Scrum is a way of software development management that is designed for small teams. The members of the team complete a number of actions during cycles of a fixed duration called sprints. The sprint is restricted to a specific duration. The duration is normally between one week and one month, with two weeks being the most common. The fixed length of a sprint is important because it allows the team to determine their velocity, or rate of speed at which they get work done, after a couple of sprints.
At the beginning of a sprint, the team decides which tasks can be accomplished in the given timeframe. After a number of sprints, it is easier to make appropriate estimations, since the team will have a better feel for the work they do. Knowing the velocity of a team will make it easier for the team to make estimations on the stories, and to make sure the team can truly commit to all stories defined for a given sprint (that it is doable).
The methodology places emphasis on a workable and potentially shippable product at the end of the sprint. This means that the software has not only been developed, but also that it has been tested and integrated. It should be possible to demonstrate the app, to perform an ad hoc distribution to beta testers, and even to publish the app or the update in the Play Store or App Store.