Scrum meetings
Scrum believes in collaboration and requires stakeholders to be a part of meetings to keep everyone aware and informed about items in scope, obstacles, dependencies, risks, resource availability, and so on, so that they can be planned for and addressed effectively.
There are five types of meetings that are crucial in Scrum:
- Backlog refinement meeting: Also referred to as Product Backlog grooming, which is conducted to give the product owner and the team some time to prepare, reorder, and organize backlog items before making commitments for the next sprint. Generally, a backlog grooming meeting is attended by the Scrum master, the product owner, and the development team.
- Sprint planning: This is an opportunity for all stakeholders to commit to the Product Backlog Item (PBI) and the relevant tasks that they will be completing as part of the upcoming sprint. These meetings help teams to identify user stories, to assign story points, and so on.
- Sprint review: It is important to validate whether user stories meet the scope and the acceptance criteria as specified and agreed by the team and whether they satisfy the customer’s needs. Sprint review meetings are conducted to demonstrate the developed and tested product to the product owner.
- Sprint retrospective: Since Scrum is a continuous adaptive framework, it is necessary to understand what went right and what didn’t. Sprint retrospective meetings provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to identify the scope of improvements and retain practices that worked well during the current sprint. This meeting is generally conducted at the end of the sprint.
- Daily Scrum: In order to respond to obstacles in a timely manner and track the progress of the project, it is important for all stakeholders to share the current status of any work items they are working on. Daily Scrum meetings are conducted to address such things and, as the name suggests, they happen daily (on average they are conducted for 15 minutes).
Readers can find more information about Scrum at this link: https://www.scrumalliance.org/.