苦的老人。)
Great fears are entertained for his safety.(他的安全,非常令人忧虑。)
All my love and best wishes for your happiness.(我诚心祝祷你的幸福。)
I have an intense hatred for such persons.(我极恨恶这样的人。)
I have a great desire to see you.(我很想见你。)