CorpWatch Company Name Information Search
Gathering company information is essential, and for that, we can use the CorpWatch Company Name Information Search auxiliary module, auxiliary/gather/corpwatch_lookup_name, which will give us the company's name, address, sector, and industry.
To run the auxiliary/gather/corpwatch_lookup_name auxiliary module, we can use Microsoft as the company name and set the limit to 1 to show only the first result:
msf > use auxiliary/gather/corpwatch_lookup_name
msf auxiliary(corpwatch_lookup_name) > set COMPANY_NAME Microsoft
COMPANY_NAME => Microsoft
msf auxiliary(corpwatch_lookup_name) > set LIMIT 1
LIMIT => 1
msf auxiliary(corpwatch_lookup_name) > run
[*] Company Information
[*] CorpWatch (cw) ID): cw_4803
[*] Company Name: MICROSOFT CORP
[*] Address: ONE MICROSOFT WAY, REDMOND WA 98052-6399
[*] Sector: Business services
[*] Industry: Services-prepackaged software
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(corpwatch_lookup_name) >