TYPO3 4.2 E/Commerce

TypoScript setup and configuration

TypoScript is the scripting language that is used to tell TYPO3 how to create the web pages and is composed of two types of information as we mentioned before: constants and setup code.

Usually, the constants field is filled with extension configuration or values for repeatable use and setup—with the main setup to parse the HTML template.

To start editing TypoScript you need to create a page that will store the template TypoScript configuration. Usually, it is the parent page in the site tree. So let's create one:

TypoScript setup and configuration

Click on the + icon and choose the position of the newly created page:

  1. Untick the field Hide page and tick Hide in menu so that the page will not be displayed in the main menu, and designate a name by entering a Page title.
  2. Save and close the document. If needed, reload the page tree by clicking on the reload icon below the site tree to see the created page.
  3. Click on the Template button in the backend left menu, click on our new page Home, and hit the Create template for a new site button.

Now, when you have completed these steps you will have access to an already created template with the HELLO WORLD! example:

TypoScript setup and configuration
# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = HELLO WORLD!

Now you can oversee the chosen page in the TYPO3 backend. For page view, choose your created template and click on the icon (or right-click on page item). The context menu will be open and you will be able to choose the section Show, as seen in the following screenshot:

TypoScript setup and configuration

And if the added information was correct, the parsed template on the frontend will look like the following:

TypoScript setup and configuration

For a better understanding of what you are dealing with, you can edit the text like this so that you will have the text and image object:

# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
# Edit the text
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = This is TypoScript written by me!
# And add an image from our template folder:
page.20 = IMAGE
page.20.file = fileadmin/templates/berriesshop/logo.jpg
TypoScript setup and configuration

These are content objects: cObjects. You can use cObjects in your template such as the following:

  • TEXT—to insert plain text or to output text from marked fields:
    10 = TEXT
    10.value = I wrote this text
    10.lang.de = Ich schrieb diesen Text
  • IMAGE—to insert images:
    15 = IMAGE
    15.file = fileadmin/img/logo.gif
    15.stdWrap.typolink.parameter = 1 ## Wrap typolink and pointed to page with uid 1
    15.alttext = Your slogan title
  • FILE—to insert a file; for example, to insert the HTML file for our webshop template:
    page.10 = FILE
    page.10.file = fileadmin/templates/berriesshop/index.html
  • HMENU—to insert a hierarchical menu
  • TMENU—to insert a text menu
  • And others that you can find in the TSRef section of the TYPO3 documentation: http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/references/doc_core_tsref/current