
1.3 Groundwater Resources

In 2017,the quantity of groundwater resources (mineralization degree≤2g/L) in China was 830.96 billion m3,or 3.0%more than normal.In the annual quantity of groundwater resources,plain areas held 174.20 billion m3,mountainous and hilly areas 689.32 billion m3 and the overlap between them was 32.56 billion m3.

The total groundwater recharge in the areas of plain shallow groundwater was 181.97 billion m3.The calculation area of plain shallow groundwater in the Southern Four Regions occupies 9%of the national plain area with the total groundwater recharge in 2017 being 33.65 billion m3;and that of the Northern Six Regions occupies 91%of the national plain area with the total groundwater recharge in 2017 being 148.32 billion m3,in which the Songhua occupied 24.65 billion m3,the Liaohe 9.94 billion m3,the Haihe 15.58 billion m3,the Yellow 15.81 billion m3,the Huaihe 31.35 billion m3,and the Northwest Rivers 50.99 billion m3.