Welcome to Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook, Third Edition. This book covers various recipes of performing penetration testing over different platforms using the Metasploit Framework.
The book will guide you on how to perform a penetration test using the Metasploit Framework and following the penetration testing execution standard (PTES). Starting with the basics of information gathering using several auxiliary modules that help you profile your target and gradually introducing you to advanced topics, such as porting exploits and building your modules, it will show you how to build a penetration test lab environment, where you will learn how to find vulnerabilities by enumerating and scanning the different targets with Metasploit, how to exploit targets using server-side vulnerabilities, and how to master Meterpreter capabilities while performing post-exploitation.
You will use MSFvenom with custom encoders and trusted certificates to evade anti-virus solutions, bypass firewalls, and compromise secure networks. This book will show you why client-side attacks are the number one method to compromise organizations and how to use Metasploit to mimic the same tactics and techniques used by advanced adversaries. You will learn how to work with modules, build your own modules, add exploits to the Metasploit Framework, and leverage Metasploit while performing wireless and cloud-based penetration tests. It will take your penetration skills to the next level by showing you how to think and act like the adversary using the most advanced penetration testing framework in the world.