Lesson 5 The Earth's axis is tilted.地轴是倾斜的。
Part 1
You're talking to a child and explaining why there are different seasons.This is how you begin your explanation.
The Earth's axis is tilted.地轴是倾斜的。
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pro-nunciation of these parts.
1.In the word "Earth's",be sure to make the sound/θ/correctly by pressing your upper teeth with the tip of your tongue.And then,because the/θ/sound is unvoiced,you should say the "'s" as/s/,not/z/.
1.在 “Earth's” 中,一定要用舌尖按压上牙来正确地发出/θ/这个音,另外,因为/θ/是清音,所以“'s” 应该读成/s/,而不是/z/。
2.“tilted” 中的 “i” 发短元音/i/,所以不要读成/ˈtiːltid/,而是/ˈtiltid/
2.The sound of letter "i" in"tilted" is the short vowel/i/,so don't say it like/ˈtiːltid/,but say/ˈtiltid/.
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.Be-cause every noun and adjective in this sentence is important,and could even all be new information to a child,it's better to speak slowly and clearly,stressing all the three words:Earth's,axis,tilted.
So,now you know how to say this sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
The Earth's axis地轴
An "axis" is an imaginary line that something turns around.
“轴” 是一条某物围绕它旋转的假想线。
For example,a wheel has an axis which is the middle of the circle.
The Earth's axis is an imaginary line through the middle of the Earth from North to South.
The Earth spins around this line.
"Axis" is a technical and mathematical term,so it's most often used with other technical words.Here are some examples:
“axis” 是一个专业术语和数学术语,因此它常与其他技术用语一起使用。如下:
In math,you can talk about a horizontal (side to side) axis or a vertical (up and down) axis.
在数学中,你可以说横坐标(从一侧到另一侧) 或纵坐标(上下向)。
The action of turning around an axis is called"rotation around an axis"."Rotation" is a more tech-nical word for "turning in a circle".
绕轴转动的动作称为 “绕轴旋转”。“旋转” 表示 “转圈”,是一个更 “技术性” 的词汇。
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
( something) is tilted(某物) 是倾斜的
Something that is "tilted" isn't straight up and down.It leans to the side a little bit.Things that can be tilted include:
“倾斜” 的东西不是上下垂直的。它会向侧面倾斜一点点。可以倾斜的物体包括:
● someone's head
● 头部
● a picture frame
● 相框
● an airplane that's flying in the air
● 一架在空中飞行的飞机
Notice that"tilted" is different from"crooked" or"curved".These words both also mean "not straight",but in different ways:
请注意,“倾斜” 与 “歪斜”或 “弯曲” 不同。这些词也意味着“不直”,但是表达的方式不同:
● "Crooked" means that something bends in different directions at sharp angles,like a tree branch.
● “crooked” (歪斜) 表示某物体以锐角向不同方向弯曲,像树枝。
● "Curved" usually means that something bends smoothly in different directions,kind of like the letter "s".
● “curved” (弯曲) 通常表示某物体在不同方向上平滑弯曲,像字母 “s”。
● When something is "tilted",it can still be straight,but it's just not pointed directly upwards.
● 当某物 “tilted” (倾斜)时,它仍然可以呈直线状态,只是没有直接指向垂直向上的方向。