In this chapter, we learned the basics of how to create a new app project using Xcode and Swift. We went over the structure of the generated project and how to structure out app into Models, Views, and Controllers. We touched on how to use storyboard to create and link actions triggered by those Views into our View Controller. You should now understand how to wire up the Table View Controller and shop Shopping List Items in the Shopping List app and update them, rearrange then, delete them, and properly save our Shopping List on the app. Lastly, we went through how to add a new Shopping List View Controller, so that we can create and manage multiple Shopping Lists and transition from the Shopping List view to the items view of a specific Shopping List.
In the next chapter, we will go over Swift on server side by exploring Vapor and creating a server-side Shopping List project. This server-side project will act as an API server for our app and also serve as a web application serving a responsive web view of the Shopping List that is accessible via the web browser.