[词语]to eat high off/on the hog
to live high off/on the bog
[趣释]【物事喻指】在英文中,hog和pig都是“猪”的意思,区别在于形象。hog是指供食用的阉过的公猪,它与pig相比,有大而肥的形象。小猪只能说a little pig,不能说a little hog.to eat like a pig意指吃食没规矩;to eat like a hog意指不但吃食没规矩,而且吃得非常多。英美人认为,肥猪(hog)身上最好的肉有loin(腰肉)、roast(适于烧烤的嫩肉)均在脊背的高处,因而用“吃猪身上高处的肉”(to eat high off/on the hog)喻指过阔绰舒适的日子、养尊处优;用“吃猪身上低处的肉”(to eat low off/on the hog)带有开玩笑的成分,喻指勒紧裤腰带、过拮据的日子。
[运用]The Jones family lived high off the hog after they struck oil. 琼斯一家发了横财之后,生活过得很阔绰。
Most Washington politicians live pretty high on the hog. 华盛顿大多数政客过着非常富裕的生活。
Mr. Harris wasn't really rich, but his family always ate high on the hog. 哈里斯先生并不是真有钱,可是他一家人过得非常阔气。
With the inflation rate so high, we are going to have to start eating lower on the hog. 由于通货膨胀率太高,我们不得不勒紧裤腰带,过简朴的生活。