2 Terms
2.0.1 Consteel EAF(Consteel Electric Arc Furnace)
It is an UHP or HP EAF with continuous charging of scrap preheated by hot fume.
2.0.2 VD(Vacuum Degassing)
It is a liquid steel vacuum degassing unit,in which a ladle with liquid steel is placed into an enclosed vacuum vessel connected to vacuum pump to perform degassing reaction under vacuum condition by means of bottom argon stirring.
2.0.3 VOD(Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization)
It is a vacuum decarburization unit with oxygen blowing mainly for stainless steel refining.The unit is equipped in such a way that lance is provided on the vacuum vessel cover of VD for injecting oxygen to liquid steel level in the vacuum vessel to perform chrome-bearing liquid steel refining under vacuum condition with“decarburization and chrome yield”.It may also be used for refining of ultra-low carbon steel.
2.0.4 CAS(Composition Adjustment by Sealed Argon Bubbling)
It is a unit used for heating-up of liquid steel in ladle by heat from oxidation of metal aluminum or silicon and for composition adjustment of liquid steel by adding alloy in an immersed cover under the condition of bottom argon stirring.
2.0.5 CAS-OB(Composition Adjustment by Sealed Argon Bubbling with Oxygen Blowing)
It is a unit that used for heating-up of liquid steel in ladle by oxygen blowing through oxygen lance and heat from oxidation of metal aluminum or silicon,or used for composition adjustment of liquid steel by adding alloy in an immersed cover under the condition of bottom argon stirring.
2.0.6 RH(Ruhrstahl-Heraeus degasser)
It is a liquid steel refining process with circulating vacuum degassing,in which two circulating tubes(snorkel)at the bottom of the vacuum vessel are inserted into the liquid steel in ladle,argon is input to the uptake as lift gas in order that the liquid steel can continuously flow from the uptake to vacuum vessel and then from the downcomer back to the ladle by applying the principle of gas bubble pump to form a circular flow and to realize further degassing of liquid steel in the vacuum vessel.
2.0.7 RH-TB(Ruhrstahl-Heraeus degasser-Top Blowing)
It is an ultra-low carbon steel refining process,in which a lance is inserted from the top of RH vacuum vessel to inject oxygen into liquid steel for decarburization or inject powder for desulfurization.
2.0.8 LF(Ladle Furnace)
It is a liquid steel refining and composition/temperature homogenizing unit with ladle bottom argon blowing and electric arc heating.
2.0.9 AOD(Argon Oxygen Decarburization)
It is a decarburizing refining furnace mainly for stainless steel,in which oxygen and argon are blown into bath from the side at different rates.
2.0.10 WF(Wire Feeding or Cored Wire Feeding)
It is a unit for liquid steel refining treatment by means of feeding metal wires or cored wires into liquid steel in ladle at specific speed.
2.0.11 Duplex Process
It is a basic process for stainless steel production,in which EAF is used for melting such solid material as chrome,nickel and scrap and primary decarburization of furnace charge,and then AOD or VOD is used for refining with“decarburization and chrome yield”till the composition of liquid steel reaches the target value.
2.0.12 Triplex Process
It is a production process for stainless steel,principally,in which EAF or converter is used for melting such solid material as chrome,nickel and scrap,top and bottom blown converter(or AOD)is used for primary decarburization,and then VOD furnace is used for further decarburization.The process can be used for production of stainless steel including ultra-low carbon steel.