4.2 Equipment
4.2.1 Mobilization plan shall be prepared based on the project contract,construction organization design,and equipment delivery plan and construction schedule.
4.2.2 The inspection of equipment shall be carried out as agreed in the design document,construction technical standard and contract,written record with signature on it needed for inspection.The equipment without inspection or the disqualified equipment shall not be installed and used.
4.2.3 After equipment enter site,the ordering company,supplier,supervision unit,construction company shall participate in the open-box inspection,with open-box inspection report filled out.The following requirements shall be observed:
1 The case number shall be checked according to packing list and the packing shall be in good condition;
2 The installation drawing,technical document and packing list shall be based on to check the name,specification and type of equipment,to check the quantity of equipment components,to inspect the appearance of equipment;
3 Missing part shall be avoided,and damage,rust,and deformation of surface shall be avoided;
4 The technical document,special tool,and spare parts shall be complete which delivered together with equipment;
5 Quality certificates shall be together with equipment and components,with commodity inspection certificate for imported goods.
4.2.4 After open-box inspection,the equipment,components and special tools shall be stored properly.The equipment shall be put on a stable and flat places or supports,which shall be kept in order.The measures such as wind shield,rainproof,snow defence shall be taken,avoiding deformation,damage and rust.The equipment and components shall be installed in time after entering site.
4.2.5 During transportation and lifting,the lifting point shall be set on the position of equipment or box as marked.The protection measures shall be taken to avoid the damage of equipment.