Data Center Virtualization Certification:VCP6.5-DCV Exam Guide

Configure/manage VMware Certificate Authority (VMCA)

Starting with vSphere 6.0, the new PSC component includes not only the SSO part, but also the VMCA. The VMCA is used for the certification management of all vSphere infrastructural elements.

This not only simplifies the certification management (with auto-enrollment for expired certificates), but also improves the security of the different network connections (as described before).

Using VMCA mode (see Objective 1.2 for different modes for managing certificates), the PSC will generate and issue all certificates needed by the different vSphere components. Certificates are stored by the vSphere Endpoint Certificate Store (VECS).

To avoid browser warnings, you need to trust VMware's CA, but first, you have to gain that certificate. You can simply download it from the vCenter home page, under Download trusted root CA certificates:

Figure 1.25: vCenter Server home page

You will download a simple file that contains both the CA certificate and the revocations list.

To import the certificate in a Windows system, you can use different approaches, as follows:

  • Import manually: For Internet Explorer, Edge, or Chrome, you can simply double-click on the certificate and import it into the trusted CA. Note that Firefox has a different certificates repository.
  • Import by using GPO: Under Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Public Key Policies | Trusted Publishers, you can import existing certificates. Be sure to import them into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
  • Trust from another CA: Add it as an intermediate CA in your existing CA authority.

Otherwise, you can replace the CA certificate of VMCA; or, just don't use it at all, and manage all of the certificates as you did in the past.

For more information, see KB 2097936 (—How to use vSphere 6.x Certificate Manager.

For more information about authentication, see the PSC 6.5 Administration Guide (