7.7 Coal Handling System for Circulating Fluidized Bed(CFB)Boiler
7.7.1 The mud coal fed into the CFB boiler shall be treated in accordance with the following requirements:
1 When mud coal is to be mixed with other fuels,the mud coal should be dried appropriately before delivered to the fossil fired power plant.
2 When mud coal takes the form of slurry which is sprayed into the boiler,the mud coal shall meet the following requirements:
1)If mud coal is transported by trucks,it shall be unloaded into the mud coal bunker or pool in front of the boiler.
2)If mud coal is transported by belt conveyors,it should be transported to the mud coal bunker in front of the boiler by independent single-line belt conveyor,and rehandling should be reduced as practical as possible.The in-plant and off-site belt conveyors shall have the same output.
7.7.2 The arrangement and capacity of dry coal storage facility for CFB boilers shall conform to the following requirements:
1 If average annual rainfall is less than 500mm in region where the fossil fired power plant is located,dry coal storage facility may be eliminated.
2 If such average annual rainfall is larger than or equal to 500mm but less than 1000mm,the capacity of dry coal storage facility shall be sufficient to accommodate three to five days of coal consumption by corresponding units..
3 If such average annual rainfall is not less than 1000mm,the capacity of dry coal storage facility shall be sufficient to accommodate five to ten days of coal consumption by corresponding units.
4 For the fossil fired power plants where the incoming coal may have high water content,air drying yard should be provided.
7.7.3 The screening and crushing devices for CFB boilers shall comply with the following requirements:
1 Before entering the screening and crushing devices,the coal shall have less than 12%adventitious moisture.
2 After being screened and crushed,the coal shall have a particle size meeting the requirements on particle size of coal delivered to CFB boilers,and should meet the requirements on particle grading.
3 The number of stages of screening and crushing devices shall be determined according to the particle size of incoming coal and the system output.
4 Screen should be provided in front of both the primary and secondary crusher.