What Buildbox can (and can't) do
Before we really get started, let's set some expectations. Just like a contractor building a house, a video game developer has several tools in their toolbox, each with their own purpose. Although these may (at times) overlap, each development platform has its strengths and weaknesses.
Buildbox is a truly code-free solution for developing video games. You won't be developing any First Person Shooter (FPS, such as Call of Duty) games using Buildbox, nor any (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs, such as World of Warcraft). But what you can do is quickly develop entertaining mobile and computer games that are 2D or 2.5D (isometric).
And that's why you should choose Buildbox to develop such a game... speed. In fact, what you'll find through the course of this book is that the most time-consuming part of using Buildbox isn't actually Buildbox. It's creating the graphic and audio assets for your games using your favorite graphics and audio software.