Typing a new tabbed list
There are two ways to set tabs when typing a list. Type the list first or set tabs, and then type the list thereafter:
- Create a new Word document and type up the following list:
- Be sure to press the Tab key on the keyboard only once after each word typed. If you are not sure whether you have done this correctly, click on the Show/Hide icon (in the Paragraph group on the Home tab) to show the tab markers in the document (demonstrated earlier), as illustrated in the following screenshot:
This way, you can see if you have more than one tab marker between each piece of text. If so, just delete one of the markers by using the Backspace or Delete key on the keyboard. Don't be concerned if the typing looks untidy, as in the preceding list!
- Select (highlight) the list you have just typed.
- Set tabs at the following positions on the ruler bar, using your method of choice:
To move a tab stop position, click on the marker on the ribbon and move it with the left mouse button along the ruler to a new position OR access the Tabs dialog box, clear the old position, and enter a new tab.