While there are a lot of people that I could sincerely acknowledge as having played a part in my being able to ultimately write this book, many of them of course coming from the world wide CG community, I am going to keep things simple and say a huge and heartfelt thank you to anyone and everyone that has had a positive influence on my life.
At the top of that list would of course come my wife Karen and son Joel who have borne the brunt of many frustrating days and nights spent trying to get computer hardware and software to work in perfect harmony in the pursuit of art and creativity. Not only have they themselves been an inspiration as regards perseverance, but also in terms of creativity, providing a never ending flow of observations, suggestions, and where ever beneficial, even criticisms. To you, I say, "Drinks all round".
There is also one honorable mention that I would like to make with regards to our own inspiration in becoming trainers and educators in the CG world. Many years ago we stumbled across, what was at the time a brand new site, giving away high quality computer graphics training to anyone who would write and ask for it. The site was 3dbuzz.com and in the years that followed, the inspiration from that team, especially Jason Busby and Zak Parrish, is something for which I will always be grateful and remember fondly.
Thank you all for reading; this is Brian Bradley saying take care, and bye for now.