5 Examination and Acceptance for Piping Materials
5.1 General Requirements
5.1.1 Piping components must be provided with quality certificates and lot numbers,and the performance data indicated in quality certificates shall comply with the current state standards and design documents.
Method:check quality certificates.
5.1.2 Surface quality inspection and dimension spot examination shall be performed for piping components according to applicable standards.Pressure piping components shall be indicated with lot number and TS license mark.5% of fabrication and at least one piece from each lot shall be dimensionally spot examined.
Method:visual examination and measurements checking.
5.1.3 Quality certificates shall indicate the results of low temperature impact test for the materials required for low temperature impact test in design documents.
Method:check quality certificates.
5.1.4 Quality certificates shall indicate the results of intergranular corrosion test for the materials required for intergranular corrosion test in design documents.
Method:check quality certificates.
5.1.5 Qualify certificates shall indicate the results of ultrasonic test for pipes and fittings conveying extremely hazardous fluids.And quality certificates shall include the results of nondestructive test for the pipes and fittings at design pressure equal to or higher than 10MPa.
Method:check quality certificates.
5.1.6 Identifications of piping components shall be consistent with quality certificates.When identifications of piping components delivered to site are illegible or do not conform to quality certificates,or dispute is raised against performance data or inspection result in quality certificates,acceptance shall not be conducted until the problem or dispute is solved.
Method:examine piping components and check quality certificates.
5.1.7 For the samples required for spot examination,if one item is not acceptable,two further samples of the same kind shall be given the same type of examination.If the two further samples examined reveal a defect,piping components in this lot shall be rejected.
Method:check examination reports.
5.1.8 Stainless steel and non-ferrous metals piping components shall be segregated for storage after acceptance,and piping components shall not directly contact with carbon steel and low alloy steel.
Method:check the storageof piping components.
5.1.9 Surface defects found in magnetic-particle test or liquid penetration test may be allowed to be grinded off.But the wall thickness after grinding shall not be less than 90% of nominal thickness of the pipe and the negative tolerance specified in design documents as well.
Method:visual examination and measurements checking,and check test reports.
5.1.10 Lining of lined pipes and fittings shall be smooth and texture homogeneous without any cracks,porosities,lamination and other defects that may affect the performance of product.
Method:visual examination and measurements checking.