Getting Started with Beautiful Soup

About the Reviewers

John J. Czaplewski is a Madison, Wisconsin-based mapper and web developer who specializes in web-based mapping, GIS, and data manipulation and visualization. He attended the University of Wisconsin – Madison, where he received his BA in Political Science and a graduate certificate in GIS. He is currently a Programmer Analyst for the UW-Madison Department of Geoscience working on data visualization, database, and web application development. When not sitting behind a computer, he enjoys rock climbing, cycling, hiking, traveling, cartography, languages, and nearly anything technology related.

Christian S. Perone is an experienced Pythonista, open source collaborator, and the project leader of Pyevolve, a very popular evolutionary computation framework chosen to be part of OpenMDAO, which is an effort by the NASA Glenn Research Center. He has been a programmer for 12 years, using a variety of languages including C, C++, Java, and Python. He has contributed to many open source projects and loves web scraping, open data, web development, machine learning, and evolutionary computation. Currently, he lives in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Zhang Xiang is an engineer working for the Sina Corporation.