Welcome. The aim of this book is to teach beginner and moderate Rust programmers how to exploit modern parallel machines in the Rust programming language. This book will contain a variety of information relevant specifically to the Rust programming language, especially with regard to its standard library, but it will also contain information that is more generally applicable but happens to be expressed in Rust. Rust itself is not a terribly inventive language. Its key contribution, from where I sit, is the mainstreaming of affine types with application to memory allocation tracking. In most other respects, it is a familiar systems programming language, one that ought to feel familiar—with a bit of adjustment—to those with a background in GC-less programming languages. This is a good thing, considering our aim here is to investigate concurrency—there is a wealth of information available in the papers and books written about this subject, and we understand and apply their concepts. This book will reference a number of such works, whose contexts are C++ , ATS, ADA, and similar languages.