Why use sound in Prezi?
Apart from the reasons mentioned previously, your Prezi will really benefit from having sound if you decide to embed it into a website or share it on the Prezi explore page (http://prezi.com/explore/). There's more detail on this in Chapter 6, Prezis for Online Delivery, but making Prezi files that people can explore on their own is a huge benefit to people that might not have had the time to be at your live presentation. Adding sound into these online Prezis will help the users exploring them understand the content quicker and with more clarity.
You might decide to have audio recorded from your live session and have it played at certain points in your Prezi. Or you might just want to create some kind of mood for the user that fits with your Prezis message. For the latter, you can use a music track that loops continuously when your Prezi is viewed online.
A great example of sound being used to its full potential in Prezi can be seen on the Prezi Explore page at http://prezi.com/wwmfvms6dno-/the-maverick-presenter-prezihelpcom/.
Some other benefits that using sounds can bring are:
- Provides a bigger impact with auditory learners in your session
- Allows expert speakers to talk to your audience without even being there
- Gives people viewing the Prezi online a chance to feel like they were really there at your live event
- Online Prezis could offer translations into multiple languages to be selected and listened to at the user's discretion
- Generally makes a presentation more interesting, engaging, and memorable