Chapter 2. Say Hello to the qooxdoo World!
This chapter explains how to set up the environment for qooxdoo client application development, how to create a client application, and how to build and run the application. It also explains about the format of the data that is passed between client and server, the transport protocol, and the various servers supported by the qooxdoo framework.
In this chapter, you'll read about the following:
- Installing qooxdoo tools (Python/Cygwin)
- Installing qooxdoo SDK
- Creating a simple application
- Passing the data to the server using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- Communicating with the server using Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- RPC servers
- Integrating with the Java server
By the end of this chapter, the user will have the development environment for Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) based on qooxdoo. The user will also have an understanding of how the end-to-end communication takes place from client to server.
Now, let's step into the qooxdoo world to say hello.