3. raise one’s hand用复数人称时,名词也改复数
“举手”英文说raise one’s hand,是举起一只手来;如遇到强盗,表示不抵抗时,即说hold up one’s hands,是举起双手。通常表示赞成,大家举手时,也说raise their hand行吗?因为若说raise their hands,岂不是每人举起双手来了吗?到底应该用单数还是复数?
【解答】这确是英文的一种不完善的地方,也只怪得人类的双手常不同时动作的缘故,如果是眼睛就没有这个问题,因为两个人仰视时说raise their eyes,一个人时还是raise his eyes。一个人举手时说raise his hand,自然很清楚,表示只举一只手,但多数人时,则说:
They all raised their hands.
意思仍然是各人只举一只手,习惯上都知道是举单手不是举双手,虽则可能含有双手之意。不过真正要分别的话,我们还是可以说their both hands来表示举双手的。原则上多数人就要用复数名词,参考下面各种例句:
I make up my mind.(下决心。)
They make up their minds.
You must not speak ill of a man to his face.(不要当面说人坏话。)
You must not speak ill of others to their faces.
Do not speak ill of a man behind his back.(不要背后说人坏话。)
Do not speak ill of others behind their backs.
(a)The three men were nodding their heads.
(b)The three men were nodding their head.
据G. H. Vallins在Perfect Your English(P. 107)中说,上面的(a)例,意为三个人每个人都有一个以上的头,而(b)例的意思则为三个人共一个头,所以用复数或单数都一样的有毛病,但除此二者之外,没有其他更好的说法,只得从二者择其一,勉强用了(b)型。所以我说有时是英文本身不完善的地方,无法说得满意的。
They continued their way on foot.(他们继续徒步前进了。)
He worked his way through university as a day laborer.(他做着日薪工人赚钱读完大学。)
The red cows on the farther hill ate their way slowly toward the north. ——John Steinbeck(在远处山上的那些赤牛慢慢地吃着草向北走去。)